The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 563 Verification

The two imperial envoys who were ordered to investigate met the prince and the king of Yan, and asked Zhao Shilang straight to the point: "Master Zhao, you said in the report that there were only dozens of casualties in Koi Town, and the emperor sent us here to find out the specific situation. Why is Koi Town destroyed all the houses in an earthquake, but the number of casualties is so small?

Zhao Shilang glanced at Yu Jin and said, "The two imperial envoys don't know anything about the fact that there are so few casualties in Koi Town, thanks to the lord!"

King Yan?

The two immediately looked at Yu Jin.

Yu Jin's expression was light, and he couldn't see any clues.

Zhao Shilang explained: "His Royal Highness and the lord originally lived in Koi Town after they came. As a result, a goddess fell into a dream that night, the lord, and warned that there was going to be an earthquake in Koi Town. The lord persuaded the people of the town to move out the next day. The people escaped this catastrophe..."

Supervision Yushi and Xiao Lezi looked at each other, and both saw shock in each other's eyes.

Is there such a strange thing?

The Superintendent of Censors was born in the eight classics of the imperial examinations, so he didn't believe much in these things, so he calmed down and said indifferently, "Master Zhao, take the officials to the town to have a look."

Xiao Lezi looked at Yu Jin a few more times.

Did the gods warn King Yan?

Is it because the gods and people are not particular, or is King Yan not particular, how can he bypass the prince?

Out of curiosity, he glanced at the prince quietly, and he saw an unhappy face.

Xiao Lezi sighed in his heart and became more and more curious.

I really don't know how these people said in unison that the gods gave a warning to King Yan, which made the prince's face rest.

The prince really regretted it for the hundredth time at this moment.

Such a glorious thing was not grasped, it is a great regret!

It's a pity that the news that Lao Qi received a warning from a dreamer has already spread, and he can't take credit for it.

But—hmph, Zhao Shilang dared to lie in front of the inspector’s envoy, this is deceiving the king, and he will tell the emperor to go back!

It took nearly two days to get here from the capital, and it took nearly two days to get here, and at this moment, Emperor Jing Ming had already received the second report sent by Zhao Shilang.

Of course, the expedited delivery of letters from 800 miles was much faster than the normal team.

With plenty of time, this memorial will be much thicker, explaining in detail that Yu Jin used the rhetoric of a god-like man to persuade the people to leave, thus avoiding a large number of casualties. In fact, the reason why King Yan was able to predict the earthquake in advance was because of the big dog of the fifth grade, General Xiaotian.

Emperor Jing Ming held the thick report, surprised and fortunate.

Surprisingly, a dog can predict the ground movement. Fortunately, the people of Koi Town can escape a disaster, and the prince and others are safe and sound.

If the prince and others have been living in the town, the consequences will be unimaginable...

Emperor Jing Ming shuddered and thought to himself: When the prince and his party return to Beijing, they must ask which bastard proposed to live in Koi Town.

Emperor Jing Ming secretly wrote down the account and said to Pan Hai, "Do you still remember the General Xiaotian that I appointed a few years ago?"

Pan Hai was slightly startled: "You mean the big dog that King Yan kept?"

Emperor Jing Ming glanced at him and corrected: "That's also an official of the imperial court."

Pan Hai twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "The slave is wrong, and for a moment I forgot the credit of General Xiaotian."

Emperor Jing Ming put down the memorial and sighed: "Thanks to Xiao Aiqing this time, when they return to Beijing, I will summon General Xiaotian to the palace to see them."

Xiao Aiqing?

Pan Hai's eyelids trembled, and he didn't dare to laugh. He complimented the situation: "It's all the emperor's kindness, so there is such a brave General Xiaotian in this world. General Xiaotian, like the champion of Lianzhong Sanyuan last year, is auspicious for our dynasty. Na."

Emperor Jing Ming nodded repeatedly.

There are too many bad things, the more auspiciousness, the better.

But——Why did the auspiciousness come from Lao Qi?

This thought flashed by and was suppressed by Emperor Jing Ming again.

In any case, being able to save so many people is a great deed, and I must be rewarded when I look back.

"Pan Hai, do you think General Xiaotian's official position should be mentioned?"

Pan Hai bowed his hands: "Your Majesty Shengming."

Anyway, it is a dog, the emperor has the final say.

Under the leadership of Zhao Shilang and others, the inspector Yushi and Xiao Lezi saw the Koi Town after the earthquake.

Xiao Lezi opened his mouth in shock: "it's so serious?"

The inspector's forehead was covered in cold sweat, and he asked in a series of voices, "Really only dozens of casualties?"

Zhao Shilang said: "Sixty-one dead, one surviving. Twenty-three corpses have been cleaned up so far, and it is quite difficult to clean up the rest..."

"Where are the survivors?" By this time, the inspector had no doubts about the seriousness of the earthquake.

This movement happened in the middle of the night, when people were fast asleep. If all the people were in the town at that time, the consequences would be disastrous.

Zhao Shilang said: "The survivor is a three-year-old girl who was rescued by the prince himself and has been sent to Wuji Town to be taken care of by the doctor. If the imperial envoy wants to see him, he will be able to see him when he returns to Wuji Town."

The Inspector Censor nodded, looked away from the devastated ruins, and said to Shilang Zhao: "For now, I'm not in a hurry to go back. The lower official wants to see the resettlement of the people in Koi Town who were affected by the disaster."

Although the rank of supervisory censors is low, they have great power, especially such censors who travel by order, absolutely cannot offend them.

Of course, a servant like Xiao Lezi couldn't be more offended.

Zhao Shilang personally led the way and led the two imperial envoys to the place where the people of Koi Town were temporarily resettled.

"Master Zhao, go and do your own work, and the lower official can walk around at will."

Zhao Shilang did have a lot of things to arrange. He knew that this was the inspector who wanted to bypass him to investigate the situation, so he avoided it very cleverly.

These days, he believes that he is worthy of his conscience, he has done his best, and he is not afraid of anyone coming to investigate.

Of course, what the inspector Yushi wanted to investigate was not Shi Lang Zhao, but a warning from King Yan in a dream.

Such a bizarre thing, he still has doubts.

Stopping a commoner at random, the censor asked, "Is the old man from Koi Town?"

I have seen many officials these days, and even the prince can be seen every day. The old man lost too much fear and replied, "Of course, except for the adults, they are all from our town."

"Dare to ask old man, why did you move out of the town before the earthquake?"

The old man immediately knelt down and kowtowed in a certain direction.

This reaction made the Inspector Censor stunned and couldn't help but look at Xiao Lezi.

what's going on?

To say that you are afraid of seeing Mr. Guan, you should kowtow from the beginning. Isn't this reaction a bit slow?

Again, the direction is wrong.

The old man got up, wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "Don't blame my lord, Xiaomin is so excited to hear your question. These people in our town were able to evacuate ahead of time, thanks to the lord..."

Listening to the old man's full praise of King Yan for a quarter of an hour, the censor of the inspector couldn't bear to wave his hand: "The old man can go to work."

As soon as the old man left, the inspector and Xiao Lezi looked at each other, and both thought: After this incident, the reputation of King Yan will probably spread all over the world.

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