The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Six hundred and twentieth seventh chapter mad people do not pay for their lives

In Yuquan Palace, Concubine Xian had an unbearable headache and was in great pain. But Jiang Shi walked out of the palace, but it was rare to find a solution to the depression for many days, and he spit out a turbid breath against the blue sky.

Isn't Concubine Xian going to pretend to be sick?

Originally, Jiang seemed not to dare to use different techniques easily. She showed all kinds of special methods in front of the emperor. If she used different techniques on the people in the palace, it would be easy to get burned. There will be gains and losses, and she has long expected this situation.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Xian wanted to pretend to be sick, and even bought the imperial doctor to cover it up, so she didn't have to worry about it. Since Concubine Xian said that she has a fever and a headache, let's have a fever and a headache, and let Concubine Xian taste what it means to eat the fruit.

The most wonderful thing is that you don't have to worry about the emperor and others thinking of her, after all, Concubine Xian only came to the palace to visit after she was ill.

Thinking like this, Jiang Shi raised the corners of his lips, and coldness flashed in his eyes.

Fever and headaches are just a small lesson for Concubine Xian, the death of her in the previous life is not over yet!

Concubine Qi, who was walking in front, turned her head and said in surprise, "Seventh younger brother and sister, why didn't you leave?"

Jiang Shi regained her expressionless expression, and gave Princess Qi a cool look.

Princess Qi was uncomfortable with this look, and sneered: "Seventh younger brother, what's the matter?"

Jiang Si smiled: "I just think that the fourth sister-in-law has a good temper. No matter what I say, I don't care."

Princess Qi's expression suddenly became embarrassed.

Princess Yan deceived people too much. This was mocking her for sticking her hot face on Princess Yan's cold ass.

After thinking about it for two days, Princess Qi held back and said with a dry smile, "Seven younger siblings are still young, so naturally I don't think about it too much."

Jiang Si nodded and sighed: "The fourth sister-in-law is really broad-minded. I heard that the fourth brother's concubine has dozens of people in the room, and the huge Qi Wangfu cannot live in it. Is this all the credit of the fourth sister-in-law?"

Princess Qi's face froze, and she clenched her hand hard to restrain the urge to curse.

Jiang's bitch, this is the dazzling knife to pierce her heart.

Which woman doesn't want to be with her husband for the rest of her life, Jiang's arrogance and arrogance relying on King Yan's favor, and even taunting her is really annoying.

Jiang Xike doesn't care what Princess Qi's anger is, two days later, two days later, she will be happy now that she takes back some interest.

That's right, people she doesn't like are depressed, so she's comfortable.

Seeing Jiang Si's indifferent smile, clearly not inadvertent, Princess Qi gritted her teeth and said, "Men are different from our women. When they were young, Yan Er was newly married and was single-minded to his wife, lest there would be more people in the room. But when the freshness passes, it will not be In this way, even if the wife at home is more beautiful than a fairy, I am willing to look at the girl with beautiful eyebrows on the roadside... Hehe, the four younger siblings are still young, and they will understand after a few years of experience..."

A Man who followed Jiang Si silently rolled his eyes.

This Princess Qi is really annoying. She said that a wife who is more beautiful than a fairy is not as attractive as a roadside girl. Does this mean that they are their masters?

Hmph, it's shameless for my man to be half-hearted, so he can't see the love between the master and the prince.

At this time, the little maid had long since put her master's provocation on the other side out of the blue.

What? Did her master pick it up first?

Bah, such a good person as her master would pick things up first, which shows that the other party has become unbearable. If you don't give some color to this kind of person, do you have to swallow it?

The little maid rolled her eyes confidently. If it wasn't for the fact that she had just walked out of the palace gate at this time, there were still many people staring at her, and they would have cast their eyes on Princess Qi's face long ago.

After Princess Qi said something, she was looking forward to seeing the other party's face change, and sneered in her heart.

She didn't believe that Princess Yan felt uneasy after hearing this. Color decline and love relaxation is a common problem for men, and it is also a bad thing that most women will experience.

Who knew that Jiang Si didn't even move his eyelids when he heard this, but asked with a smile: "By the way, I also heard that it is not enough to rely on the fourth brother's salary to raise so many concubines, and the fourth sister-in-law is also needed to supplement the dowry money, right? ?"

The key to attacking opponents is to spare no effort. Princess Qi is really naive. Did she think she would answer the conversation if she changed the subject? Of course not,

She is going to piss her off today.

As for the fact that King Qi's Nian Lu is not enough to support a concubine and a dowry subsidy is needed, Jiang seems to be making a guess.

After all, A Jin has only one daughter-in-law like her. At present, the expenses of the palace still need to be subsidized by Er Niu and A Huan's annual salary. King Qi raises a bunch of women, how can that little salary be enough?

The daughters of King Qi did not have the title of the county owner, so naturally they did not have the county owner's nianlu to receive, and there was no big dog to receive the nianlu. What would they spend without spending the dowry money of Princess Qi?

Jiang Si's unpretentious speculation was like a sharp arrow, hitting the heart of Princess Qi.

Princess Qi's face changed, her fingernails fell into her tender palms, and they were already bleeding.

The palace has a lot of expenses, and the prince's annual salary and the output of Zhuangzi are indeed not enough. Part of it is to be supplemented by her dowry money, but where did Princess Yan know about this?

Many people may praise her for being virtuous and generous, but only she herself knows how humiliating she is.

If it weren't for the fact that the prince could have a son as soon as possible, and for the great cause of the prince, why would she have wronged herself so much.

Seeing Princess Qi's reaction, Jiang Si raised her eyebrows.

You guessed it right!

Since she guessed right, she was even more rude.

Jiang Xi blinked, put on a look of sympathy and sigh, and said in surprise: "So the rumor is true, the fourth sister-in-law really used her dowry money to support the fourth brother?"

"Where did the seventh siblings hear about it?" Princess Qi asked with embarrassment.

Jiang Si pursed her lips and smiled: "Where did you hear that it's a big deal? The fourth sister-in-law is really generous, but there is something I want to persuade the fourth sister-in-law to pay for others to see if it's worth it, and some people will put other people's efforts in the record. In my heart, such as our lord. But some people are used to the sacrifices of others day after day and year after year, and what they remember is not the difficulty of other people's sacrifices, but the convenience. When the convenience is gone in the future, maybe not only Be grateful to the other party, but also blame the other party for not continuing to pay."

Princess Qi was startled.

Jiang Si smiled even more: "People's habits are the most terrifying. Sister-in-law, don't you think?"

Before waiting for Princess Qi to answer, Jiang Si smiled and strode forward.

Aman followed closely, and after walking a dozen steps, he turned his head and glanced, and saw that Princess Qi was still standing blankly, with a very complicated expression on her face.

"Aman, what are you still doing stupidly?" Jiang Si said lightly.

A Man immediately chased after him, waited for the carriage, and said with a smile, "Master, you are so amazing, it seems that Princess Qi is so angry that she can't speak."

She was also worried that the master would suffer, so she wanted to rush to help, but she forgot that the master was a woman who dared to cut a man's life with scissors in the middle of the night.

"Just tell the truth." Jiang Si said lightly.

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