The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 638 Aman knows the reason

Zhen Shicheng's explanation made King Qi seem to have been hit with a sap, and he was stunned for a while.

Jiang Si lowered his eyes and almost smiled.

If it's only about throwing her temper, she even thinks that A Jin will be ranked behind Master Zhen.

Emperor Jing Ming glanced coldly at King Qi, then asked the queen, "Is there anyone else who entered the palace?"

The queen nodded and said, "In addition to the two princesses, there are several maids and wives."

"Bring them."

Pan Hai immediately ordered the servant to do it.

Not long after, several maids, including A Man, were brought and knelt in a row in the hall.

Aman dared to look up quickly, and when he saw Emperor Jing Ming, his heart burst into excitement.

She saw the emperor!

She, a little girl, actually saw the emperor.

Hehe, this kind of glory is enough for her to brag in front of Ah Qiao for several years.

The other maidservants were not as excited as Aman, and they dared not come out, let alone look up to see what the emperor looked like.

Emperor Jing Ming glanced at the people kneeling below, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are the people from Prince Qi's mansion?"

A maid and a mother-in-law pressed their foreheads to the ground and said in fear, "Yes, this servant is."

There was no sound from above.

If Emperor Jing Ming did not speak, the Queen and the others would not speak.

For a time, the hall was extremely quiet, and the silent pressure made the maid of Prince Qi's manor almost unable to support her, trembling like chaff.

I don't know how long it took before I heard Emperor Jing Ming ask sharply, "Why did your princess hurt Princess Yan?"

As soon as these words came out, King Qi immediately looked at Emperor Jing Ming, his eyes full of disbelief.

The father is actually lying!

Zhen Shicheng stroked his beard and nodded secretly.

Isn't this what they usually use when trying cases? I didn't expect that the emperor was very talented and could learn without a teacher.

In Zhen Shicheng's view, Emperor Jing Ming's use of this method was much more effective than what they used.

The pressure brought by the monarch of a country to ordinary people is unimaginable. After listening to Emperor Jing Ming’s question, the defense line of ordinary people will be defeated nine times out of ten, so they will not attack themselves.

Of course, those guys who are blushing and thick-necked in front of the emperor every day are not included in this list, and an honest and capable minister like him will not be guilty.

Zhen Shicheng turned around these thoughts in an instant, and observed the reactions of the maid and the wife of Prince Qi's mansion.

The woman who was kneeling down with her head down subconsciously raised her head at the moment when Emperor Jing Ming asked, with a blank expression on her face, while the maid leaned to the side and was paralyzed like mud.

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on the maid.

Emperor Jing Ming's eyes suddenly sharpened.

Pan Hai shouted: "Bold and cheap maid, the emperor asked you something, don't explain it quickly! If you hesitate to say it, be careful to punish your nine clans!"

Pan Hai pretended to be a fox, but Emperor Jing Ming did not show any displeasure.

Sometimes it's not convenient for him to say something to scare people, so Pan Hai needs to speak.

The maid was really frightened, and kowtowed like a garlic clown: "The slave maid explains, the slave maid explains, I beg the emperor for mercy, don't implicate the slave maid's parents and family—"

Emperor Jing Ming's eyes turned completely cold.

The maid said this, Princess Qi could not escape the relationship.

King Qi stared at the maid with annoyance in his eyes. But he soon noticed that there was a line of sight looking at him, and his heart froze immediately, and the annoyance in his eyes turned to shock and heartache.

At this point, Li's family is finished. When it comes to abandoning the pawn to protect the car, he must be careful not to let anyone get caught.

Jiang Shi retracted his gaze, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

She can't eat a fat man in one bite, she is not in a hurry, the small goals will be achieved one by one.

"Stop talking nonsense, speak quickly!" Pan Hai shouted.

The maid trembled and said: "Princess... The princess didn't tell the servants the reason for harming Princess Yan, but only instructed the servants to mix another incense with the foreign fragrance. There will be no harm in separating the two kinds of incense. Once they are mixed and ignited, they will It will make the person who inhales it weak..."

In this way, there is no doubt that Princess Qi wants to harm Jiang.

Emperor Jing Ming didn't even want to look at the limp maid, and asked Zhen Shicheng, "How did the driver explain it?"

"The coachman said that Princess Qi asked him to pay attention to the movement after the horse went mad,

As soon as she noticed her jumping off the carriage, she drove the carriage towards the cliff. "

"Then how did the person who almost fell off the cliff later become Princess Qi?"

Zhen Shicheng glanced at Jiang Si out of the corner of his eyes, and said, "The driver looked back after hearing the movement, thinking that Princess Qi had jumped off, so he let the Jingma run towards the cliff, and only later learned that he had made a mistake and fell off. Princess Yan was in the carriage, and Princess Qi was still in the carriage..."

Everyone couldn't help but look at Jiang Si.

Princess Qi wanted to kill Princess Yan, but it was Princess Yan who escaped in the end, but it was Princess Qi who almost fell off the cliff. Could it be that Princess Yan was just pure luck?

The emperor and the queen looked at each other, thinking of Jiang Si's mysterious methods, and had an idea for a while.

Jiang seemed to be generous and let people look at it.

It is an indisputable fact that Princess Qi harmed her. Could it be that the victim is only allowed to use all kinds of vicious methods, and the victim is not allowed to protect herself or even counterattack?

Of course, it was impossible for her to admit that she intended to fight back. She is not scared, is it possible that she will not attack herself like the little maid of Qi Wangfu?

As for what the emperor would think, Jiang seemed not to be afraid.

What if the emperor suspected that she was fighting back? Rabbits even bite people in a hurry. If the emperor can't even see through and tolerate this, then it's not that she has known Emperor Jing Ming for two lifetimes.

Emperor Jing Ming looked at Jiang Si deeply, but didn't ask anything.

King Qi concealed his unwillingness and asked: "Seventh younger brother and sister, can you explain how you escaped since you were completely powerless at the time? Why did your wife stay in the car?"

Jiang Si's face sank, and she asked back, "There are witnesses from the maid and the driver of Prince Qi's residence, and Xiangqiu and the corpse of the horse are the physical evidence. Now I believe that the fourth sister-in-law planned this horse-frightening accident. Can the fourth brother admit it?"

Under the gaze of several eyes, King Qi had to nod his head.

At this point, he could not deny Li's crime, but he was unwilling that Princess Yan not only had nothing to do, but also took advantage of it.

Seeing King Qi nodding, Jiang Xi sneered: "Since the fourth brother admitted that the fourth sister-in-law harmed me, and now facing me as a victim, shouldn't the first reaction be to feel ashamed and blame myself and then apologize to me, why did he treat me instead? Aggressive? Then can I think that the fourth sister-in-law harming me is not the intention of the fourth sister-in-law alone-"

"No!" King Qi's expression changed slightly, he endured his anger and said, "Seven brothers and sisters, don't think about it, I really don't know anything about this—"

Jiang Si didn't give Qi Wang face at all, and said coldly: "The fourth brother said he didn't know, so he didn't know? Then I don't know why I was lucky enough to be thrown out of the carriage, but Princess Qi who wanted to harm me stayed in the carriage, Why is the fourth brother still righteously questioning me?"

Pan Hai in the corner looked at Jiang Si who was astonishingly imposing, and sighed secretly: In front of the emperor, Princess Yan is really a little vague.

At this time, a crisp voice sounded: "The slave knows the reason!"

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