Emperor Jing Ming also had a headache.

Although he is the emperor, he has to take care of the old mother's mood.

In the Cining Palace, the Queen Mother had woken up.

People are not as old as young people. The queen mother passed the imperial doctor last night because of a pain in her hand. After that, although she took the soothing decoction and fell asleep, she still looked a little lackluster.

The arrival of Emperor Jing Ming made the Empress Dowager feel a little unusual: "Aijia remembers that the emperor should be in court at this time, why did you come here?"

Emperor Jing Ming sat down beside the Queen Mother, glanced at the Queen Mother's face, and asked, "How did the Queen Mother sleep last night?"

"I slept well." The empress dowager couldn't stretch her brows, and she accelerated the speed of turning the beads in her hand.

Emperor Jing Ming was silent for a while and said, "My son punished Rong Yang today."

The queen mother stopped turning the hand of the bead and asked in a calm tone, "What happened to Rongyang?"

The emperor used the word "punishment", which shows that Rongyang made a lot of mistakes.

The queen mother understands very well that the emperor is a rare and generous emperor, and she will punish Rongyang because Rongyang has gone too far.

"The duo mama beside the mother is from Wumiao—"

The queen mother's eyes narrowed, and suddenly thought of one thing: Speaking of which, since she woke up until now, it seems that she has never seen Duo Mama.

Duo mama is a servant who can enter the queen mother's house, but it is not a half step away from the queen mother. Mother Duo was ordered to visit Princess Fourteen last night, but she didn't return overnight. People around the Queen Mother knew about it, but they hadn't reported it to the Queen Mother.

No one wants the master to go to block the master as soon as he wakes up.

Emperor Jing Ming thought about some things that he couldn't hide from the Queen Mother, and said frankly: "Actually, my son has secretly sent someone to investigate since Chen Meiren poisoned the fifteenth, because a little beauty can't get heartbroken grass, there must be someone behind her... ...As soon as I went back and forth, I found the head of Duo Mammy. Just last night, Duo Mama went to visit the fourteenth, and the fox's tail was exposed..."

The queen mother listened quietly and asked, "What does this have to do with Rongyang?"

Speaking of this, the only thing she frowned, seemed to think of something: "Aijia remembered that it was Rongyang who introduced Duo Momo to the palace. Did the emperor blame Rongyang for this?"

Emperor Jing Ming smiled wryly: "If he just recommends Madam Duo to enter the palace, the son will scold Rong Yang at most, how can he punish her. Rong Yang got poisonous insects from Madam Duo and used it to kill Princess Yan's mother, and even more so. I've been keeping poisonous insects quietly until now. It's not that I didn't give her a chance, but she refused to admit it..."

"How does the emperor punish Rongyang?"

Emperor Jing Ming paused.

He said so much to give the queen mother a psychological preparation, so that Rongyang would not have a mother-son relationship because of Rongyang.

"My son demoted Rongyang to a commoner."

The queen mother changed slightly.

Emperor Jing Ming raised his heart.

The queen mother had no children all her life, so he adopted him and Rong Yang, and treated Rong Yang like her own daughter. He was worried that the queen mother would not be able to accept this fact.

The queen mother sighed: "Rongyang made such a big mistake, and he should be punished. The emperor did the right thing."

Emperor Jing Ming breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that the queen mother doesn't blame me."

The Empress Dowager glanced at Emperor Jing Ming: "Ai's family is not old and confused, how can I blame you? It's just that the emperor can find out that Rongyang killed Princess Yan's mother. I don't know what role Princess Yan played in this?"

Emperor Jing Ming said, "This time, it is indeed thanks to Princess Yan that she was able to find out the troublemaker and find out the truth of Su Shi's death."

The empress dowager clenched the bead bracelet and said lightly: "Princess Yan is indeed capable, and it was her credit for curing Fuqing in the first place. Your Majesty, don't forget it."

Emperor Jing Ming smiled and nodded: "My son remembers it all."

"The emperor delayed the court because of Rongyang's affairs. It's not good. It can't be like this in the future."

"My son knows."

The Empress Dowager moved her eyelids: "Aijia is tired, the emperor will go to work."

Emperor Jing Ming stood up: "Mother, then you can rest well."

When Emperor Jing Ming left, the queen mother threw the bracelet of beads to the ground.

The round sandalwood beads hit the floor,

With a crisp sound, the beads scattered on the ground.

In the Cining Palace, everyone was silent.

After a while, the person who was ordered by the queen mother to serve withdrew and asked the confidant, "Mother Duo went to visit the fourteenth princess, didn't she come back?"


The Queen Mother pursed her lips and asked again, "Did anything unusual happen last night?"

The confidant hesitated for a moment.

"Are you still hiding from Aijia?"

The confidant hurriedly said: "Reporting to the empress dowager, it was the emperor who told you not to mention it to you..."

The queen mother sneered: "Do you all think that Ai's family is dead? Do you have to wait for the emperor to suddenly come over and tell Ai's family?"

The confidant lowered her head and said, "Last night, your hand hurt was passed on to the imperial doctor, and it was passed on to the emperor's ears. The emperor and the queen came together after you rested..."

The queen mother raised her eyebrows: "The emperor and the queen came together?"


The queen mother frowned, her face changed, and finally sighed: "Aijia is old."

It turned out that the so-called dispute between the emperor and the queen was a play for her to see.

"Let's help Ai's family out for a walk, Ai's family wants to breathe a sigh of relief."

In front of Princess Rongyang's door, several servants stopped and reminded: "You should pack up and move out as soon as possible. The emperor has only given one day. By this time tomorrow, the princess' mansion should be sealed..."

Princess Rongyang glared at the talking servant and said angrily, "Get out!"

Seeing that Princess Rongyang walked into the gate of the Princess Mansion in a state of despair, the inner servant spat on the ground: "Bah, I thought I was still the eldest princess, what the hell!"

King Yan did a good job, and he decided to support King Yan more in the future.

Princess Rongyang moved forward all the way, walking on a familiar road.

The people in the princess' mansion had already received the news at this time, all of them were pale, and they didn't have the courage to surround them.

"Huizhen!" Princess Rongyang shouted.

A middle-aged woman hurried out.

Princess Rongyang slapped one ear in the ear and asked sharply, "Are you dead? How did the Gu worm find the servant?"

The middle-aged woman knelt down and sobbed at Princess Rongyang's feet: "I don't know what happened to this servant. You left on your forefoot, and immediately came a team of servants who were ordered to search the princess' mansion. One of the servants seemed to be open. He went straight to the servant's house with the eyes of the sky, and directly turned the Gu worm out..."

"Impossible, where is the person who can open the eyes of the sky!" Princess Rongyang said with a white face.

Back at the familiar home, she gradually calmed down, but she felt more and more desperate.

The imperial decree has been issued, and she can't ask the queen mother to intercede, and she may have no hope of turning over...

"His Royal Highness, let's pack up early, otherwise everything in the mansion will be seized."

Emperor Jing Ming still left a way for Princess Rongyang to live, at least taking away the things in the mansion, which is enough for her to not worry about money all her life.

The people in the princess' mansion started to pack their things in a hurry, and when the sun turned to the west, the servants hurriedly came to report: "The general is here."

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