Jiang Si subconsciously glanced at Yu Jin.

After hearing Xiange and knowing Yayi, her father asked her to come to see her. Could it be that she suspected that she was not sick?

Yu Jin nodded slightly.

There are pros and cons to everything, since Ah Si did not choose to hide her clumsiness, there will naturally be many times when she needs to express herself. If she refuses, she will appear guilty.

Jiang Shi stepped forward and looked at Emperor Jing Ming.

Emperor Jing Ming was stared at for a long time, and couldn't help but ask, "Don't you need to take the pulse?"

Jiang Si smiled and said, "No, Royal Father wait a moment."

She looked at Emperor Jing Ming's eyes first, then looked at his nose, neck, fingers, etc., and her expression became more and more serious.

Emperor Jing Ming's face did not change, but his heart was suspended.

The seventh daughter-in-law has not yet come to a conclusion. Could it be that his situation is more troublesome than that of the queen mother?

The Empress could understand Emperor Jing Ming's nervousness and unwillingness to show his timidity in front of his daughter-in-law, and asked, "Princess Yan, how is the emperor?"

Jiang Si pondered for a while and asked, "My father asked me to come, do you suspect that it is not a common disease?"

The queen looked at Emperor Jing Ming and nodded: "Yes. The fifteenth princess was poisoned by the dancer before, and the dancer died of a sudden heart attack during the interrogation. The emperor's illness is very strange. I suspect it has something to do with Duo Ma..."

Jiang Xi and Yu Jin looked at each other.

Duo Mammy is dead, and the Empress suspects that there are still Duo Mama's accomplices in the palace.

Jiang Shi looked a little weird.

The queen couldn't help but said: "Princess Yan, no matter what the situation is, just say it straight, and your father and I can bear it."

Since Princess Yan has the ability to suppress Gu worms, even the mother and son that Duo Ma gave to the Empress Dowager can solve the heart Gu, so it must be no problem to share the emperor's worries.

Emperor Jing Ming followed and said, "That's right. Seventh daughter-in-law, you can tell me how my body is, even if it can't be solved."

Only then did Jiang Xi say: "Father and mother, it's not that the daughter-in-law dared not say it, but after some examinations, it was found that the father's symptoms had nothing to do with Gu worms..."

This is what she finds strange. The empress's suspicion is different, but there is no problem after checking.

Both Emperor Jing Ming and the Empress were stunned for a while, and couldn't help looking at each other.

"Could it be that I really just have a heart attack?" Emperor Jing Ming murmured, his heart sank.

If it was a Gu worm, it would be easier to say if there was the seventh daughter-in-law. And if he really suffers from heart disease, I am afraid the situation is not good.

Emperor Jing Ming's expression fell.

"Princess Yan, can you be sure that the emperor's symptoms have nothing to do with Gu worms?" the queen asked.

Emperor Jing Ming raised his eyebrows and glanced at the queen.

When the queen asked this, she was embarrassing the seventh daughter-in-law.

He is a father and a king, and he knows very well that some questions are not so easy to answer.

At this time, I heard Jiang Si say: "Yes."

Just two words, neat and crisp.

Emperor Jing Ming couldn't help but glance at Jiang Si a few more times.

Compared to the slender girl with peerless elegance that she first saw at the Mei Mei Banquet, the woman in front of her was a little more calm, a kind of indifference that the mountain had collapsed in front of her.

Emperor Jing Ming was quite pleased.

Royal daughter-in-law, as it should be.

The queen was unexpectedly bold.

She asked this, but she was not reconciled that the emperor was really sick. With Princess Yan who can suppress Gu worms, illness is the most troublesome.

I didn't expect Princess Yan to give the answer with such certainty.

The queen exchanged glances.

Emperor Jing Ming laughed at himself: "It seems that I am overthinking it."

The empress said ashamed: "It's not that the emperor is overthinking, it's me who thinks wildly—"

Emperor Jing Ming shook his head and interrupted the empress: "The empress is also thinking of me, so don't have to say this."

Jiang Si silently retreated to Yu Jin's side.

"Pan Hai, let them all come in."

Pan Hai hesitated for a moment, then asked cautiously, "The prince—"

Emperor Jing Ming was silent for a while, then said, "Also ask the prince to come in."

Since his health is not good, the more he needs to stabilize people's hearts, and wait for him to recover a little, and then discuss with the ministers about the abolition of the prince.

Hearing Emperor Jing Ming's decision, Pan Hai's eyes flashed.

He followed the emperor for decades,

I know the emperor too well.

At this time, the emperor is willing to see the prince, which is not a good thing for the prince.

It seems that Da Zhou's innocence is about to change.

Thinking about the second waste prince, Pan Hai felt that it was not that simple, and walked out with a sigh in his heart.

As soon as Pan Hai came out, everyone gathered around and asked, "How is your father?"

Everyone is thinking: the first seven couples that the father sees, who will they see next?

Pan Hai glanced at the crowd and said, "The emperor called several princes and princesses in."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time their mood was a little subtle.

Summoning Lao Qi and his wife alone, and seeing them together, the father's move is simply unintelligible.

No matter what they thought, everyone went inside, leaving the prince standing alone.

Pan Haichong cupped his hands and said, "His Royal Highness, the emperor also asked you to come in."

The prince was stunned for a moment, his eyes quickly flashed with horror, and he blurted out: "Father wants to see me?"

Everyone turned back.

They did not expect that the father and emperor would be willing to see the prince again.

The crown prince forced his composure under many eyes: "That's great, the royal father is finally willing to see me."

But in my heart, I have the urge to run away.

He made his father so angry, why did his father suddenly want to see him? Did you notice what he did?

Impossible, except for him, only the little palace maid knows about it, and no third person knows about it, and the royal father will not notice it.

Yes, he won't notice, he can't panic!

The prince comforted himself and walked in with the crowd.

At first glance, he saw Yu Jin and Jiang Si standing side by side, followed by Emperor Jing Ming who was leaning on the head of the bed.

Everyone asked: "Father, how are you?"

"I'm fine." Emperor Jing Ming started from King Qin and looked at the princes one by one.

The boss is prudent in his duties, but he is an adopted son after all, and he is also selfish.

The fourth is the oldest after the prince and the third, and has a good reputation, but he doesn't like it very much.

If the fifth son became the prince, he would probably have to kneel on the stone steps outside the hall every day.

The sixth is smart but has not gone through the storm, the seventh is a little bolder, and the eighth is the youngest and can't even think about it...

Emperor Jing Ming quickly turned the thought, and finally turned his attention to the prince.

The prince's breath stagnated, his heart beat fast for a few times, and he said bravely: "Father, how are you, my son is so worried—"

Before he could finish speaking, Emperor Jing Ming suddenly covered his heart, his expression extremely hideous because of the pain.

Everyone jumped in shock: "Father, are you alright?"

Several imperial doctors rushed in, and they were in a hurry again. Emperor Jing Ming had only survived that period of time, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

The queen was furious: "Are you all rubbish, the medicine you prescribed doesn't work at all, do you just watch the emperor hurt so much again and again?"

The imperial physicians fell to their knees and pleaded guilty.

The Crown Prince stared at all of this, and in addition to being panicked, his heart surged with ecstasy: That puppet really works!

At this moment, Yu Jin suddenly glanced at the prince.

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