The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 342 Winter Solstice

The ground dragon burning in the Cixin Hall was more prosperous than elsewhere. Jiang Ancheng took off his big clothes after entering the door, but he still felt hot.

"Why is the mother looking for her son?"

Madam Feng said angrily, "Of course there is something wrong, but you don't say hello to your cousin?"

Jiang Ancheng looked at Cousin Dou in amazement: "Cousin is here too."

How could he look at the people in the old lady's house, and at a glance he thought it was a new maid.

After being reminded by Mrs. Feng to recognize her new cousin, Jiang Ancheng suddenly thought of the incident that her daughter was molested yesterday, her face turned cold, and she took a step back.

Aunt Dou bowed to Jiang Ancheng: "Big cousin."

Jiang Ancheng nodded coldly.

Madam Feng felt depressed at first sight.

For so many years, the eldest son has been fascinated by the fox of the Su family. Even if the Su family has been dead for so many years and doesn't even look at other women, he is still not a normal man!

Although it is a bit embarrassing to question her son, Mrs. Feng must not think too much about it.

Glancing at her niece, Madam Feng sighed again.

He was born beautiful and dignified, how could he not be moved at all, even so cold!

At this time, Biao Aunt Dou said: "Aunt, you have something to say with the eldest cousin, then I will go back first."

Seeing Biaodou Dou go out, Mrs. Feng's lips moved, but she didn't hold back.

It's still early, it's not good to be too obvious, her niece is too honest...

Old Madam Feng was somewhat conflicted. On the one hand, she hated Su's kind of dazzling men, so she liked her dignified and beautiful niece. On the other hand, she was worried that her niece didn't know how to win over men.

After all, there is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world. To put it bluntly, it was her son who made her heart block.

After Biaogu Dou left, Mrs. Feng's face drooped down, and the frown at the corner of her eyes deepened.

"What's wrong with mother?"

"After this year, Zhan'er will be eighteen, and the fourth girl will be sixteen. You have no plans to be a father?"

Jiang Ancheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled indifferently and said, "Cang'er hasn't married yet, Zhan'er is not in a hurry."

For his only son, he doesn't have high requirements. He is overjoyed to be able to enter Jinwuwei now. In the future, as long as he is safe and secure, he will be content.

As for his son's marriage, he was still waiting for the silly boy to wake up and tell him what kind of girl he liked. As long as the girl has a decent character and comes from a clean family, he will ask a matchmaker to come to the house to propose a marriage.

People live for a lifetime, and there is no throne waiting to be inherited, so what to do with such a lot of pressure on yourself, you can spend a lifetime with people you like, and your life will be enjoyable.

Yes, life has a taste... Jiang Ancheng thought of this, and the corners of his eyes were a little sour.

His savoury days are gone.

"Why are their brothers the same?" Madam Feng blurted out.

Jiang Ancheng retracted his thoughts and asked, "Why is it different? Cang'er is the eldest brother, and Zhan'er doesn't need to get married first. Besides, it doesn't matter if a boy gets married a few years later, he will be calmer and more beautiful. "

Mrs. Feng took a sip from the teacup and squinted at Jiang Ancheng: "Cang'er will have to take the exam in three years' time, and she won't talk about marriage until she is a jinshi. Does Zhan'er have to wait until then?"

Jiang Ancheng pouted lightly: "I don't have to wait for three years, but don't worry, there is always time to watch it slowly. Marry a wife and marry a virtuous person, mother, do you think so?"

Mrs. Feng raised her eyebrows and said angrily, "What about the four girls? Do you really take her bet with me seriously?"

Jiang Ancheng's eyes flashed.

Must not be serious.

"The marriage of the eldest girl and the second girl is unsatisfactory. The third girl has her parents in charge. Should the fourth girl's marriage be left to her to make troubles?"

Jiang Ancheng was silent for a while.

"How can it be so simple to choose a marriage for a girl? You, a big man, always have things that you can't take care of, and I'm getting older, and I'm walking around less with those in Beijing, and I don't have a clue in my heart. Could it be that you Do you want to watch the fourth girl meet her big sister in such a bad way?"

Jiang Ancheng's complexion changed slightly.

"If you want me to say, there is a way now."

When it came to her daughter, Jiang Ancheng couldn't help but be more serious.

Madam Feng raised her hand and rubbed the corners of her eyes, and said earnestly, "You should marry the same family. When the time comes, there will be a mother who will worry about her daughter, so it won't save you much effort."

Jiang Ancheng was shocked.

What happened to the mother today, first the children's marriage, and then it's his turn?

Jiang Ancheng's face was cold, and he said directly: "No."


"There's no need to say it, mother. You persuaded him a few years ago, and your son said the same thing: I won't marry again in this life. I don't want to have someone else beside me and the Su family in the next hundred years."

"You bastard!" Madam Feng was very angry.

Jiang Ancheng frowned and looked at his mother: "Why should my mother be so angry? A son has sons and daughters, and not marrying a wife is not considered unfilial."

Madam Feng pointed to the door: "Get out of here!"

Jiang Ancheng got up: "The son has resigned, you must not have the same knowledge as your son. It's not worth it when you are angry."

Seeing Jiang Ancheng running away with cold eyes, Mrs. Feng was so angry that she couldn't calm down for a while.

This unfilial son!

Mrs. Feng silently persuaded herself that it would take a long time to come to Japan, but she was still angry, so she picked up the teacup and smashed it on the ground.

Feng's mother persuaded: "Old lady, don't worry, you must take your time."

Madam Feng wiped her hands with the veil and nodded slightly.

I really can't be in a hurry, let's wait, the four girls' bet has become a joke in the past year, and she will let her deal with it according to the agreement, and then she will be able to get hold of the eldest son.

With the eldest son's love for the fourth girl, she didn't believe that he wouldn't bow his head!

The mansion calmed down for a while, and it was the winter solstice in the blink of an eye.

The winter solstice is the big day of the year.

There are three major festivals in Dazhou, New Year's Day, Longevity Festival, and Winter Solstice. On these three days, the imperial court will hold a grand meeting, and the civil and military officials, princes and nobles will all attend in full costume.

On the day of the winter solstice, the emperor will lead the civil and military officials to the suburbs of the city to worship the sky, in order to pray for good weather and good weather in the coming year, the country is prosperous and the people are safe. The noon state banquet was held in the palace on the outskirts of the city, and the family banquet was held in the evening after returning to the palace.

Among the three major festivals in a year, Emperor Jingming’s favorite is the Winter Solstice. There is no other reason, the winter solstice can go out of the palace to let the wind.

Yes, you heard it right, what the king of a country looks forward to most is to go out of the palace once a year to let loose.

Except for the day of offering sacrifices to the heavens, the emperor has no door when he wants to leave the palace. As for private visits, hehe, he really can only have a sweet dream from the book.

When Emperor Jing Ming was young, he did not fight, and then he was impeached for half a year by the officials shutting the door and beating dogs. Since then, he has been honest.

No way, who asked him to be a wise ruler, or he would kill all those bastards and officials and throw them into the wine pool for pickling.

When Ming Jun, you always have to be angry.

Emperor Jingming was in a good mood during the routine sacrifice to the sky. He swept away all the officials waiting for the banquet in the hall, and quietly asked Pan Hai, "Which one is Uncle Dongping?"

Well, he's been curious about this unlucky bastard for a long time.

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