The ceremony of conferring the king is still in preparation, and the palace of Yanwang has not been repaired. In Yu Jin's opinion, these are trivial matters that are not worth mentioning, and of course it is not important to meet Jiang Si.

That day, Jiang Si's tears were like small awls, knocking a hole in his heart.

He really wanted to know why she was so sad, but she actually lived in Yongchang Uncle Mansion and didn't leave!

Thinking that there was a handsome boy with cold eyebrows in Uncle Yongchang's mansion, Prince Yu's heart sank.

He had already inquired clearly, this young son of Yongchang Bo Shi and Ah Si were childhood sweethearts. They had a relationship since childhood. Now that they are sensible, they can get along day and night.

That's right, in Yu Jin's opinion, Jiang Sixinyue can't think of any man other than him!

"Master, drink water." Long Dan handed over a kettle.

Yu Jin reached out and took it, took a sip of water, his expression suddenly stagnant, and the hand holding the kettle couldn't help but increase its strength.

Outside the gate of Uncle Yongchang's mansion, Xie Yinlou stopped and cupped Jiang Si's hands: "Jiang Simei, I have troubled you these days."

According to the rules, people who value filial piety are not allowed to enter other people's houses.

Jiang Si curtseyed in return: "Brother Xie, you don't have to be so polite, Qingyao and I are best friends."

Xie Yinlou's cold expression softened slightly: "Qingyao is lucky to have a friend like Jiang Simei."

Jiang Si felt ashamed, lowered her eyes to avoid Xie Yinlou's gaze, and said in a low voice, "No. Brother Xie, I'll go back to the mansion first, so I won't delay your work."

In just seven days, Xie Yinlou has lost a lot of weight, and wearing a white hemp filial piety draped loosely on his body makes him look more handsome and taller.

The death of both parents at the same time is undoubtedly extremely exhausting for those who can only support themselves, both mentally and physically.

Xie Yinlou fixedly looked at Jiang Si. He wanted to laugh, but he had no strength and was inappropriate, so he had to soften his voice: "Jiang Simei, walk slowly."

Jiang Si nodded slightly and left in a hurry.

Xie Yinlou stood for a moment, then turned back to the mansion.

Yu Jin was so angry that he flattened the kettle, threw the stopper, and poured water with his head up.

Long Dan looked in his eyes and shook his head secretly: Look at the master, it's not like drinking water, but vinegar.

The drops of water flowed down the corner of Yu Jin's mouth and sank into his neck. When the pot of water was finished, he threw the pot and strode toward Dongping Bofu.

Sure enough, I was afraid of what was coming, but Axi didn't dare to look at that kid Xie Yinlou just now.

"Master—" Long Dan raised his foot and chased after him.

Yu Jin paused and stared straight at Long Dan: "I ask you, what does it mean for a girl to be shy in front of a man?"

Long Dan blurted out: "Indicating that she dislikes him?"

Yu Jin's face turned completely black.

Long Dan blinked.

Seems like you got it right!

Seeing Yu Jin raised his foot and left, Long Dan hurriedly stopped him: "Master, where are you going?"

"Go to her and ask."

Long Dan slapped his forehead: "Master, this is not the southern border. There are so many people watching the fun now. You chase after people's gates and ask this question. I'm afraid it's not appropriate, right?"

Yu Jin closed his eyes and opened them again, trying his best to restrain the jealousy in his heart, and said coldly, "You are right."

It's not suitable during the day, so I'll say hello at night, anyway, Ah Si is going home.

What? Isn't it the gentleman's act to go to the boudoir at night?

Hehe, he is a Dengzi, but he is only happy to play hooligan to Axi alone.

Yu Jin has a temperament of not turning back when he recognizes a person. He made up his mind to leave Long Dan and go back.

Go home and recharge.

Because of the funeral of Uncle Yongchang, the whole street was lively, and the crowds were close to each other, which quickly separated the distance between Yu Jin and Long Dan.

Long Dan was behind and shouted: "Master, wait for the little one-"

In Yu Jin's mind, she was still replaying the scene of the girl shyly and drooping her eyes just now, no matter what the guard's shout, she walked faster and faster.

A man walked past Yu Jin.

The man's eyebrows and eyes are extremely ordinary, and his clothes are also ordinary. When placed in a sea of ​​people, he is like an inconspicuous drop of water.

He's the kind of person who doesn't remember what he looks like even if he just turned his head in the face.

Such a person walking past Yu Jin in the crowd naturally did not attract any attention.

When the two passed by, a cold light flashed from the man's sleeve, and the sharp dagger stabbed Yu Jin.

Although Yu Jin was absent-minded, but after years of fighting on the battlefield and his talent, he had developed an amazing intuition about danger. Grab the man's wrist.

The dagger that had been stabbing at his heart finally slid across his forearm.

The dagger slashed his hair like mud, the bamboo-blue silk clothes were torn open, and blood seeped out from his forearm.

A tingling feeling came.

Yu Jin's face changed suddenly.

The dagger is poisonous!

"Master!" Long Dan saw this abnormality across the crowd, and he couldn't care about anything else, he pushed the person in front of him and rushed over.

At this moment, Yu Jin and the man with the dagger had already clashed several times, and the speed was so fast that it didn't even attract the attention of the people around him.

Seeing Long Dan rushing towards him, the man immediately retreated, got into the crowd and ran away.

"Go chase!" Yu Jin decisively ordered Long Dan.

Although Long Dan was laughing and giggling on weekdays, he was quite indifferent in front of Yu Jin, but he did not dare to discount his master's orders at the critical moment, and immediately chased after him.

He didn't know that Yu Jin had been poisoned at this moment.

As Long Dan kept pushing people who were in the way and ran forward, people finally noticed the difference, and their lively nature prompted them to follow.

Yu Jin took the opportunity to come to the side of the road and glanced at the wound on his arm.

At that time, he reacted very quickly, and the wound was actually only shallow, but at this time the oozing blood had turned black.

Yu Jin reached out and touched the purse tied around his waist.

In the purse there is the detoxification pill he got in the south, which can detoxify hundreds of poisons.

Only when his hand touched the well-made purse, he stopped. He changed his mind instantly and stumbled slightly in one direction.

If Long Dan was still there, he would find that the direction Yu Jin was going was not Quezi Hutong, but the opposite direction.

Passing through a few alleys, Yu Jin leaned against a door and patted the door hard.

"Who?" A vigilant voice came from the door, and a young man could be heard from the voice.

"Me." Yu Jin replied simply.

There was silence in the door.

"Who are you?" After a while, the voice inside the door rang again.

At this time, there was a thud outside the door, as if a heavy object had hit the door.

The young man inside the door was startled.

Could it be that some wicked person came to smash the door?

He put his ear close to listening, but couldn't hear anything.

After thinking about it, the young man quietly opened the door to a gap, and shivered when he looked out.

There is a person falling outside the door!

The young man opened the door instantly.

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