The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter Five Hundred and Fortieth Chapter Leaving Beijing

Jiang didn't seem to remember the name of the town where the earthquake occurred.

It has been two years since she returned to the capital in her previous life, and this disaster that made the few survivors linger in fear has long since become a thing of the past. She only heard people mention it by accident, why would she deliberately remember the name of a small town in the province.

"What's wrong?" Yu Jin patted her lightly.

Jiang Shi returned to his senses and said angrily, "I forgot."

Yu Jin couldn't help laughing, and squeezed her cheek with a smile: "Dreaming is like this, all the details in the dream are clear and clear, once you wake up, you can forget most of it."

Jiang Si bit her lip: "It's still troublesome to not remember the town name."

She thought about it for a while, and said, "Ajin, wait until you get there, see which town the Prince and the others have decided to live in, and then stop them. Anyway, they decide where to live in the dream."

"Okay, don't worry."

"Really remembered?" Jiang Xi asked again, not too long-winded.

Yu Jin grabbed her hand and put it on his heart, his eyes were full of smiles: "I really remember it in my heart. Asi, when did I not care about your words?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xian's heart calmed down a little. Of course, it is impossible to be completely at ease. She does not know the name of the town that launched the earthquake, and the earthquake is a sudden natural disaster, and there are too many unknowns.

He frowned and thought for a while, Jiang Si thoughtfully said: "Ajin, in my dream, it was a very prosperous town with a lot of people. If you can, you can help those people..."

You can feel at ease if you don't know about some things, but you know, even if it has nothing to do with you, so many tragic deaths are like a mountain topping the top, making it hard to breathe.

Those who lost their lives in the earthquake included loving couples like her and A Jin, and many children.

Yu Jin nodded: "This is nature."

Jiang Xi felt a warm current in his heart.

She used nightmares to warn her, and Yu Jin agreed that it was out of the love between husband and wife, and it would not be easy to choose to believe her dreams to help those people. It's not that simple to convince so many people that something hasn't happened yet.

"Asi, in your dream, what day did the earthquake occur in that town?"

If you just want to keep the prince and his party, you don't want to live in that town, but if you want to rescue the townspeople, it is undoubtedly much easier to know the exact time.

Jiang Shi shook his head regretfully: "I don't remember either. But one thing is certain, it was only a few days after the prince lived in the town..."

She frowned, thinking that she couldn't recall those details, and murmured, "It shouldn't be more than three days."

Yu Jin raised his hand to smoothen her brows and smiled, "Okay, I remember, don't bother about this. It's still early, you can sleep a little longer."

He said that La Jiang lay down and fell asleep with her in his arms.

After I don't know how long, he heard that the person beside him was fast asleep, then he removed his arm and got up gently.

"Your Highness—" Ah Qiao hurriedly stepped forward to salute when Yu Jin came out.

Yu Jin waved his hand and said softly, "Princess is fast asleep, don't wake her up."

Ah Qiao glanced hesitantly at the hidden door.

Does the lord not let the master send it? The master will be lost when he wakes up—

"The princess didn't sleep well at night, she just fell asleep not long ago."

Hearing what Yu Jin said, Ah Qiao immediately dismissed the idea of ​​waking Jiang Si.

The master is pregnant and needs to rest.

In the early morning of May, the sun is always so bright that it is unbearable to sleep.

Jiang Si opened his eyes, probed his side, and felt empty.

Ah Jin has left?

She sat up and rubbed her brows blankly.

Hearing the movement, A Qiao and A Man came in together, followed by the little maid holding a handkerchief, washbasin and other items.

"Where's your lord?"

Ah Qiao and Ah Man looked at each other.

Ah Qiao replied, "Your Highness has already left. Seeing that you were sleeping soundly, I didn't wake you up."

Jiang Si was silent and said, "Wait for me to wash up."

After some cleaning, breakfast has been arranged.

Jiang Xiyou helped Aqiao to sit at the table full of dishes, and when she saw a table eating, she felt that her heart was empty.

I'm used to having two people eating together, and I'm a little uncomfortable for a while.

Although he was not used to it, Jiang Si stopped after eating a basket of steamed buns and a bowl of millet porridge. He touched his stomach, but he didn't feel full.

Staring at the high bulging belly, Jiang Si thought to himself: Can you eat like this when you are pregnant?

She remembered the good doctor's words, and when she was about to give birth, she should control her food intake, so as not to cause the fetus to be too large and unfavorable for the birth.

After eating, I have to go for a walk.

"Master, Biao Aunt Dou is here."

After a moment, the bead curtain was lifted, and Dou Shuwan walked in.

Jiang Si smiled and said, "Cousin came just in time, let's go for a walk in the garden together."

Dou Shuwan stretched out her hand to support Jiang Si, and the two walked out.

"Is the princess eating well?" Dou Shuwan asked while walking in the colorful garden.

Although Jiang Si was thinking about Yu Jin in her heart, she didn't show anything on her face. She smiled and said, "Okay, I ate a basket of steamed buns and a bowl of millet porridge. I want to eat it again, but Aman won't give it to me."

Dou Shuwan chuckled: "The imperial doctor is different. I used to be in my hometown, and I've never heard that pregnant people don't eat a lot."

Jiang Si smiled and blinked: "Cousin now has experience, so she will know what to do in the future—"

Dou Shuwan blushed and glared at Jiang Si: "Don't make fun of me, princess."

Jiang seemed to know that Dou Shuwan was thin-skinned, and after all, she was a generation older than her, so she stopped teasing her.

At the beginning of spring, Dou Shuwan and Long Dan got engaged. Like her, she is now a person who cares about them.

"Don't worry, wangfei, the lord will definitely come back before you give birth." Although Dou Shuwan was still waiting in her boudoir, she was not an ignorant 13- or 14-year-old girl after all. Knowing that pregnant women tend to think more, she comforted.

Jiang Si looked over a clump of peony flowers and looked into the distance: "Well, he will be back soon."

She was still a month away from giving birth, and the second earthquake with heavy casualties occurred not long after. When the ground movement occurs, the prince will definitely return.

She wasn't worried about this. In the end, she was most worried about Yu Jin's safety.

I didn't realize that I had been with him all day, but now that the man went out, the beauty of the garden seemed to have lost its color.

The two walked back for a while, and Jiang Si suddenly noticed something: "Why don't you see Erniu?"

Jiang Si fell asleep and didn't catch up to see him off, but Dou Shuwan did. Hearing the words, he said, "My lord took Er Niu with him."

Thinking of the big dog who lazily hugged and chewed on the bones all day, Jiang Si smiled: "It's better to let Erniu go out and get some air."

Erniu was really excited, and followed Yu Jin's side with his tail wagging.

The prince was so shocked that his eyes went straight: "Seventh brother, why do you still bring a dog when you go out?"

The accompanying officials also shook their heads secretly.

Going to disaster relief with a dog? Why do you think King Yan is less reliable than the prince!

Yu Jin patted Er Niu's head and said solemnly, "Second brother is wrong, this is not an ordinary dog."

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