The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and ninety seventh bitter meat plan

The East Palace is an official, and the crown prince can be said to be both prosperous and damaged.

However, it was the first time that the prince was abolished, and most of the subordinate officials were reprimanded. Now the subordinate officials have changed a lot, and now it is one of the few remaining old people.

But the official who was close to the prince was not happy.

He saw with his own eyes that those colleagues had fallen badly. After the restoration of the prince, he thought that he would be able to settle down for a while, but he did not expect that the prince would still be the same prince, and he would not change at all.

"What do you think I should do? The emperor is ill, and every prince has been summoned. Even the concubine and grandson have seen me, but I can't see me alone..." The prince was so worried that even his white hair came out. root.

The official thought for a while and said: "The emperor has not seen His Royal Highness, but he is still angry. According to the minister, you should show more sincerity and impress the emperor with your sincerity and filial piety."

The prince said angrily: "It's easy to say, now that the father can't even see my face, how can I show my sincerity? Even if I want to show it, the father can't see or hear it."

"Your Highness is wrong."

"Where did I go wrong?" The prince frowned and looked at the official.

The official said softly: "The emperor can't see, can't hear, someone else reports to the emperor what His Highness has done, it is no different from what the emperor saw with his own eyes."

"Then think of a way for me, anyway, no one else can see the father and emperor, I can't be alone."


The next day, everyone went to visit Emperor Jing Ming as usual.

Not long after, Pan Hai invited everyone in, leaving the prince behind as usual.

Prince Lu winked at the prince and said with a low smile, "Second brother, the father and the emperor didn't see you anyway, so you should go back."

The prince glared at King Lu fiercely, but said nothing.

King Lu was a little surprised.

Hey, the prince actually learned to swallow his voice.

There was a pain in the waist, and it was Princess Lu who secretly twisted King Lu.

"My lord, don't go faster." Princess Lu said with a small smile, her heart was half dead.

It's really three days without putting on the roof and provoking the prince every day. Once the prince succeeds, what will be good for them.

King Lu touched his nose: "Let's go."

He was wrong, it wasn't that the prince learned to swallow his anger, it was he who learned to swallow his anger.

As long as the prince is still the prince, he is worried that the prince will inherit the throne in the future.

Otherwise - King Lu's footsteps paused, his eyes flickering.

Find a chance to kill the prince?

King Lu had such an idea for the first time.

When everyone came out after visiting Emperor Jing Ming, they were surprised to find that the prince was kneeling on the stone steps outside the hall.

"Second brother, you are—"

The crown prince raised his eyes and looked at King Qin who was asking the question, and said, "I made my father angry, so I knelt down here and begged my father to calm down, and at the same time, I prayed for my father to recover quickly."

Everyone exchanged glances.

Prince is this transsexual?

It is not good to stay in the palace for a long time. King Qin said warmly: "The second brother should take care of his body and the ground is cold."

"Yes, second brother, be careful that your knees can't stand it after kneeling for a long time." Qi Wangyu was concerned.

"Thank you brothers for your concern. As long as the father is willing to calm down and his body can recover early, it doesn't matter to me." The prince said solemnly.

After leaving the gate of the palace, King Lu sighed: "It's a pity, I can't stay to watch the fun."

Princess Lu gave King Lu a white look: "What are you watching, hurry back to the mansion."

Here, Lao Qin has already swung his horse whip and drove the carriage of Prince Yan's mansion.

Inside the car, Yu Jin sneered: "I didn't expect that the prince would make a bitter game, so that's all he can handle."

Jiang Si leaned back against the comfortable pillow, and said in a hurry: "The bitter scheming is not so complicated and profound, but the bet is whether the person who is being cast on the bitter scheming is soft-hearted."

"Do you think the father will be soft-hearted?"

"Hard to say."

Because of her rebirth, many things have changed, and she is not sure when the second waste prince will be.

"Then let's see. Soft-hearted only means that the father and son still have some affection for the prince. It does not mean that an emperor still recognizes the heir of the prince." Yu Jin said lightly.

If this is the case, and the emperor still has no intention of rejecting the prince, then it can only be said that Da Zhou is about to die.

Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Pan Hai said softly, "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince is still kneeling outside."

"Let him kneel!" Emperor Jing Ming said angrily.

Pan Hai didn't dare to say more, and silently stepped aside.

The princes came to visit Emperor Jing Ming in the morning. Seeing that it was almost noon, the prince kneeling on the stone steps was dizzy and scolded his subordinates half to death in his heart.

What kind of bullshit did that bastard come up with, he is going to kneel to death, and the emperor has not seen him!

So painful, so uncomfortable-

The prince wanted to get up countless times, but thinking about the anxiety and panic these days, he still gritted his teeth and held on.

If you can't fail, if you persist for a while, maybe the emperor will see him. When the father sees him so miserable, he will definitely soften his heart. Since he was a child, he has made his father angry so many times, and finally the father has softened...

The prince thought in a daze, his eyes darkened and his body fell to the side.

The servant hurried in to report to Emperor Jing Ming.

"Prince passed out?" Emperor Jing Ming glanced at the hourglass subconsciously.

It was only at noon that I fainted on my knees. If I changed the fifth or seventh, I would have no problem kneeling until the night.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jing Ming became even more angry.

"Take the prince back to the East Palace!"

The prince woke up, found that he had returned to the East Palace, and suddenly sat up straight: "Why am I here?"

One of the servants said: "You passed out outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the emperor ordered someone to send you back."

"So, the royal father didn't see me?" the prince murmured.

The servant did not dare to say a word.

"Where's the princess?" The prince suddenly thought of something.

"The princess is cooking porridge.

The prince's face darkened.

Don't ask, this porridge is cooked for the father.

In the past few days, the prince concubine made porridge with her own hands and sent it to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Although Emperor Jing Ming could not eat it, he accepted it.

The more the prince thought about it, the more annoyed he became.

The crown princess is so flattering to her father, is she convinced that he is useless? Hmph, he asked to get his father to change his mind, and then take care of this bitch when he ascends the throne in the future!

No, I have to kneel tomorrow!

He has passed out on his knees today, and if he goes to kneel again tomorrow, the royal father will definitely meet him.

The prince made up his mind, touched the red, swollen and painful knee, and hesitated again.

It's already late autumn, and the stone steps are as cold as water. It's too painful to kneel there. You won't be lame on your knees, right?

After thinking about it, the prince called a little palace maid who had "talked" the most in the past and asked, "Can you do needlework?"

The little palace maid nodded: "Yes."

The prince gestured to his knees: "Make me a pair of cotton pads for knee pads."

"Ah?" The little palace maid was stunned.

The prince's face sank: "Will it be possible?"

The little palace maid hurriedly said: "Yes, I don't know what His Highness wants—"

"Thickness is fine." When the prince thought about the cold stone steps, he felt that the thicker the better, but he was worried about being seen, and added, "You can't see it with a coat, do you understand?"

The little palace maid nodded dumbly: "Understood."

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