The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Five hundred and sixtieth chapters infinite merit

Jiang Si received the news that Yu Jin had returned to the capital early, and could not help but ran to the second gate and waited.

"Master, why don't you go back and rest. When the lord comes, the maid will immediately rush to inform you." Aman glanced at his ginger-like belly and advised.

"Always take a walk, and wait for the prince by the way."

Ah Man waited to persuade him again, but was pulled by Ah Qiao.

"Why are you pulling me, I don't see how hard it is for the master to hold such a big belly." Aman complained in a low voice.

Ah Qiao puffed a smile: "The master has been waiting for the prince by the way. You still persuade him to make the master embarrassed."

A'man suddenly said: "Oh, the master misses the prince. Hehe, it's like every three autumns if you don't see each other in one day..."

Although the voices of the two maids were low, Jiang Xi could hear them clearly, glared at the two of them, and looked into the distance again.

"Your Highness is back—" a voice called from afar.

Yu Jin walked to the second door quickly, with a dusty expression on his face.

When he saw Jiang Si who was waiting at the second gate, his pace quickened.

Faster than him is Erniu.

Er Niu pushed Yu Jin away, ran up to Jiang Si, and shook his tail violently at the hostess.

I want to eat soy pork, I want to eat braised beef, I want to eat steamed meat...

Erniu slapped the ground three times with one front paw, drooling.

Jiang Si instantly understood what Erniu meant, and smiled: "Don't worry, the sauce pork, braised beef and steamed pork are all ready."

The two cows cried out happily.

At this time, Yu Jin came to Jiang Si, and the black face kicked Er Niu aside.

Originally, he could have been faster, but Er Niu, this dog, suddenly accelerated.

He can't always race a dog, can he?

Thinking of that scene, the mature and steady Yu someone forcibly resisted the urge.

Standing in front of Jiang Si, Yu Jin pursed his lips, reached out and took her into his arms: "Asi, I'm back."

The ginger-like belly was separated between the two, making the posture of the two of them embracing a little weird.

Ah Qiao began to take it off the table for the two masters' intimacy without shame and shame from time to time, and Ah Man didn't realize anything, and covered his mouth and laughed.

Jiang Si gently pushed him: "Come in and talk."

Yu Jin stared at Jiang Si for a while, before nodding: "Well, you go in and rest in the house, I'll come after a shower. I've been on the road, and my body is dirty."

Before Jiang Si entered the room, Yu Jin opened the bead curtain and walked in.

He put on a half-new bamboo cyan straight hairpin, and his dripping hair was fixed with a bamboo hairpin at will, making him look as clean as jade.

Ah Qiao served Yu Jin a new cup of tea and pulled Ah Man back.

There were only two other couples left in the house.

The two looked at each other and asked in unison, "Are you alright?"

After asking, the two laughed together.

Jiang Si leaned against Yu Jin and smiled: "I have nothing wrong, I just eat and sleep all day, sleep and eat, walk in the garden for a while sooner or later, and the days are over..."

It sounds like the days of running water, without the person who is in love with each other, it seems that there is no taste.

Living like a year is a bit exaggerated, and the hardship is real, especially when it comes to lying down at night, it is hard to get up at night.

At this time, Jiang seemed to feel that it was a bit of luck. The day was already hot in the second trimester of pregnancy. If it was changed to a big winter, it would be really hard to get up at night.

Only by raising a child can he know the kindness of his parents. In addition to thinking about Yu Jin these days, Jiang Si often thinks of his unimpressed late mother, Su Shi.

In the past life and this life, the Su family was more of a mother's name in Jiang Si's heart. Although she missed her, even her nostalgia was vague.

After all, she was just over a year old when Su Shi passed away.

But now, after feeling the little life in her belly, feeling happy and worrying about it, and suffering a lot for it, the image of her mother in her heart has become fuller.

"What are you thinking?" Yu Jin scratched Jiang Si's nose.

Jiang Si retracted his thoughts and said, "I'm thinking, it's really not easy being a mother."

Yu Jin smiled and said: "Yeah, wait for this little guy to come out, if it doesn't hurt you, watch me give it a good beating."

Jiang Si glanced at Yu Jin with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?"

"A Jin, are you practicing your skills in advance to become a father?"

"Where's the—"

"You haven't arrived yet, so I brought back two dolls, one boy and one girl, quite complete."

When Yu Jin saw Jiang Si, he had long forgotten the two young children he brought back, and after hearing her mention it, he said, "I lost my parents, and I happened to bump into them, so I brought them back. Anyway, the palace does not lack a few bites of food, and when our child is born, we can still have a few companions."

"Ajin, tell me about your time in Qianhe County."

"Okay, let's start with these two children." Yu Jin held Jiang Si in one hand, while the other hand kneaded her slightly swollen calf.

"The boy was from Qianhe County. In order to take him out of the city, his father was stabbed to death by the spears of the soldiers guarding the city gate. The mother gave the child to me and returned to the epidemic area to take care of her feverish daughter. I never saw him again. Passed her... The girl was from Koi Town and fell ill in the wilderness. Her parents insisted on taking her back to live in the town. Later, when the earthquake happened, her parents died in the earthquake. When the girl was found by us, her death Her parents built a bridge to protect her under them..."

Yu Jin's tone was calm, and he didn't use much emotion, he just explained what happened to the two children.

Jiang Si listened silently, tears streaming down her face.

Yu Jin stopped, lowered his head and placed a light kiss on her smooth forehead, and said softly, "Asi, there are more than 1,000 people in Koi Town, and only over 60 people died in that scene. Asi, that one You saved thousands of people..."

He raised his hand to wipe the tears for his wife in his arms, and said seriously, "Asi, whether those people know it or not, you saved them all."

Jiang Si smiled: "I don't have the hobby of being a savior, so don't talk about it. Besides, I just gave you a hint. It is you who really try to save them."

"With your hints, I'll save you." Yu Jin stretched out his hand and gently landed on Jiang Si's bulging belly.

The child is about to be born, but he is more and more worried, saying that giving birth to a child is a ghost gate for women...



"Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. You have saved more than a thousand people, and your merit is immeasurable, and everything will go smoothly for you."

Capturing the deep concern in the man's eyes, Jiang Si smiled and held his hand: "Don't worry, the good doctor is saying, my fetus is in the right position, and I will give birth smoothly."

Yu Jin nodded, and only then did he have the interest to continue talking: "By the way, Asi, I put the predictable ground movement on Er Niu, and it is estimated that Er Niu will be promoted..."

In the early morning of the next day, Emperor Jing Ming really mentioned that he wanted to promote Er Niu, the fifth-rank general Xiaotian.

Immediately, there was a thorn to stand up against it: "Your Majesty, it is unheard of for a dog to be named a five-rank general, how can it rise further?"

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