The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-Three Rescue

The waste prince ran over, picked up Brother Chun and shook his upper body violently: "Brother Chun, Brother Chun!"

Seeing the child's head hanging down and no response, he shouted hoarsely, "Where's the doctor, where's the doctor?"

Princess Jing pushed the waste prince hard: "You hurt Brother Chun-"

The lake was full of people with different expressions.

Yu Jin looked at Princess Jing's despair with cold eyes, and his heart seldom softened.

He never cared about the lives of irrelevant people, but Ah seems to be a mother too. A mother lost a child, very sad, right?

Yu Jin thought of something and strode over.

"What are you doing?" The waste prince roared vigilantly when he noticed Yu Jin's approach.

Yu Jin stretched out his hand: "I'll see if there is any help."

"What did you say?" The waste prince was stunned.

Princess Jing suddenly pushed the waste prince aside and shoved Brother Chun to Yu Jin.

"Are you crazy?" The waste prince shouted to Princess Jing.

Princess Jing didn't even give the abolished prince a glance, and stared at Yu Jin without saying a word.

The despair of a mother makes her rather believe that everything is impossible.

She can't accept that her brother Chun is gone. Brother Chun is her life. If Brother Chun is really gone, then she doesn't need to live anymore.

Yu Jin put his finger in Brother Chun's mouth.

The waste prince became anxious again, grabbing Yu Jin's shoulder: "Lao Qi, what are you doing?

Yu Jin kept moving and said coldly: "I said, try to see if you can save the child."

"Can you really save Brother Chun?"

Yu Jin couldn't bear it any longer, and scolded: "Idiot, shut up! I just said to try, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, don't you have any points in your heart? It's your son who died, not someone else's, let alone me pushing into the lake. Here, you are sick and ask me for a guarantee?"

The waste prince was scolded stupidly: "You, you, you—"

Princess Jing picked up a stone on the ground and smashed it at the head of the waste prince.

Her actions were too sudden, and the waste prince had no time to react.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Princess Jing said expressionlessly: "King Yan, please try your best, no one will bother you anymore."

Yu Jin has cleaned up the foreign objects in Brother Chun's mouth and nose, took a deep breath, and put his mouth to mouth into Brother Chun's mouth in the sound of exclamations.

"What the hell is Lao Qi doing?" King Lu was dumbfounded, and he used his elbow to stab King Xiang next to him.

King Xiang said angrily, "How do I know, it's not a special hobby, right?"

King Qi stared at Yu Jin thoughtfully.

I didn't expect Lao Qi to intervene. What is he doing? looks so weird...

King Jin maintained an expression similar to that of the others, but a layer of ice formed in his eyes, looking at all this indifferently.

It went well, but just sent someone to push him gently, and his life was over, and his threat was over.

What is the madness of Lao Qi?

Save Prince Jing? Simply absurd.

Just when everyone thought it was absurd and bizarre, Brother Chun, who had no breath, suddenly opened his mouth and spit it out.

The stone that Princess Jing held in her hand loosened, fell to the ground, rushed over and shouted: "Brother Chun-"

Brother Chun spat out a few more saliva and slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother Chun, how are you doing, Brother Chun?" Princess Jing asked crying.

Yu Jin stood up silently, watching Brother Chun who woke up with a sense of relief.

He saved Brother Chun for nothing else, but he couldn't bear to see a mother lose her child. As for those intriguing things, he didn't want to get involved at all.

Brother Chun blinked, and the confused eyes gradually returned to clarity, and softly shouted: "Mother--"

Princess Jing hugged Brother Chun, tears pouring down like rain.

"The doctor is here, the doctor is here!"

The servant who dragged the doctor and ran very fast shouted loudly.

The good doctor who arrived out of breath was hurriedly asking, "Where's the prince?"

Princess Jing said solemnly: "The prince is fine, please let the good doctor take a look at the prince.


Good doctor is: ? ?

This is not the same as what was said!

Everyone crowded around, comforting Princess Jing with all their tongues: "That's great, the prince is fine..."

Princess Jing hugged Brother Chun tightly, as if she was holding a rare treasure, but she still hasn't recovered from her panic.

The ecstasy of lost and found? No, she is still afraid.

Almost, almost, brother Chun left her...

"Princess, the prince is soaked all over, it's still cold outside, bring him into the house to warm up early." Someone reminded.

Princess Jing bowed her head and kissed Brother Chun's forehead: "Brother Chun, mother will take you into the house."

Brother Chun, who was buried in Princess Jing's arms, suddenly said, "Mother, someone pushed me—"

One sentence suddenly silenced the scene, and everyone's eyes fell on Brother Chun.

The waste prince suddenly sat up, and the good doctor who was about to treat him fell to the ground in horror: "What did you say?"

Although Brother Chun was still young, he was very calm and said seriously: "Someone pushed me, I saw her shadow reflected in the lake!"

The scene got weirder.

The waste prince was furious: "Zha, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must dig out the person who harmed the prince!"

Princess Jing stood up holding brother Chun, not wanting her son to face this again.

She blessed Yu Jinfu: "Seventh brother, thanks to you this time, you saved Brother Chun's life, I will keep it in my heart."

Yu Jin smiled: "I just tried boldly, and being able to save Brother Chun means that Brother Chun shouldn't die. Second sister-in-law doesn't have to worry about it."

Immediately, several voices echoed: "Yeah, if the prince survives the disaster, there will be blessings in the future..."

Although King Jin's face didn't change much, his fists were tightly clenched, and blue veins were popping up.

King Qi raised the corner of his lips slightly.

I really didn't expect the seventh to give him such a big surprise, the third is dead this time!

Thinking about the end that King Jin is about to face, King Qi secretly feels refreshed.

"I want to enter the palace and tell the emperor!" The abolished prince said, regardless of the guests who came to attend his birthday banquet, he went straight to the palace.

Emperor Jing Ming was thinking about the birthday of the abolished prince.

He still remembers every bit of the day when the post-Yuan Dynasty gave birth to the child, and he will never forget this day.

Hearing the servant's report to King Jing's request to see him, Emperor Jing Ming frowned: "What is he doing here?"

Is it possible that you still want him to celebrate his birthday?

"King Jing... King Jing said that the prince was drowning..."

Emperor Jing Ming jumped up and almost fell down because he was in a hurry, but he didn't care about it at all, and shouted: "Let him come in!"

After a while, the waste prince came in, and when he saw Emperor Jing Ming, he burst into tears: "Father, someone pushed Brother Chun into the water, woo woo woo-"

Emperor Jing Ming heard the blackness before his eyes.

"Father, you have to decide for Brother Chun!"

"Who killed Brother Chun?" Emperor Jing Ming only felt heartache and asked in grief.

The waste prince blinked, and then he remembered to explain: "Brother Chun was rescued..."

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