The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and thirty first widow with disease

Outside the pavilion, trees with lost leaves were lined up to the end of the road, as if awe-inspiring soldiers were standing guard.

In February in Beijing, the sky is still cold.

Jiang Si wanted to go back to Dongping Uncle's Mansion to accompany his father and eldest sister to have a light meal, but was stopped by Jiang Ancheng: "It's better to go back to the Prince's Mansion to rest earlier, you are pregnant, don't run around."

He heard that Princess Qi had a miscarriage because she participated in the Zhengdan family banquet in the palace. It can be seen that a woman is most at ease when she is pregnant.

Seeing Jiang Ancheng say this, Jiang Xia didn't insist any longer, and returned to Prince Yan's Mansion with Yu Jin.

Er Niu came out happily, circled Jiang Si twice, and barked twice at her bulging belly, as if to say hello to the future little master.

Yu Jin glared at Erniu and said to Jiang Si, "Go slower."

Jiang seems to be six months pregnant, but she is not as bloated and inconvenient as an ordinary pregnant woman. Except for her slightly bulging abdomen, she still has thin arms and thin legs, and walks lightly.

She slowed down and walked with Yu Jin in the garden.

There is already greenery in the garden, and apricot flowers are blooming in the corners.

"Asi, don't worry, I have already written a letter to my friend in Southern Border, asking him to take more care of Jiang Zhan and send someone to follow him secretly."

"Well, I just hope that the second brother will come back sooner."

When it comes to Jiang Zhan's long journey, it seems impossible for Jiang not to worry, but she can't stop it.

Seeing Jiang's appearance, Yu Jin reached out and stroked her belly, and asked happily, "What do you think our children should be called?"

"I don't know if it's male or female, and how to name it."

"Let's name it first. I've already made up my mind. If it's a boy, I'll call it Ah Li, and if it's a girl, I'll call it A Jiao. What do you think?"

Erniu, who had been following the two of them, quit and raised his head and barked twice.

Name the little master Ali? It disagrees!

Yu Jin was accustomed to Erniu's occasional convulsions, glared at it, looked back and waited for Jiang Shi's response.

Jiang Si nodded with a smile: "Ali and Gillian are both very good, so let's call them that."

There was a plop, and the two turned back together, and saw Er Niu lying on the ground, looking like a life without love.

As a big dog with an idea, it doesn't accept the little owner's name Ali!

The calm weather in the Yanwang Mansion could not stop the surging tides outside.

The ministers who had been gearing up for a long time finally made the request of Prince Li.

As soon as Emperor Jing Ming went to court, several courtiers would definitely stand up and bring up the matter of establishing the crown prince.

If his attitude is soft, the ministers will be aggressive, showing a posture of hitting a pillar if he disagrees.

If his attitude is cold and hard, the ministers will cry and wipe their tears, crying and shouting that the prince is hanging in the air, the country is unstable, and they cannot be sinners for the sake of their own glory.

Emperor Jing Ming returned to the imperial study, slapped the table fiercely, and scolded, "These bastards are better at acting than the actors on the stage! They are so capable, why don't they sing!"

Pan Hai silently picked up the notebook of words that had fallen on the ground, and stuffed it under a pile of memorials without taking the words of Emperor Jing Ming.

When it comes to Prince Li, he can't talk too much.

Emperor Jing Ming was still annoyed. He patted the table and said, "I'm not seven or eighty years old anymore. The crown prince has been vacant for less than half a year. These bastards can't wait. To establish a prince? Who do they want to establish? King Jin or King Qi?"

Emperor Jing Ming's voice was a little high, and the servant standing at the door lowered his eyes and did not dare to say anything.

"Your Majesty, don't be so angry, the adults are also thinking about the country and the country..." Pan Hai was afraid that Emperor Jing Ming might get angry, so he hurriedly persuaded him.

Emperor Jing Ming raised his eyebrows: "Jiangshan Sheji? Whose Jiangshan is this, and whose Sheji is? Who should be established as the prince, and when the prince should be established, I know in my heart, it's not their turn to force me!"

The next day, when a minister brought up the matter of establishing the crown prince again, the enraged Emperor Jing Ming scolded the remarks.

After a moment of silence in the hall, the imperial censor who stood up said impassively, "Your Majesty's words are not good. All the ministers are the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, who eat the king's wealth and bear the king's worries. We cannot watch the emperor's hesitation and stay away ,

This is irresponsible to Jiangshan, society and Ji-"

"You!" Emperor Jing Ming was rarely angry, and pointed at the censor, before he could refute the sudden blackness in front of him, and his body leaned to one side.

The ministers were suddenly in an uproar.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty—"

For a while, people turned their backs, and Pan Haitiqing appeared in the hall with a face.

The buzzing discussion stopped immediately, and the ministers surrounded Pan Hai so much that they scrambled to ask, "Eunuch Pan, how is the emperor?"

Pan Hai said coldly, "Don't worry, my lords, the emperor is just too tired. The imperial doctor said that he needs to rest for some time, and it's not a big problem."

All the ministers breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good."

"Everyone, let's go."

Some people raised their feet to leave, and many more stood still: "Eunuch Pan, will you go to court tomorrow?"

Pan Hai rolled his eyes and said, "The emperor wants to rest in peace, so he won't go to court for the time being. The emperor said, if you have something to do, just write a book and hand it in..."

Returning to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Pan Hai quietly sighed as he looked at Emperor Jing Ming lying on the couch.

It's not easy to be the emperor, not to mention being stunned, and have to take the opportunity to pretend to be sick to escape the persecution of the courtiers.

"Are they all gone?"

"It's gone."

"Well, it's good to leave, don't let them bother me these days!"

Pan Hai thought about it for a while and reminded: "Your Majesty, you said that you are recuperating from illness, Wang Ye and Princess and others will definitely come to visit, when the time comes—"

"Let them in when they come." Emperor Jing Ming said lightly.

Prince Li really couldn't escape, he just took advantage of this time to think about it.

Emperor Jing Ming's "sickness" made the King of Jin happy immediately.

Since Princess Qi's miscarriage, the fourth child seems to have suffered a lot, and has the meaning of dying.

The father is ill, and if his body deteriorates more and more, the crown prince will eventually stand up as soon as possible, and his chances will increase.

Although the King of Jin really wanted to go to the hospital immediately to win the favor of Emperor Ming, he felt that the first visit would be too urgent, so he endured it and waited for someone to act.

King Qi thought the same way.

The first shot is a shot, and he has always remembered this sentence.

Besides, he still wants to numb King Jin, making King Jin feel that he has no desire to fight for the throne, and it is even more difficult to be too active.

Yu Jin was the first to visit Emperor Jing Ming.

In addition to the accident, Emperor Jing Ming was quite relieved.

The father and son were talking, and Pan Haibin reported: "Your Majesty, the King of Jin has brought the prince to see you."

"Pass it on."

Not long after, the King of Jin walked in with his son and greeted Emperor Jing Ming.

Emperor Jing Ming's eyes fell on Fu Ge'er, the prince of Jin.

Fu Ge'er was a shy child who was instinctively afraid of his grandfather who was the emperor, so he hid behind King Jin.

King Jin's face didn't change, but his heart was anxious: Brother Fu really doesn't know how to be liked!

Just as he was about to say something, the chamberlain reported, "King Jing brought his heir to visit the emperor."

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