The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter six hundred and thirty sesame oil money

Jiang Si leaned against the wall of the car and asked casually, "What do you think about my relationship with Princess Qi?"

Aman said neatly: "Not good."

The master is good-natured and kind-hearted, and he is good to people who are in a relationship, such as Dou Biaogu.

But Princess Qi had never seen her master look good.

"Well, I don't think the relationship is good, but Princess Qi asked me to go to the incense-"

Aman covered his mouth and whispered: "Master, Princess Qi is doing nothing to be courteous, either a traitor or a thief. She must be holding a belly full of bad water."

Jiang Si nodded slightly: "I think so too."

Aman blinked and said puzzledly, "Master, why did you agree to go to incense with her?"

Jiang Si smiled: "If you don't agree, how do you know what she intends to do?"

When Ah Man heard this, he excitedly said, "Master did the right thing, let's see what she did wrong, and then return it!"

"I think the same way, so you have to have an idea in mind, and don't panic when you encounter a change."

Aman nodded again and again: "Don't worry, the maid will definitely not panic."

After following the master for so long, what kind of storm has she never seen before?

Jiang Si thought about it for a while, and warned: "Especially protect yourself, remember that I was prepared, and I won't be tricked by her."

Ah Man nodded as if he didn't understand, "My maid understands."

Jiang Si looked at Ah Man and sighed in his heart.

It was Ah Man who accompanied her to her death in the previous life, and therefore, even if Ah Man was not smart and sensible enough, and a little reckless and rude, she was still the best maid in her opinion.

If a maid is willing to protect you with her life, then all shortcomings are no longer shortcomings.

She is willing to keep Aman so innocent and straightforward.

Ah Man was quiet for a while, and couldn't help but ask, "Master, what do you think Princess Qi will do?"

Jiang Si smiled lightly: "Who knows, you only know when it happens, just wait and see what happens."

Ah Man nodded, and started leaning on the side of the car window to look out, this time looking at the carriage in front of him.

It was the carriage of Prince Qi's mansion, and in the carriage were Princess Qi and her personal maid.

Aman tilted his head and thought: Never mind, once Princess Qi wants to harm the master, she will kill the other party by force first.

The little girl accidentally caught a glimpse of the driver who was driving the car for them, and hurriedly lowered the curtains of the car, and said to Jiang Si: "Master, today's driver is not Lao Qin!"

She knew about Lao Qin's ability, and she was very reliable, so she couldn't help but panic when she saw that the driver had changed to someone else.

Jiang Si said calmly: "It's fine, I need to take a break from Qin once in a while."

Lao Qin is too serious and responsible. With Lao Qin following him, what if that idiot, Princess Qi, can't do anything?

Aman pouted and muttered in a low voice, "Master rarely goes out, and Lao Qin rests every day."

Having said that, the little maid is no longer entangled.

In her opinion, since it was the master's decision, it must be justified. She couldn't figure it out for a while, just because she wasn't smart enough.

It didn't take long for the carriage to leave the city, and after a long journey, it finally stopped as the sun gradually climbed higher into the sky.

"Master, Baiyun Temple is here." Aman jumped down first and stretched out his hand to help Jiang Xia get out of the car.

Jiang Si looked up at the temple gate.

After being reborn, this is the second time she has come to Baiyun Temple.

The last time I had an appointment with my eldest sister, there were many thrills and excitements along the way, and this time, there are still many thrills...

Jiang Si packed up her mood and welcomed Princess Qi who got off the carriage.

"Seven brothers and sisters, let's go in."

There was a monk who knew the guest waiting at the door. When they saw the two coming, they put their hands together and said: "Two donors, please come in."

Jiang Si went inside and found that there were no pilgrims in the temple.

Princess Qi explained with a smile: "I said hello to this side in advance, lest someone disturb the seventh siblings."

Jiang Si's expression was light: "The fourth sister-in-law thinks too much about me, but it's not necessary. It's not necessary to invite people to pray for the goddess. Now it's not beautiful to let the mountain temple shut out other pilgrims for us.


Eliminating other pilgrims was clearly for the convenience of harming her, and now she wanted her to appreciate her. Princess Qi's abacus was too good, and her face was too thick.

Princess Qi smiled embarrassedly: "I thought that the seventh younger brother and sister liked tranquility. When we come back to incense next time, we will repay our vows, and this will not be the case."

Jiang Xixi smiled and glanced at Princess Qi, her eyes sparkling: "Sister-in-law four, will you come with me in the future?"

Meeting those Wu Zhanzhan eyes, a coolness rose from the bottom of Princess Qi's heart.

After today, as long as the plan goes well, Princess Yan is a dead person, and of course she will not come here with a dead person in the future.

Thinking about Jiang's problem, it really makes one's heart tremble.

"Fourth sister-in-law?" Jiang Si looked innocent, as if insisting on waiting for an answer from the other party.

Concubine Qi endured the dismay and forced a smile: "Naturally, we will come together."

In my heart, I kept poohing several times: Bodhisattva must not take her words seriously...

Seeing that Princess Qi was overwhelmed, Jiang Si felt more at ease, and followed the monk to the Daxiong Hall to offer incense.

Walking into the solemn and noble hall, before the Buddha, Jiang Shi slowly knelt on the futon and prayed sincerely.

Naturally, she was not praying for Concubine Xian, but for Yu Jin who was traveling far away.

I pray that he will return safely at an early date and bring back his brother's body smoothly, so that his soul can return to his hometown and the fallen leaves can return to their roots.

Princess Qi is also full of piety, and what she asks has nothing to do with the concubine Xian. She silently said in her heart: "The Buddha blesses the lord to achieve what he wants, and bless me and the lord that my husband and wife are deeply in love and grow old together..."

As for harming Jiang Si, Princess Qi did not dare to mention it in front of the Buddha.

No matter what, it's not good to hurt others, and the Buddha will definitely not help, which Princess Qi still knows.

The two put on the incense, and according to the tacit rules, they should donate the sesame oil money.

Princess Qi glanced at Jiang Si.

Jiang Si was surprised: "You want to donate sesame oil money?"

Princess Qi was instantly embarrassed and nodded.

Do you have to ask something so obvious?

She just glanced at Jiang's, but was a little hesitant, not knowing how much Jiang's donation would be.

If the two donated about the same, it would be fine, even if Jiang's donation was a little more, she was afraid that the difference between the numbers would be too big, and she would be ugly.

Thinking of this, Princess Qi felt that she should donate first.

She donated in front of her. As long as the Jiang family knew some etiquette, the amount of donation should not exceed her. Taking a step back, if Jiang Shi really did this, others would laugh at Princess Yan for being ignorant.

Princess Qi just turned around and heard Jiang Si let out a sigh of relief: "I thought it was different from before. Aman—"

A Man immediately responded with a crisp response, and took out a stack of banknotes: "Master, this is the sesame oil money donated by our princess."

The bank notes of the largest bank in the capital are thick stacks of ten taels of silver, and such a stack is at least a thousand taels.

Princess Qi stared at the stack of silver notes in the hand of the little maid, her eyes darkened.

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