The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and eighty fourth stunned

Pan Hai walked in and said, "Your Majesty, the Minister of Punishment is asking to see you."

When he heard that it was the Minister of Punishment, Emperor Jing Ming was immediately relieved.

There is no big problem for the Minister of Punishment to ask for a meeting. At least the sons of those bastards should not be able to get along with the Ministry of Punishment, and there is no problem of asking for money from the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of Industry.

At the court today, the two ministers of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household almost rolled up their sleeves and fought because of the issue of money.

Thinking of that situation, Emperor Jing Ming's brain hurts.

It's not easy for him to be king.

"Pass the noble book in." Emperor Jing Ming said calmly.

Eyelids twitched, nothing good was for sure, but he didn't think it was a big problem.

The autumn queen is coming, and according to the usual time, it is time to chop off a wave of heads, and Da Zhou has always been cautious about the death penalty. In the end, he needs the emperor to stop him.

Xu is encountering a difficult case, unsure about it?

Emperor Jing Ming was thinking about it when the Minister of Punishment came in.

"What's the matter with Gao Aiqing entering the palace at this time?" Emperor Jing Ming asked slowly.

The Minister of Punishment gave a deep bow: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen is guilty!"

Emperor Jing Ming couldn't help sitting up straight and comforted: "Gao Aiqing has something to say."

Every move is guilty, and who is it to scare?

The Minister of Punishment took a quick look at Emperor Jing Ming, and saw that the emperor seemed to be in a relatively peaceful mood, so he was slightly relieved.

Of course, there is no slack on the face.

"Today, the Treasure Pavilion attracted people to watch because of someone's cowardice. As a result, many people rolled down the stairs under the crowd, causing a serious stampede accident, killing three people and injuring more than a dozen people..."

Emperor Jing Ming's face was full of anger: "How could there be such a thing? Where are the two of them, and how did they deal with them?"

Regardless of whether the folk customs are open or not, fornication has always been unavoidable since ancient times, but there are very few casualties caused by fornication.

What's more, did those two people have problems with their brains, and they even went to the Treasure Pavilion to do some mischief!

Although he has never been to the Treasure Pavilion, as the name suggests, it must be a shop that sells treasures.

Is this for fear of not being discovered?

The Minister of Punishment was silent.

"Why didn't Gao Aiqing answer?" The silence of the minister of punishment made Emperor Jing Ming suddenly have an ominous premonition.

The Minister of Punishment took a deep breath and said bravely: "Reporting to the emperor, the two people who are doing sloppy things in the treasure pavilion... are the prince and his servant..."

Emperor Jing Ming's head buzzed and knocked over the teacup in his hand.

The teacup fell on the smooth and verifiable gold brick and shattered to pieces.

"Gao Aiqing, say it again, what are the identities of those two?"

The Minister of Punishment took a deep look at Emperor Jing Ming and buried his head.

The emperor really loves to deceive himself, so I need to say it again.

However, the emperor's order could not be disobeyed. The Minister of Punishment sighed and said, "It's the prince and—"

"Enough!" Emperor Jing Ming drank, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

He was afraid that he would kill the prince as soon as he made a sound.

There was suffocating silence in the imperial study.

The Minister of Punishment is not too young, and there is a feeling that the old bones can't stand it.

With such a prince on the stall, it is easy to be a minister.

But——Looking at Emperor Jing Ming, whose face was ashen and silent, the Minister of Punishment felt that he could endure it again.

Tsk tsk, it is even more difficult for the emperor to have such a son and heir.

After an unknown amount of time, Emperor Jing Ming finally said, "Where's the Crown Prince?"

"Prince... It's time to go back to the palace." The Minister of Punishment said uncertainly.

Emperor Jing Ming immediately instructed Pan Hai: "Tell the prince to get over here!"

The prince slipped back to the East Palace, sighing in relief.

Finally came back unscathed.

After only a few sips of tea, a servant came in and said that the emperor had summoned him.

The crown prince went to the imperial study in a frightened manner, and when he saw Emperor Jing Ming's slightly gloomy face, his legs softened a bit.

"The son has seen the father, but I don't know what the father asked the son to do?"

"Where did you go today?"

The prince's heart was beating wildly, and he resisted the urge to cry and tell the truth, and insisted: "My son went to the Ministry of Household to observe politics..."


"After that?" The prince was still stubbornly holding on,

"Then the son will return to the palace-"

Emperor Jing Ming picked up the white jade paperweight on the table and smashed it.

The prince hurriedly avoided, but the paperweight hit his forehead.

The prince shook his body, glanced at Emperor Jing Ming, and fell down.

Emperor Jing Ming was almost mad.

Although he wanted to beat this bastard to death, he couldn't really beat it to death after all. The paperweight thrown out was actually on his shoulder.

Unexpectedly, the prince was hit when he ducked!

Pan Hai glanced at the stunned prince, and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty—"

"Pass the imperial doctor!" After smashing the crown prince's head to the point of bloodshed, what can Emperor Jing Ming do?

The imperial physicians on duty all rushed over.

The imperial doctor was inside to diagnose and treat the prince, while Emperor Jing Ming circled back and forth with his hands behind his back.

The queen who came to hear the news whispered and asked the princess who arrived first: "What's going on?"

The Crown Princess shook her head: "My daughter-in-law doesn't know."

The prince was fine when he left the East Palace, but he turned into this in a blink of an eye. What else could have happened, he must have done something wrong again.

The Crown Princess was already somewhat heartbroken about this.

The Empress walked to Emperor Jingming: "Your Majesty, how is the Crown Prince?"

The emperor stopped, glanced inside, and said coldly, "It shouldn't die."

Having said that, he was a little confused in his heart.

The white jade paperweight is very hard, and there is a lot of blood on the gold bricks. What if the prince was really killed?

Distressed, angry, regretful... Emperor Jing Ming felt that he had tasted almost all his emotions in a short period of time.

After that, it was indescribably tired.

Such a bastard son, even if he is crushed to death;

"Prince why-"

"I smashed it." Facing the Empress, Emperor Jing Ming had no strength to hide it.

Although the yamen will hide what the prince has done today, but even if he can hide it from the world, he knows it.

Can such a crown prince really defend the country that his ancestors laid down?

This was the first time that Emperor Jing Ming thought deeply about this issue.

The queen was taken aback and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, get angry and hurt yourself, what's the matter with the prince, just discipline him-"

"Today, the prince and his servants are struggling." Emperor Jing Ming interrupted the empress's consolation.

Queen: "..."

"Outside the palace."

Queen: "..."

"It also attracted countless people to watch."

Queen: "..."

"A stampede accident happened to the onlookers, and dozens of people were killed and injured."

Queen's forehead.

Seriously, the emperor did not kill the prince on the spot, he was already a loving father!

At this time, an imperial doctor came out: "Your Majesty, Your Highness is awake."

Emperor Jing Ming and the Empress looked at each other and walked in together.

Hearing these words, the Crown Princess bit her lip hard and followed silently.

On the bed, the crown prince had gauze wrapped around his head, and his eyes were blank.

When Emperor Jing Ming came to the prince, he snorted heavily when he saw that there was no response from the prince.

The prince blinked: "Who are you?"

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