The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 605 Search the East Palace

The queen looked at the princess.

There was no blood on the crown princess' face, and the calm in her eyes was not real calm, but a strong support before the collapse.

Curse the emperor with a puppet, and no one can bear the consequences.

The queen's heart changed sharply, and she quickly made a decision: "Follow me to see the emperor!"

At this moment, Emperor Jing Ming was not sleeping.

After tossing and turning during the day, he was exhausted, but the pain in his heart always came suddenly, making him unable to sleep peacefully.

Emperor Jing Ming put his hand on his heart and his heart was heavy.

If those imperial physicians with wine bags and rice bags have been helpless, and his illness cannot be improved, then he will forcibly abolish the crown prince and consider the ministers as assistants.

However, when he was seriously ill, he rejected the prince. Civil and military officials would not tolerate the vacancy of the crown prince. It was necessary to select a new prince as soon as possible.

However, after abolishing and restoring the crown prince, and having to abolish it again, he could not choose his favorite candidate for a while.

Those sons have their own shortcomings, and he doesn't want to rush to settle the prince again, and regret it later.

At this moment, Emperor Jing Ming realized the sadness that the time is not waiting for me.

That bastard, the prince, is too cold to his heart. It's a pity that the dignified and virtuous prince and the smart and clever brother Chun——

Thinking of this, Emperor Jing Ming suddenly moved in his heart.

What if the prince was abolished and the grandson was replaced?

Brother Chun is indeed a good boy, and he will not be as stupid and absurd as his father in the future. It's just that Brother Chun is still young, and his uncles are in their youth.

Emperor Jing Ming pondered these things, only to feel his head was as big as a bucket.

Pan Hai walked in quickly: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother and the Crown Princess are asking to see you."

Emperor Jing Ming's eyelids jumped suddenly, and he said solemnly, "Please come in."

At this time, the queen and the prince concubine asked to see each other. It would be strange if there was a good thing. Nine times out of ten, it was the prince's bastard who caused trouble again.

The queen quickly walked in with the princess.

"What's the matter with the Empress?" Emperor Jing Ming asked, looking at the Crown Princess from the corner of his eyes.

The Empress hesitated for a moment, and said, "Just now, a young lady in the East Palace reported something to the Crown Princess..."

The princess looked gratefully at the queen.

No matter what the father will do in the future, at least the queen said so now, trying to get her out.

Of course, there will be no eggs under the nest, and it is certain that she will be implicated. Now she only hopes to try her best to protect Brother Chun.

When Emperor Jing Ming heard this, his face was ashen.

A little palace maid in the East Palace might use a puppet to harm him?

It sounds absurd, but his sudden angina pectoris cannot be faked. Compared with the sudden illness, he believes that he was harmed by a crooked way.

Anything that happens will leave traces. If it hadn't happened before, Emperor Jing Ming wouldn't think so, but now he has to think so.

"Where is the maid who carved things out of paulownia?"

The Crown Princess lowered her eyes and said, "I will report here in the daytime, saying that the palace maid died of a sudden illness, and the person has been pulled out of the palace..."

Emperor Jing Ming gritted his teeth and shouted, "Pan Hai—"

"The servant is here."

"Go and find out the cause of death of that palace maid immediately!"

In the palace, after the death of ordinary palace servants, they could not be taken back by their parents and family members for burial, but were immediately carried out of the palace and taken to a place called Jingletang on the outskirts of the city for cremation.

Jingletang is not a house, but two deep wells. The ashes collected by the palace servants after the cremation will be sprinkled in the wells, and their life will be over.

The palace maid was just pulled over in the daytime, and maybe it hasn't had time to be cremated.

Pan Hai immediately ordered someone to do it.

Emperor Jing Ming's mood became worse and worse, and he asked again, "What about the little palace maid who exposed the matter?"

Not long after, Hongyu knelt in front of Emperor Jing Ming.

"Since you know how the puppets harm others, do you know where the puppets are buried?" Emperor Jing Ming asked.

Emperor Jing Ming also had doubts about this whistleblower.

How could it be so coincidental that a little palace maid carved something out of paulownia and was discovered by another palace maid from the same town.

Saying that there is no problem with this little palace maid, then he has been an emperor for decades in vain.

But now is not the time to pursue

Finding that puppet is a priority.

"It is said that it was buried near the victim's residence, but it is not clear where the slaves are. Although there is such a saying in the slaves' hometown, it is only rumored, and ordinary people do not know the details..."

Emperor Jing Ming looked at Pan Hai with a gloomy face: "Immediately bring someone to investigate, and I will dig the East Palace three feet into the ground!"

Pan Hai responded with awe and walked out.

To search the East Palace, he, the Admiral of the East Factory, must be present.

Just as I walked to the door, I heard Emperor Jing Ming ask from behind: "Prince Concubine, where are these two palace maids serving as errands?"

After a moment of silence, the princess said, "Both of them serve the prince..."

Pan Hai paused, then walked away quickly.

There are many dark clouds outside, no stars and no moon, and there is a kind of oppressive depression.

Pan Hai looked up at the sky and let out a sigh of relief.

The sky has really changed, and the imperial city is about to come.

Then his face sank, and he strode through the dark night to the East Palace.

He is the emperor's most trusted inner servant. When the emperor is plotted, everyone will stand aside, even the prince.

This time, he must turn the East Palace upside down and find the doll who harmed the emperor!

In the darkness, the East Palace was silently surrounded by people.

Pan Hai led a group of people in, starting with the residence of the two palace maids.

This movement was not small, but the prince did not respond.

During the day, he found that the puppet had a role to play, and strangled the little palace maid to death. After nightfall, fear and excitement struck, the prince calmed down after drinking a pot of wine, and fell asleep after drinking.

"Your Highness, Your Highness—" the maid stood by the bed with a white face and called the prince.

The prince muttered a few words, turned over and continued to sleep.

The maid was anxious, and pulled the prince hard: "Your Highness, wake up, something happened."

The prince closed his eyes, cursed vaguely, and kicked his foot.

The waiter took two steps back, clutching his abdomen, dumbfounded.

"What can I do, I can't wake up Your Highness."

Another inner servant was heartbroken, stretched out his hand and pressed the prince's shoulder and shook it vigorously: "His Royal Highness, wake up, get out of the water!"

The prince jumped up suddenly and looked around: "Where is the water going?"

He ran out barefoot and slammed his head against the screen. After such a collision, most of the drunkenness and sleepiness dissipated, and this was considered sober.

After sobering up, the prince ran to the door. Seeing that it didn't look like a fire outside, he kicked in the heart of the servant and said angrily, "You dare to bluff me!"

It's really bold, he is a prince after all, and maybe he will be the emperor in a few days.

The kicked servant covered his heart so much pain that he was speechless, and another servant hurriedly said, "Prince, something has happened!"

"What's up?"

"Eunuch Pan brought someone to the East Palace to search!"

The prince was stunned for a moment, and stammered: "Search... search? Search for what?"

"I just don't know what to search." The servant was almost crying.

Eunuch Pan brought people to search in person, how could it be good?

"Where's the Crown Princess?" The Crown Prince asked anxiously.

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