The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter six hundred and forty second follow-up

Concubine Qi was so frightened that she lost her mind, and the number of people who came to the door to condolence all at once was unknown.

Several princes naturally couldn't miss the opportunity to show their brotherhood (to watch the excitement), and they brought the princess to the door one after another.

It didn't take long for King Qi to deal with King Qin's departure, when his servants reported that King Lu and King Shu had arrived, so he had to cheer up and welcome the guests.

"Fourth brother, I heard that the fourth sister-in-law was frightened by the frightened horse, how is it now?" King Lu couldn't wait to ask as soon as they met.

Princess Lu stood beside King Lu and twitched the corners of her mouth slightly.

She didn't ask anything yet, what is Wang Ye doing in such a hurry to be a younger brother-in-law?

King Qi frowned and looked worried: "It's just too frightened and shameful."

King Lu's eyes lit up: "I can't see anyone?"

King Qi was silent for a moment.

Chapter 642 What does it mean when Lao Wu's eyes will follow up?

At this time, the King of Shu said: "Yes, fourth brother, how is the fourth sister-in-law? Is it convenient for my wife to visit?"

If King Qi had a kind of helplessness and tolerance towards King Lu in the face of idiots, he would be much more vigilant towards King Shu.

Once the prince died, in his opinion, the king of Shu was the most threatening among the remaining princes.

The mother concubine of the king of Shu was Concubine Zhuang, whose status was no lower than that of the concubine Xian, and even more favored by Emperor Jingming, while the grandfather of the king of Shu was a sacrificial wine of the Imperial College, and the world was full of peaches and plums.

What's more, Emperor Jing Ming obviously prefers the sixth son King of Shu compared to the fourth son King Qi.

King Qi knew this in his heart.

The old six couples are here to see him laugh?

King Qi was annoyed in his heart, but his face remained calm. He sighed and said, "Thanks to the sixth brother and the sixth sister for your concern, but your fourth sister-in-law was too frightened. When you see outsiders, you are frightened and disturbed. Now you need to rest..."

"That's it, the fourth brother take good care of the fourth sister-in-law, and we will not disturb the fourth sister-in-law." The King of Shu smiled.

Neither Concubine Lu nor Concubine Shu was interested in talking, and the three brothers chatted, King Lu finally couldn't help but inquire: "The fourth sister-in-law really only donated four hundred taels of sesame oil, while the seventh brother and sister donated one thousand eighteen. One hundred taels?"

King Qi's face turned dark immediately.

The King of Shu was also stunned.

He thought about the old fifth being outspoken, but he never expected to be so outspoken. This is the face of the fourth fourth.

But this face is good, he is happy to watch the fun.

"Fourth brother?" Seeing that King Qi didn't answer with a dark face, King Lu reminded him innocently.

Hehehe, he has been waiting for this opportunity for revenge for a long time.

The fourth child has always been hypocritical, and I am afraid he forgot to break his father's pen wash when he was a child, and he took the blame for it, right?

King Lu thought about how he tried his best to explain that he didn't do it, and King Qi also tried his best to explain that it wasn't the fifth brother who did it. In the end, everyone thought he did it. That kind of humiliation was simply unforgettable for his life.

Don't think he's stupid, he who did not make a mistake took the blame for the wrong one, even if the other party acts like a good person, he is not a good person!

King Lu silently flipped through Chen Zhi's rotten millet's small ledger in his heart.

King Qi really didn't remember this mess. Looking at King Lu's face, he had the urge to beat the other party violently.

But there is no way, you have to endure.

Li Shicai did something wrong, and if he beats his brother again, his impression in the father's heart will be even worse.

Wait, why did he use the word "more"?

King Qi secretly said that he was unlucky, and said with a sullen face: "I didn't ask more about women's affairs."

King Lu shook his head: "Tsk tsk, Fourth Sister-in-law is too good at living."

King Qi finally couldn't bear to drive people: "I have to go to your fourth sister-in-law to see-"

When King Lu saw it, he put it away and said with a smile: "Then we will go back. Sixth brother, how about you?"

The king of Shu quickly twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Fourth brother, go see the fourth sister-in-law soon, we'll be back too."

After watching the fun, do you still stay for dinner if you don’t leave?

The two couples, Shi Shiran, left Qi Wangfu.

King Lu stopped after walking a few steps, and hesitantly asked, "Would you like to go see the seventh siblings?"

Princess Lu raised her eyebrows: "I'll just go and see it with my sixth siblings.


Before King Lu could react, the King of Shu smiled and said, "Yes, the seventh brother is not in the mansion at the moment, so it would be inconvenient for us to go there."

Princess Lu glanced at King Lu, and rushed to Prince Yan's mansion with Princess Shu.

At this moment, Aman was dancing and talking about this thrilling encounter, surrounded by a circle of maidservants.

The little girl raised her chin to look around and asked, "Do you know what the emperor looks like?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"I know!" Ah Man proudly described the appearance of Emperor Jing Ming.

A little maid said with admiration on her face: "Sister Aman, you are really amazing, you have seen the emperor."

Several little girls followed suit: "Yes, the emperor is the most honorable person in our week, and Sister Aman is really capable—"

Aman pursed his lips and said with a smile: "I don't have any ability, and it's not because I follow our master that I have the opportunity to see the beauty of the sky. So you have to work hard for the princess in the future so that you can have good luck. "

Ah Qiao, who took a step to stop Ah Man bragging, shook her head with a smile and swallowed her words.

"By the way, the emperor even knows my name!"

Aman's words immediately caused bursts of exclamations, and a maid hurriedly came to report the arrival of Princess Lu and Princess Shu.

Jiang's joy in achieving small goals did not last long.

The death of my brother, the long journey of my husband, these pains and longings are long-lasting.

Not long after seeing Princess Lu and Princess Shu, Jiang Si received another letter from Dongping Bofu.

The letter was written by Jiang Yi, full of worries about what happened to her, and asked if it would be convenient to come to the door tomorrow.

Seeing this, Jiang Si simply replied to the post and decided to go back to Bo's Mansion.

As soon as the Dongping Uncle Mansion received Jiang Si's reply, he sent a steward to wait outside. When he saw Jiang Si's arrival, he immediately invited people into the Cixin Hall.

"Xi'er, are you alright?" Jiang Ancheng looked at Jiang Xi carefully. Seeing that her daughter didn't look injured, her pale face looked better.

He had just lost his son, and if his youngest daughter had another accident, he would not be able to hold on.

Jiang Si looked at his father, who had lost a lot of weight, and his eyes were slightly sour: "I have nothing to do, so you are worried."

"Worry is nothing, it's just fine."

Mrs. Feng broke the scene of the father and daughter's deep love: "Princess, how can you meet a shocking horse?"

Jiang Si's face lightened: "My grandmother is embarrassing me by asking such a question. How can such an unexpected granddaughter give a reason?"

Although Mrs. Feng saw that Jiang Xian was unhappy, she still had to say: "I heard that you have contradicted King Qi in front of the emperor? Princess, after all, King Qi is the elder brother of the prince, so you still have to be cautious in your words in the future. Okay."

Jiang Si curved his lips and sneered.

Ah Jin's brother? Grandmother clearly believed that King Qi was most likely to inherit the throne, lest she offend the future emperor and implicate the uncle.

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