The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Five hundred and tenth chapter fortunately not humiliated

"Don't be impulsive, Your Highness..."

Princess Fourteen looked at the Duo Mammy with bright eyes, and curved her lips: "Don't worry, Mammy, I won't be impulsive."

"His Royal Highness, you are really disturbing the slaves and servants. Are you going to be detrimental to the Empress tomorrow?"

The Fourteenth Princess stared at her hand, and said coldly, "She killed my mother-in-law, shouldn't I take revenge?"

"His Royal Highness, the Empress will definitely be hugging her when she travels. Even if she comes to visit you, there will be a lot of people around you. You are sick, so you have to rely on brute force? Failed. At that time, how can you be worthy of the beauty of a mother's heart?"

The Fourteenth Princess covered her face and cried: "Besides this sickly crooked body, what else can I do?"

The girl's sobbing echoed in the house, and as the curtain swayed gently, it was sent farther and farther.

"Has Your Highness thought about using poison?"

The fourteenth princess stopped crying and looked at Duo Ma.

Madam Duo is middle-aged and looks kind and kind, but her words are inexplicably cold.

"Using poison?" Princess Fourteen looked blank, "I have a set of rules for what I use every day, so where can I get poison?"

Mammy Duo took out something from her sleeve and handed it over.

It was a very small jade box with an ordinary appearance.

Princess Fourteen looked at her puzzled.

"There is a poisonous insect in it. As long as you find a chance to let it enter the human body, it will not take long for the person to slowly show symptoms of heart failure, and eventually die from heart failure. Even the imperial doctor can't see the clue. In this way, Your Highness can not only seek justice for the mother and concubine, but also retreat completely, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

The fourteenth princess stared at the small jade box and murmured, "Why did you help me like this?"

Sister Duo's eyes flickered: "This slave has a righteous daughter, who used to work in Kunning Palace, but just because she complained a few words in private and passed it on to the Queen's ears, she was quietly dealt with by the Queen. The slave is just like His Highness, why don't you want to help the poor man? The righteous girl seeks justice."

Princess Fourteen's slender and fair fingers landed on the jade box, her eyes couldn't hide her surprise and fear: "How do you use this poisonous insect?"

"It's very simple, it's enough to find a small wound on the target's hand..." Duo Ma's voice was bewitching.

The Fourteenth Princess finally took hold of the small jade box and said softly, "Is this all right?"

The sound of footsteps sounded, the heavy curtains were opened, and Emperor Jing Ming and the Empress appeared in front of Duo Ma.

Duo Ma was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Princess Fourteen.

The fourteenth princess clenched the jade box and walked towards the queen.


The queen patted Princess Fourteen's arm lightly and pulled her behind her: "Fourteen did a great job."

The fourteenth princess showed a relieved smile, leaned against the palace maid and breathed slightly in prostration, and said word by word, "Fortunately, my son is not humiliated."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Mammy Duo, who still hadn't recovered, and she burst into tears.

She knew that her mother-in-law was guilty.

That day, the father and mother came to her, and the mother and concubine were gone. She wanted to ask the mother and concubine the real cause of death countless times, but all she received was a look of disgust.

Finally, on this day, the queen mother sent someone in the name of reprimanding her to tell the truth about the death of her mother and concubine, and then she knew what was going on.

Her mother-in-law turned out to be the one who caused the blindness of the thirteenth sister, and the murderer of the fifteenth sister.

Such an unbearable truth, even though she didn't want to believe it, she knew it was true.

A long time ago, she had inadvertently heard her mother-in-law complain.

At that time, she was sick and fell asleep in her mother's arms. The mother hugged her tightly and whispered, "It's all because Princess Fuqing stole my son's fortune, it would be great if Princess Fuqing died... "

The mother-in-law's bitter tears fell on her face, but she didn't even dare to flutter her eyelashes when she woke up.

Such words were too terrifying, she couldn't imagine how the mother-in-law would react when she heard it. Just pretend that you didn't hear it, the mother-in-law just felt sorry for her to say angry words.

But such remarks took root in Princess Fourteen's heart,

When the truth unfolded in front of her, she had no reason to question it.

The Fourteenth Princess had both resentment and hatred. She resented her mother and concubine for being confused. She actually believed that nonsense to harm people and eventually lost her life. She even hated the person who provoked her mother.

This person is the culprit who caused everything, and finding out this person really avenged the mother and concubine.

The fourteenth princess held the jade box, her hands trembling all the time.

She had absolutely no idea how the scene just now came to pass, she just felt that all her strength was exhausted.

She did it, really did it...

The fourteenth princess was dizzy, and the jade box fell off from her hand.

A palace maid quickly caught the jade box: "His Royal Highness—"

The queen immediately said: "Help the princess to go to the isolation room."

Princess Fourteen's eyes were full of prayers: "Empress mother, my son would like to hear it."

The queen looked at Emperor Jing Ming hesitantly.

Emperor Jing Ming nodded slightly: "Then listen."

As Lao Qi said, 14 is not too young, you can't hide everything from her blindly, and eventually be used by people with intentions to do irreparable things.

Thinking of Duo Ma's little bit of provoking Fourteen's hatred for the Queen, Emperor Jing Ming was terrified for a while.

If the truth of Chen Meiren's death had not been revealed to Shi Shihe in advance, this daughter might have followed in the footsteps of Chen Meiren and Concubine Yang, and was used as a swordsman.

But now he felt relieved.

He didn't even expect Fourteen to behave so well, and quietly led the other party to reveal the fox's tail.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jing Ming's evaluation of Yu Jin was much higher.

Empress Mother - Empress Empress - Empress, the changes in these three titles were mentioned by Yu Jin.

This kid is really smart.

"Mammy Duo, you are a Wumiao person, and you mixed into the palace to make waves fifteen years ago. What are you trying to do?" Emperor Jing Ming retracted his thoughts and stared closely at Mamma Duo.

Mother Dowager was silent.

"You instigated people to harm the princess, the prince, and even the queen, what exactly are you doing?"

"The slaves don't know what the emperor is talking about."

Emperor Jing Ming was furious: "Just now you instigated the Fourteenth Princess to use poisonous insects to harm the Queen. I heard it clearly, do you still want to deny it?"

"The queen disposes of the slave's righteous daughter, and the slave wants to seek justice for the righteous daughter. As for the emperor's words to harm the princess and the prince, the slave has no idea what it means."

Looking at the calm and calm Duo Ma, Emperor Jing Ming was furious and sneered: "If you know that your companions in the capital have been submissive, do you still pretend to be confused?"

Duo Ma's calm face finally changed a little: "What does the emperor mean?"

Emperor Jing Ming sneered: "That pair of grandparents have already been slashed with thousands of pieces. Duo Ma, if you honestly explain the purpose of doing this, I can reward you with a whole corpse. If not, they are your role models!"

This time, the mother-in-law changed and laughed: "The emperor wants to slash the slaves with thousands of swords? Hehe, I don't know if the emperor asked the queen mother?"

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