The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and twelve methods

The Yuhe Garden in the Yanwang Mansion was still brightly lit.

Er Niu got a snack, and lay lazily in the nest at the base of the wall with a round belly. From time to time, he straightened his neck and looked at the swaying figure on the window screen, and swayed his tail in boredom.

Inside, Jiang Shi was wearing a snow-white tunic and was playing a game with Yu Jin.

Yu Jin put down a chess piece at will, and said, "The pair of Wumiao ancestors and grandchildren were taken away by Jinlinwei."

Jiang Si held the chess piece and said, "That old woman is an elder of the Wumiao generation. With her methods, Jinlinwei's prison may not be able to hold her."

Wumiao has a small population, so why can they dominate among a large group of ethnic groups, and still stand still between the two great powers of Dazhou and Nanlan? Relying on the very few Wumiao women's different skills.

In Wumiao, it can be said that the able is the king.

A certain family has a candidate saint and immediately becomes a respected family. If the candidate saint eventually becomes an elder, then this family will become a new noble no matter what it was originally.

Compared with personal ability, class itself is less important, even if the descendants of elders are mediocre and incompetent, they will not be looked down upon.

As one of the few elders of the first generation, Elder Hua's abilities need not be overstated.

Yu Jin stared at the chessboard and sighed softly, "Yes, it can't be locked."

Jiang Si looked at him: "Ajin, you seem to know a lot about the Wumiao people."

"It's just a coincidence." Yu Jin seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes darkened.

Jiang Si was waiting to ask again, but Ah Qiao reported: "Prince, princess, someone has come from the palace."

The two looked at each other.

Anyone coming at this time?

That's a very urgent matter.

Yu Jin got up: "Asi, you rest, I'll go ahead and see what's going on."

Ah Qiao hurriedly said: "My lord, the father-in-law from the palace said that he wants to see the princess."

Yu Jin was stunned for a while, and quickly ordered: "Then invite someone to the flower hall in Yuhe Garden."

The weather was cold and the night was dark, so he was naturally unhappy with Jiang Si running forward.

The two of them didn't wait long when they saw Pan Hai, the servant who came in a hurry, in the flower hall.

Yu Jin's heart sank slightly.

It turned out that Pan Hai came over in person, and it seemed that the matter was more serious than he thought.

Knowing that the time was urgent, Pan Hai said straight to the point: "Your Highness, Princess, there is an accident in the palace, and the Princess needs to come into the palace."

Yu Jin frowned and said, "Eunuch Pan, let's talk about what happened first."

Pan Hai hurriedly talked about the ins and outs: "I didn't expect that the queen would threaten the emperor. The emperor had no choice but to ask the princess to enter the palace for a try."

"It's dark and the road is slippery, and the princess is still pregnant. I know that the emperor is in a hurry, but I'm also very worried about letting the princess enter the palace alone... Eunuch Pan, can I enter the palace with the princess?"

Pan Hai didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "My lord, this is impossible. You can't enter the palace at this time no matter what. Even if the emperor nods, the goalkeeper will not let it go."

When an adult prince entered the palace in the middle of the night, King Yan dared to make such a request.

"My lord, I'll follow Eunuch Pan into the palace, you don't have to worry about me." Jiang Si smiled at Yu Jin and gave him a wink.

Yu Jin was reluctant in every possible way, but he had no choice but to nod on his face: "Please, Eunuch Pan, take care of the princess for me."

"Don't worry, the lord, the slaves will definitely bring the princess back to you."

Jiang Si quietly got on the sedan car parked at the second gate, and the person carrying the sedan car flew in the night, and it took a long time to slow down.

Jiang Shi lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and looked out.

The imperial city at night is like a sleeping beast, and the thick walls are dotted with sparks.

That's for lighting the patrolling guards.

The sedan chair did not stop when it reached the palace gate. Pan Haihai whispered something to the gatekeeper before carrying it directly in.

Jiang Shi lowered a corner of the sedan curtain, and her face hidden in the darkness was hazy, thinking about everything she was about to face.

"Princess, here we are."

Jiang Xiyu helped the maid get off the sedan chair, looked around, but didn't recognize the palace for a while.

Pan Hai walked in front of the side, walking slowly, leading Jiang Si to a hall.

Jiang Si saw the empress sitting side by side at a glance.

There was a small coffee table between the two, and two tea cups were steaming hot on the coffee table.

"Daughter-in-law has seen father and mother."

The queen actually got up and directly lifted Jiang Si up: "Princess doesn't need to be polite, it's Ben Gong's who called you at this time."

Jiang Si has always adhered to the principle of respecting me for one foot and one foot for others. Seeing the Queen's politeness, she said softly: "Mother, don't say that, it's a daughter-in-law's blessing to be able to share the worries for the father and the mother."

Emperor Jing Ming felt quite comfortable after hearing Jiang Si's words. He didn't bother to speak politely, and asked straight to the point, "Old Seventh Wife, do you know how to get rid of the mother-son connection?"

Jiang Si pursed his lips.

I have to say that the empress has a strong ability to accept, just because she cured Princess Fuqing's eyes, the empress dowager thought of her when she was hit by the mother-child linking heart.

"It's impossible to get rid of the mother-son linking heart Gu." Jiang Si's words made the empress suddenly look disappointed.

Emperor Jing Ming was not reconciled and asked, "Can't it be lifted?"

Jiang Si explained: "Mother and son are connected, if there is an external force that intends to kill the child insect, the mother insect will soon sense it, and the poisoned master will naturally know. At that moment, it is enough to do too many things. The empress dowager is in excruciating pain, and even hurts her life."

The more Emperor Jing Ming heard, the more ugly his face became: "Is there nothing you can do about her?"

No wonder the late emperor's secret decree warned him not to conflict with the Wumiao people as much as possible.

Jiang Si was silent for a long time and said, "There is a way."

"Say it!"

"Use a special method to transfer the daughter worm to another person before the mother worm is aware of it." Jiang Si said slowly.

Emperor Jing Ming and the Empress were shocked, and their expressions were very complicated.

After a long time, Emperor Jing Ming said with difficulty: "Is there any requirements for that person...?"

As an emperor, no matter how generous, the life of the queen mother is different from that of ordinary people in his heart.

Jiang Si bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, seemed to make up her mind, and said, "Daughter-in-law can be this person."

"No!" Emperor Jing Ming objected and blurted out.

The queen followed: "Princess, you are the wife of King Yan, and you are also pregnant with Long Sun, how can you take such a risk? Now is not the time to be soft-hearted, if you make a request, the emperor and I will find someone, even if we take the risk. Sin, then this palace will bear it."

Jiang Xi smiled helplessly: "My daughter-in-law doesn't want to take risks, it's just that others don't know how to transfer. If you can't complete the transfer as soon as possible, you won't be able to hide it from the mother bug..."

This kind of danger is nothing to her, but how can it increase the emperor's gratitude if it is not difficult to show it.

This is a great opportunity to achieve small goals.

Emperor Jing Ming understood, and shook his head again and again: "This can't be done, saving the queen mother, but harming you and the child, the queen mother will be uneasy if she knows it..."

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