The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and thirty sixth opportunity

The miscarriage in the first month made Princess Qi's body collapse by half, and her spirit was even more lethargic, but when she heard the news of King Jin's punishment, she was cheered up: "My lord, is King Jin really punished to guard the imperial mausoleum?"

King Qi smiled and said, "This is still fake. It's not just him, his wife and children are going, and even An Concubine, who is enjoying the glory in the palace, was expelled from the palace by the father."

"Great, great!" Princess Qi touched her lower abdomen and cried, "My son, did you hear that, your father finally breathed a sigh of relief for you!"

This miserable child became a thorn in King Qi's heart, making him reluctant to touch it, let alone see Princess Qi's gaffe.

He frowned and said, "The person who harmed our child has already received the punishment he deserved, so you can relax, and the child will definitely come to us when you're healthy."

Princess Qi wiped away her tears and showed a rare smile: "Well, I listened to the prince. Thanks to the prince, the person who harmed our children was punished."

She is not yet thirty years old, as long as she takes good care of her, the child will definitely come.

"That's right." King Qi took Princess Qi's shoulders and patted it lightly.

The third child is down, and his chances are great. The more so, the less he can take it lightly, let alone a princess who only knows how to cry and hold her back.

Yu Jin returned to Prince Yan's mansion and talked about the wind and rain outside.

Jiang Si is more interested in his rescue of Brother Chun.

"It's really strange to use qi to extend people's lives."

As Yu Jin said, there is a lot of water in the south, and there are often drowning people. She has seen it a few times with her own eyes, but she has never seen a way to save her life by crossing the air.

I always feel that she and Ajin are not in the same south.

A handsome face came over and suddenly enlarged in his eyes.

The other party's breath was a little hot, and his eyes were even hotter.

"Asi, if you're curious, why don't we try it?"

Jiang Si was slightly startled, and saw the repressed flames in those unbelievably delicate eyes.

She couldn't help thinking of Ji Momo who was shaking in front of her from time to time.

The old mama said with a straight face, "The prince is young and vigorous, the princess has the heart to let the prince endure this? It doesn't matter if the princess doesn't want to use the teachings in the palace to lead the maids, then pick one or two people with good character and trustworthiness. Open your face to serve the lord, is it better than the lord who can't help but get involved outside? At that time, the princess will be crying without tears..."

In the end, Ji Momo, who was loyal and disgusting, was sent by Yu Jin to clean the toilet, and she was the only one who let her out from the toilet after saying good things.

Jiang Si stretched out his hand and wrapped Yu Jin's neck and pressed it against him, his lips and teeth touching: "Just try it."

She has secretly researched it, and it's okay to be pregnant. Anyway, I won't arrange another woman for Ah Jin if I kill her!

Yu Jin fled half a zhang away in a panic, and said embarrassedly: "Asi, let's talk properly, it's fine..."

Jiang Si smiled: "Don't try it?"

"Don't try, it's not too late to try again later." He wiped his sweat, thinking about the swaying Xin Jing just now and smiled bitterly.

Before the child was born, he didn't dare to joke with Ah Si anymore, every time he suffered a loss.

"When was it born?" Yu Jin reached out and touched Jiang Siwei's belly.

Jiang Xi has no experience with this, so he can only listen to the doctor: "The good doctor is not saying, at the end of May or the beginning of June."

When it comes to the expected production date, Jiang seems to be a little worried: "It is best to be born in June."

"Why?" Yu Jin was quite puzzled, "It will be hot in June, and you will suffer even more from confinement."

Jiang Si glared at him: "You forgot what we said here, children born in Poison May are unlucky, especially those born on the Dragon Boat Festival."

Yu Jin laughed dumbly: "Asi, why do you care about all this mess."

Jiang Si caressed his lower abdomen and sighed: "Probably because I want to be a mother. For myself, I don't need to care about other people's opinions, and I hope he has less setbacks and hardships for the child."

Yu Jin stared at her belly and smiled, "Then I hope it's a boy."


"Boys are rough-skinned and thick-skinned,

A little hardship is not a bad thing. "Yu Jin pointed to himself with a smile, "Like me, I was told when I was a child that I would prevent the ruler of a country. Compared to a child born in Poisonous May, what was it? You see, I have grown up well, those brothers are not as good as me, they are not rich, and my daughter-in-law is not as beautiful as my daughter-in-law..."

He talked a lot, making Jiang Si laugh, and the worries in his heart were completely dissipated.

At this time, Ah Qiao came in and reported that Jingyuan had brought a gift.

Jingyuan sent a lot of gifts, which were drawn by carriage. The Jingyuan steward who came with the gifts thanked Yu Jin and the two before leaving.

"The second child also knows how to give gifts and has grown a lot."

Jiang Si handed over the errand of packing up the gifts to the maids, and sighed: "After the incident where Prince Jing was almost killed, as long as there is another opportunity, Prince Jing may turn over again."

Turning over and being knocked off the cloud, the second time is really never turning over, but I feel sorry for Princess Jing...

Thinking of the ending of Princess Jing in the previous life, Jiang Si felt a little heavy.

Many of the gifts sent by Jingyuan this time are for children, and it is obvious that they have been prepared with great care.

Jiang seems to have a good impression of the former Crown Princess and now Princess Jing.

She was actually a woman with a clear mind, but it was a pity that she met inhumans.

This is where Jiang Si is helpless and even occasionally depressed.

There are so many excellent women in this world, but as long as they get married, the honor and disgrace of their lives will almost depend on that man.

This is really unfair, when she has enough ability, she may do something.

"Let's do whatever he wants, there's nothing but a stinky fish." Yu Jin didn't bother to mention the abolition of the crown prince, and pulled Jiang Si to eat.

Father Yang and Mother Yang of the Ministry of Rites and Ministers met with King Jing and his wife by visiting their grandson.

Father Yang and the waste prince were talking in the study.

"Father-in-law, you will almost never see your grandson. That beast of King Jin is really nothing!"

Seeing that the abolished prince even scolded others so straightforwardly, Father Yang felt a chill in his heart.

Can't this son-in-law be more stable!

"Fortunately, Brother Chun is fine, but the lord is a blessing in disguise."

"Blessed by misfortune?" The waste prince was taken aback.

"Yeah, lord, do you think that King Jin will harm Brother Chun just for the position of the prince. The emperor sees that the position of the prince is vacant and causes many troubles, and he will definitely not delay it any more. Isn't your chance here?"

The waste prince blinked and said uneasy: "But what if the father and emperor establish someone else?"

Father Yang twitched the corners of his mouth and asked the abolished prince, "Who do you think has the greatest chance?"

The waste prince thought for a while, and said tentatively, "King Qi?"

Father Yang shook his head and said earnestly, "Your Highness is wrong, you have the greatest chance!"

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