The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 471 The Murderer Has Experience

Zhen Shicheng glanced at the crowd slowly, the words were clear, like thunder falling in the ears of everyone: "The murderer is definitely still among these people in the hall."

The hall immediately became noisy.

"Who killed Prince An?"

"I can't think of it. I was clinking glasses with Anjun Wang for a drink just now. Why did it get dark for a while and no one was there?"

"Zhen Shicheng said that the murderer was in the hall. If he could kill someone in the dark, it would be most convenient for someone close to Anjun Wang?"

"What do you mean by that? Could it be that the king of Anjun was killed by this king?" The angry voice was that of King Kang, who had just been frightened and panicked.

"Oh, my lord, don't worry about it, isn't this inferred from common sense..."

"That can't be inferred to this king!"


"Enough, shut up!" Emperor Jing Ming roared angrily.

After finally looking forward to the winter solstice, he still thought about going out of the palace to let go of the bad luck of the past year. Who would have thought it would be dead again!

dead again...

Thinking of this, Emperor Jing Ming was a little desperate.

He could already imagine that in the future, if he wanted to find other opportunities to go out, those censors would have more to say.

"Zhen Aiqing, go on."

Zhen Shicheng bowed his hands to Emperor Jingming: "First of all, ask the emperor to send someone to secure the entrance of the hall, and don't let anyone out."

Emperor Jing Ming nodded and immediately gave Pan Hai a wink.

Pan Hai understood, stepped aside and started arranging the corresponding matters. Soon several guards were guarding the doors leading to the apse and outside the main hall.

Zhen Shicheng walked around the corpse of King Anjun, and finally stopped.

Everyone stared at his every move, shocked by Emperor Jing Ming's roar just now, and no one dared to make a sound.

For a while, needles could be heard falling in the hall, and there was an eerie silence.

Zhen Shicheng cleared his throat and asked, "Did anyone get bumped or noticed someone walking by during the dark time in the hall?"

After a moment of silence, someone said, "I don't know who stepped on me just now."

The person next to him said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I stepped on it."

Zhen Shicheng glanced at the two who were talking, and silently retracted his gaze.

The one who was trampled was the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and the one who was trampled was the minister of the Ministry of Rites. Both of them were old men with half of their bodies buried in the ground. If they could go around several tables in the dark and kill the King of Anjun with a knife, it would be a bit more difficult. Son.

Another humane said: "I was toasting at that time, and suddenly it was black and I was hit by someone, and the wine was sprinkled all over me."

One person hurriedly said: "Master Zhang, I didn't mean to bump into you. It suddenly became dark in the hall, and I was a little panicked. I wanted to return to my seat and do it well, but I didn't know who bumped into it and drenched half of my sleeves with wine."

He raised his sleeves as he said, "Everyone hear that, you are still smelling of alcohol now."

The person beside him sniffed, and sure enough he smelled a strong odor of alcohol.

Several people mentioned small bumps, but there was no abnormality when asked carefully.

The eyes of everyone looking at Zhen Shicheng became subtle.

It's so hard to do, I didn't ask anything. Zhen Shicheng is afraid that this time he will betray the emperor's trust.

Many people are not used to Zhen Shicheng, who was born in a poor family and has no foundation.

To be more precise, it is precisely because Emperor Jing Ming favors Zhen Shicheng, but Zhen Shicheng does not give face to anyone, and some people are more and more disliked. To put it bluntly, it is actually envy, jealousy and hatred.

Jiang Ancheng, who was sitting in the corner, was quite worried about Zhen Shicheng's situation.

Brother Zhen seems to be in trouble.

At the same time of worry, he is also a little fortunate: he was a little regretful that his daughter and son-in-law did not come, but now it seems that it is too good not to come.

When I was drinking with Brother Zhen that time, Brother Zhen accidentally said something that seemed to be related to the murder case. He almost rolled up his sleeves and beat Brother Zhen.

Hmph, this time, Brother Zhen has nothing to say.

Zhen Shicheng still looked calm, and when the hall was quiet again, he said loudly: "Just now, the hall suddenly couldn't see anything, and no one noticed the murderer, but there are a few things for sure."

The crowd listened to him with bated breath.

"First of all, King Kang, who is closest to King An, is not the murderer.


As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately whispered.

King Kang was so moved that he almost cried, and he almost rushed over to hug Zhen Shicheng.

"Master Zhen, you are really discerning. If anyone dares to question your ability to solve cases in the future, this king will be the first to scold him!"

The crowd silently looked up to the sky.

The reason for King Kang's decision to judge Zhen Shicheng's scrutiny of Qiuhao is really...

Emperor Jing Ming couldn't help but ask: "Zhen Aiqing, how do you decide that the murderer is not the King Kang?"

Zhen Shicheng said to King Kangjun, "Please turn around, my lord."

Although King Kang was at a loss, Zhen Shicheng said that he was either a murderer or a good person, so he naturally cooperated very well.

Emperor Jing Ming stared at King Kang's back, waiting for Zhen Shicheng to explain.

"Look, Your Majesty, there are some bloodstains behind the prince's back, most of them dripping down like needles, which means that King Anjun turned his back to him when blood spurted instantly when he was stabbed." Zhen Shi said quickly Slowly, not hurriedly, he explained, "Your Highness turned his back on Prince An at that time, so how could he kill him?"

Someone whispered: "Could it be that the blood spurted out after turning around?"

King Kang glanced at the man, and secretly recorded his name on the small black account.

Zhen Shicheng categorically denied: "No, the murderer uses a dagger to stab An Jun Wang's heart and immediately draws the knife, and blood will be sprayed out the moment he draws the knife. At that time, the murderer should stand by An Jun Wang's side, and the blood sprayed out. Only part of it will splash on the back of King Kang."

Zhen Shicheng used a handkerchief to pick up the dagger that had fallen beside An Jun Wang's body.

Everyone shuddered when they looked at the reddish tip of the dagger.

Although it was winter, the hall was as warm as spring. They had already taken off their big clothes. At this moment, their clothes were so thin that they suddenly felt cold.

"Why did the murderer draw the knife? If he didn't draw the knife, wouldn't the blood spurt out?" the curious minister asked inexplicably.

Zhen Shicheng smiled coldly: "That's exactly what I'm going to say next."

Everyone immediately put aside many guesses and waited for Zhen Shicheng to speak.

"Even if the murderer stands on one side and avoids a lot of blood splatter, there is still a chance that blood will be splattered on his body, so why did he choose to draw the knife immediately?"

Following Zhen Shicheng's question, some generals already understood.

Someone murmured: "In order to prevent Anjun Wang from having a chance to struggle..."

Zhen Shicheng immediately answered: "Yes, it is precisely to reduce the struggle of King An. If people don't draw the knife immediately, they will not die instantly, and they will often struggle violently, which will not only alarm others, but also the deceased. It is possible to scratch the murderer. The murderer does not want to see this happen, so he has to draw the knife immediately regardless of the blood splatter. In addition, the scene is chaotic after darkness, and the process of killing can be done without anyone noticing."

Zhen Shicheng said, and slowly swept over the crowd: "From this, we can infer one thing: the murderer has experience in killing people."

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