The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and forty-ninth hope

When faced with life and death, most people will break the shackles, such as the fear of high officials and dignitaries.

The victims stared at Yu Jin.

Although they have a good impression of this prince, if they don't get a satisfactory answer, they will still make trouble, and they will never be reconciled to waiting for death in the city.

How terrible the epidemic is, they can see clearly.

A good person will have fever, vomiting blood, and festering all over the next day... It's chilling to think about.

It used to be their paradise, and now it's hell.

They are human, why stay in hell?

Yu Jin saw decisiveness in the eyes of the victims.

He shook his head secretly.

Zhao Shilang and others were determined to let the victims stay in the city honestly, thinking that with the prestige of the imperial court, these people who dare not straighten their waists on weekdays would obey their words, but they ignored the power of survival.

He is sure that if there is no solution to give these people hope, the next conflict will become more and more fierce, and in the end it will become a fight between soldiers and victims.

Of course, the imperial court has dispatched a lot of guards for disaster relief, and eventually these victims will be dealt with, and if we make a little fuss about the epidemic, these bloody conflicts can be covered up, and it is even possible that they can finally whitewash the success of the work.

He had seen soldiers in the south beheading innocent people and pretending to be military exploits, and he hated it.

"Wait a minute, everyone, Xiao Wang will discuss with Shi Lang and others on how to arrange you, and when the results of the consultation come out, I will come here to inform you in person."

"When will the results be negotiated?" someone shouted.

Countless people echoed: "Yeah, if we have been negotiating and can't get results, do we have to wait?"

"At the time of today's declaration, Xiao Wang will definitely give you an answer." Yu Jin looked around at the ragged people and said solemnly.

The victims were silent for a while, and finally someone shouted: "Okay, we believe in the lord, and come back here when Shen is here!"

Zhao Shilang's lips moved, and he wanted to speak many times to stop him, but this situation could only be suppressed.

After leaving the city gate, Zhao Shilang sighed: "Your Highness, you are impulsive!"

Yu Jin glanced at the young boy who was successfully taken out of the city, and said lightly, "Let's talk when everyone is together."

A large open space not far from Qianhe County was a tent, and these were where the soldiers stayed.

On the other side, a row of thatched huts were built, which were distinct from those of the camps. The widest hut was the meeting place for these disaster relief officials.

Yu Jin silently looked around.

"Where's the Crown Prince?" Zhao Shilang asked the officials who accompanied the Prince out of the city first.

There were many officials who accompanied the prince to the city wall, but at this time there were only a few people left.

One of them replied, "His Royal Highness has returned to Koi Town..."

Zhao Shilang suffocated.

Is this back to Koi Town? Anyway, pretend to go to the council for a walk.

Zhao Shilang didn't know what to say to the Crown Prince, so he sighed and said, "My lord, let's go back to Koi Town to meet with His Royal Highness."

Yu Jin raised his eyebrows: "I don't know who is the chief official of this disaster relief?"

Zhao Shilang clasped his fists: "It's a lower official."

"Why did the prince come here?" Yu Jin asked again.

Zhao Shilang replied: "On behalf of the emperor, come to comfort the victims."

Yu Jin smiled, and his angular brows showed a bit of sternness: "The prince has comforted the people in the city just now, and it is understandable to return to Jinli Town to rest, and Mr. Zhao's affairs have not yet been completed."

"Your Highness means—"

"Naturally, I have a good discussion with my colleagues on how to solve the resettlement of the people in the city." Speaking of this, Yu Jin paused, with a faint mockery on the corner of his mouth, "Or should I just ignore the people in the city and let them stay in the city to die. ?"

Zhao Shilang's eyelids jumped and he said hurriedly: "Your Highness has misunderstood, these officials and others are conscientious and conscientious, and they dare not ignore the life and death of the common people..."

Yu Jin did not wait for Zhao Shilang to finish, and said, "That's good, let's go to the discussion office."

Not long after, the council was full of officials, and of course some officials accompanied the prince back to Koi Town.

Yu Jin did not force anyone to come.

"What do you think about today's affairs?"

Zhao Shilang sighed in distress: "My lord should not make an exception to take the young children out of the city. Once this rule is opened, it will be even more difficult to appease those people."

The Beijing officials who are qualified to go to court in Da Zhou have a good habit. As long as they talk about business, even if they disagree with the emperor, they can spit out, not to mention Yu Jin, a prince who has no real power.

Zhao Shilang opened his mouth first, and officials from the capital agreed.

Those local officials were honestly silent.

The disaster relief materials were pulled by others, the army was transferred by others, and the people who will report the situation in front of the emperor in the future will also be others. They don't have the right to speak, so listen honestly.

"Master Zhao's focus is wrong." Yu Jin tapped on the table with his finger, "This king is talking about the demands of the people in the city. They can endure for a day or two, can they endure forever? Today has seen blood, This is just the beginning, if we don't respond and wait until a large-scale conflict breaks out, will they all be brutally suppressed?"

He said, his eyes slowly swept over everyone, and said coldly: "If that's the case, this is not a disaster relief, but a massacre of the city, is your conscience at ease?"

Everyone changed their faces.

People have a face, even corrupt officials want to have a good reputation, not to mention that many of them are willing to do practical things. Especially the local low-level officials, who were born in Sri Lanka and grew up in Sri Lanka, are closely related to the people in the city, but officials from other places such as Qianhe County magistrate do not have so many ideas.

In Dazhou, local officials above the county level were required to avoid Xiangguan, which is why Qianhe county magistrate had no affection for the people in the city.

Zhao Shilang was so speechless that he couldn't hold his face, and asked, "I don't know what the prince can do to deal with it?"

Yu Jin was rude, and immediately said: "In the city, I propose to demarcate another area and call it a transition area."

"Transition zone?"

"Yes, there are only two districts in the east and west, either. If people with latent diseases in the east district go directly to the west district, it will cause serious consequences. If a transition area is set up between the east and west districts, those who enter the west district from the east district must go to the west district. This area is quarantined for two or three days to reduce the possibility of sick people entering the western area..."

The crowd nodded.

King Yan's proposal is good, and it can indeed reduce the risk.

Zhao Shilang stroked his beard to express his approval, and said, "Even so, it will not dispel the idea of ​​the people in the West District wanting to leave the city."

Yu Jin smiled and said, "Why do you want to get rid of it? It's better to sparse the blockage. Why not give those people a hope? As long as there is hope, even those who stay in the city will wait patiently."

There must be hope in life.

No one has taught him any great truths, but he knows very well what people need most in a desperate situation.

It's not a bowl of porridge and a few taels of silver in front of me, but the hope of surviving.

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