The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 523: King Lu who doubts his life

The end of the year is approaching, the yamen has been sealed, and Emperor Jing Ming is slightly relieved.

At least I can get some cleanliness from now on, and I'll leave any troubles for later in the year.

Unexpectedly, this thought flashed, and the moth came again: King Lu beat King Jing!

Looking at King Lu, who was kneeling in front of him, and King Jing, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, Emperor Jing Ming's face was darker than the bottom of the pot.

"Fifth, have you eaten too much, and went to Jingyuan to beat your second brother?"

King Lu scratched his neck and defended: "The son was originally to visit the second brother, and the second brother left me to drink, who would have known that his mouth was not clean, the son drank too much, and he couldn't help but be with him. He got into a fight—"

"Shut up!" Emperor Jing Ming shouted angrily, startling King Lu.

King Lu murmured in his heart: The father looks a bit scary, why is he only angry at him? It wasn't like that when the seventh child beat the second child.

Speaking of which, he did deliberately go to Jingyuan to find the waste prince to drink, just to find a pretext to beat the waste prince and realize his long-cherished wish.

Glancing at the pig-headed waste prince, King Lu felt refreshed.

After all the beatings, it is still very cost-effective to go to the Zongren Mansion for two days at most to be reprimanded like the old seventh.

No, maybe it won't be so serious. When the seventh child beat the second child, the second child was still the crown prince. That's called the following crime. He is beating the abolished crown prince now. Maybe the father emperor will punish the second child to squat with him in the ancestral mansion. .

Hehehe, if that's the case, he'll make money.

"A fight?" Emperor Jing Ming raised his voice and pointed at the abolished prince, "This is a fight between two people? This is obviously a one-sided beating!"

Little Wang Bagaozi really thought he was so confused, beat his second child so much that his mother almost couldn't recognize him, and even defended in front of him.

He hates excuses the most!

At that time, if Rongyang did not defend himself, but honestly admitted his mistake, he would not have been punished so severely, and Rongyang might not have died in the hands of Cui Xu...

For the death of Princess Rongyang, Emperor Jing Ming inevitably felt a little guilty. And King Lu just caused trouble at this time, which can be said to have touched the bad head.

King Lu still didn't feel the danger approaching, and explained: "My son is very strong, I didn't expect the second brother to be so weak and unable to control the strength for a while..."

"Beast, shut up!" Emperor Jing Ming roared and looked at the abolished prince, "Second brother, what do you have to say to me?"

The miserable abandoned prince lowered his eyes and whispered: "My son is wrong, please forgive me."

His heart was full of anger and resentment.

When he was still the prince, except for the thorny head of Lao Qi, the other brothers treated him respectfully at least. Now that he has become King Jing, even the idiot, the fifth one, dares to beat him.

Father-in-law is right, all he has to do now is forbearance.

As long as the prince does not stand for a day, he still has a chance to turn over. Patience for a while, and strive to make the father change his mind, and he can continue to be the prince.

It would be terrifying to let him stay in that quiet and quiet garden all his life as King Jing.

The waste prince honestly admitted his mistake, and Emperor Jing Ming really felt distressed.

He was angry that the second child did such a rebellious thing, but it didn't mean that anyone could step on the deposed prince.

After all, the second child is the only child between him and the Empress Yuan.

Emperor Jing Ming looked at King Lu, his eyes were slightly cold: "In this troubled autumn, you not only don't want to share your father's worries, but also beat up your brother, which is really disappointing!"


Emperor Jing Ming raised his hand and said, "I don't want to hear your explanation. Pan Hai, according to my will, King Lu disrespected his elder brother, fearing that his brother would be in trouble. Now he has been demoted from a prince to a county king. I hope other princes can take the lead... "

The poor and kneeling waste prince couldn't help but be stunned.

The old fifth beat him, but the emperor actually downgraded the old fifth's title?

After being stunned, there is ecstasy.

The father is so distressed by him, he must still have a chance! The father-in-law really didn't coax him...

The abolished prince firmly remembered Father Yang's words, and he forbeared that he did not dare to show the slightest joy.

More shocked than the abolished prince was King Lu.

Downgrade? Wait, that's not the right result.

The old seventh beat the prince and only squatted in the sect's mansion for a few days, without hurting his bones at all, and he beat King Jing to be demoted?

"Father, Royal Father, did you make a mistake—"

Emperor Jing Ming raised his leg and kicked King Lu: "Get the wrong fart, get out of here!"

King Lu was kicked out, and only the abolished prince was left to kneel.

"Get up." Emperor Jing Ming glanced at the waste prince, angry and distressed.

He did have high hopes for this son, and had feelings that other princes could not replace.

He had watched him as a toddler, he had fallen and picked him up, and he had personally taught him to write and corrected his pen posture...all of which no other prince had ever done.

Emperor Jing Ming's anger quietly dissipated a lot when he saw the miserable state of the abolished prince, and asked, "Are your daughter-in-law and brother Chun still getting used to it in Jingyuan?"

Asking the waste prince directly if he is doing well, he still can't save his face.

"Jingyuan is big, Brother Chun and his two younger sisters often build snowmen, it's very happy..." The waste prince remembered Father Yang's advice, and once he had the opportunity to see the emperor, he must not complain.

There seemed to be a scene of several grandchildren building snowmen in front of him, and there was a smile on the corner of Emperor Jing Ming's mouth: "Just adapt."

He fixedly glanced at the waste prince and said, "Your status is not as good as before, and you have to live in harmony with your brothers."

"The son obeys the father's teaching."

"Remember to bring Brother Chun during the family banquet."

The waste prince suddenly raised his head and looked at Emperor Jing Ming.

His father allowed him to attend the Zhengdan family banquet?


The abolished prince kowtowed with tears streaming down his face: "Thank you, Father, I thought Father Father didn't want to see me again..."

Emperor Jing Ming shook the corner of his mouth.

At that time, it was true that I wanted to strangle this bastard to death, and now it is also true that I feel a little pitiful looking at the pitiful appearance of this bastard being trampled on.

It's okay to say he's not promising or eccentric, he really can't be hard-hearted towards the second child.

It is impossible to restore the position of the second prince, but he cannot make people feel that the second child can be trampled on when he loses power. The punishment for the fifth and the Zhengdan family banquet is the attitude towards those people releasing him.

"Don't talk nonsense, go back." Emperor Jing Ming sent away the waste prince with a stern face.

King Lu almost went back crying. When he arrived at the gate of the palace, he turned around and knocked on the gate of Prince Yan's mansion.

"Fifth brother, what's the matter?"

King Lu wiped his face, gritted his teeth and said, "Lao Qi, tell me the truth today."


"When the second child was still the prince, did you really beat him?"

Could it be bait to lure him?

Yu Jin smiled: "How can this be fake? I beat him at the gate of the palace, and many guards saw it at that time. What is the fifth brother asking about this?"

When King Lu heard this, he lost his mind and murmured, "I understand, I may have picked it up..."

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