Yu Jin and Zhao Shilang asked and answered questions, and they talked endlessly. The prince was impatient and interrupted: "Let's eat first."

After a long journey, I was hungry.

The rice is ready, it's very simple, a few large pots of bean rice, and the game that the soldiers are calling now. However, there is not much game, and it can only be enjoyed by a few nobles.

The prince felt that he couldn't swallow, and said dissatisfiedly: "The rabbit meat will be fragrant only if it is roasted with honey."

The crowd moved their lips but did not dare to speak.

What should I do, as soon as I opened my mouth, I wanted to scold the prince like a dog.

Erniu was lying beside Yu Jin eating with relish, thinking to himself: This man is really noisy, one day he will bite his ass, let him be more honest.

After eating hastily, the prince wiped his mouth and asked Zhao Shilang, "Where do you rest on weekdays?"

"Have some grass huts outside the city."

The weather in May is unfriendly to the dead, and the corpses decompose quickly, making it much more comfortable for the living.

Even if the sky and the earth are the seats, it can make do, and there are wooden houses and straw sheds for shade and rain, and the conditions are not bad.

Zhao Shilang has been pampered in the capital all the year round, and he didn't want to live so rough. However, Qianhe County is too close to the capital, and the emperor's ears can be heard if there is any trouble. .

He has been the right servant of the Ministry of Household for so many years. If he performed well in this disaster relief, his seat should also be moved.

"How do people live in a straw hut?" The prince frowned, thinking of being better, and coughed, "All of you are disaster relief officials, if it's uncomfortable to live in and your body is exhausted, it won't be beautiful. "

Zhao Shilang secretly rolled his eyes, and asked respectfully, "What does Your Highness mean?"

"Is there no place near Qianhe County without earthquakes and epidemics?"

Yu Jin glanced at the prince, and his heart skipped a beat.

Now it seems that Axi's nightmare is really interesting. The prince actually proposed to live in a nearby village and town.

Regarding the nightmare Jiang Si said, if you believe that it will happen in reality, it is a big nonsense. He is also a brainless man, and no matter how wholeheartedly he is with his wife, it is impossible not to have his own thoughts and doubts.

However, Ami wanted him to believe it, so he was willing to believe it.

It's not about the brain, it's about the mind.

If Axi doesn't let him live in that town, he won't go there. It doesn't matter whether the dream scene will come true, at least it will make his wife feel at ease.

Yu Jin decided not to get involved, and waited coldly for the final decision.

People look at each other.

I see, the prince is looking for a safe place to hang out.

With the prince taking the lead, of course they didn't do it. Finding a town near the county seat was indeed much more comfortable than living in a thatched hut, and they didn't delay coming to investigate the disaster every day.


It doesn't exist, this is the Prince's proposal.

Zhao Shilang gave a subordinate a wink.

The lower official said: "Reporting to Your Highness, there are some such villages and towns. The closest to Qianhe County are Dahe Village and Xiaohe Village, which are just on the edge of the county. In addition, there are several towns such as Shuangyang Town, Koi Town, Wuji Town, etc. Among them, Shuangyang Town is the closest to Qianhe County..."

The crown prince felt a pain in his head and interrupted: "Forget the village, tell me which of these nearby towns is the most prosperous?"


The Xiaguan who replied was stunned for a while before he said: "To talk about prosperity, it is naturally not as good as the county seat before the earthquake, let alone the capital. The most lively town in these towns is the Koi Town."

The prince nodded slightly: "Koi Town sounds good. How far is it from Qianhe County?"

The official said, "It's less than ten miles from Qianhe County."

"It's still quite close. Wasn't the earthquake implicated this time?" The prince asked after hearing that he was so close to Qianhe County.

The corners of Zhao Shilang's eyes twitched slightly.

The prince was so afraid of death in front of local officials that even he felt embarrassed!

Several capital officials silently raised their eyes to the sky.

The prince really gave the court a long face...

The subordinate replied, "It's strange to say,

The Qianhe County earthquake caused more or less casualties in the surrounding villages and towns. Only in Koi Town, there was no casualty, and only a few houses collapsed. "

The prince was very satisfied when he heard it, and said: "I will live in Koi Town."

He pretended to look at the sky and said, "It's getting late today, just go to Koi Town, and go to Qianhe County to investigate the disaster and comfort the people in the morning."

Everyone responded quickly, and the team was led by local officials and rushed to Koi Town in a mighty manner.

Koi Town is a big town, and it is the most lively town under Qianhe County.

Standing on the streets of the town, the prince was quite satisfied.

After all, it is much stronger than the broken walls and ruins he imagined, so he lives here.

Yu Jin mingled with the team and never made a sound.

He is waiting.

Ah Si can't remember the town name. If Ah Si's dream is taken seriously, in order to be safe, he will not act until the prince is sure to live.

Under the arrangement of local officials, a temporary residence has been arranged, and the place for the prince and others to live is a squire's house.

The house is not big, but it's clean.

After the prince's inspection, he nodded in satisfaction, and habitually reached out to pat Yu Jin on the shoulder.

Yu Jin habitually avoided.

"Seventh brother, you're out now, my brother just thinks you're close." Since Yu Jin saved his son, he has become a reliable person in the prince's heart, and he doesn't even care about the beating.

I didn't expect that he didn't care, the other party was still so cold.

Yu Jin said lightly: "I've been in the south for a long time, and I'm not used to the sudden contact of others."

"Uh, brother just told you, it's okay to live here, let's rest first."

"Yeah." Yu Jin nodded succinctly, and stood in the hand porch when he saw the prince enter the room, looked around the courtyard, and then looked up at the sky.

The sky is blue and the sun is shining.

One night, will this town really be in ruins due to the earthquake, and no one will survive?

Yu Jin couldn't help thinking of the squire who greeted them respectfully and let them out of the main courtyard, and the squire's daughter who served them tea with a bit of rust.

They used their best.

There is also the curiosity and excitement of the people in the town when they enter the town.

Yu Jin pressed his heart.

No one's heart is made of stone. If it is cold and hard, it is just an armor to protect oneself.

Even without Ah Si's entrustment, he was willing to save the people in this town. Not because of his reputation, not to mention Da Zhou Jiangshan, he has never had so many complicated reasons for wanting to save people.

He is human, and it is as simple as that to save people like him.

Let's accumulate blessings for him and Axi's unborn child.

Yu Jin walked into the room with his feet up, laying on the bed and pondering.

Ah Si said that in the dream, the prince moved on the ground within a few days of living in the town. He couldn't be sure which day it was, but he was certain that the ground did not move on the first day.

That being the case, get a good night's sleep tonight and talk about it tomorrow.

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