Jiang Ancheng was sobered up by the cold wind, and asked Jiang Si dryly, "Si'er, did you make a mistake?"

Both civil and military? The mainstay of the court? Who is this talking about?

Jiang Ancheng thought blankly.

Madam Feng was equally at a loss.

Both civil and military? The mainstay of the court? No matter who it is, it shouldn't be her eldest son...

Master Jiang Er was even more at a loss, and his heart ached while he was at a loss.

He had been in the officialdom for so long, but the emperor never gave him a second look, and his eldest brother was praised as "the pillar of the court"?

Although this is just a polite remark, when the descendants will pay homage to the imperial decree a hundred years later, who will know what kind of person this generation of Dong Pingbo is?

Big brother is in a daze, sitting at home, and a huge pie hits his head, so what is his all-time hard work?

At this moment, Mr. Jiang Er had the urge to curse at God.

It's not fair to God, let the eldest brother's second daughter become the princess, and he actually allowed the eldest brother to be hereditary for three generations!

God is so unfair!

Mr. Jiang Er's expression changed, and Mrs. Feng couldn't help but say, "Princess, do you know what's going on?"

Jiang Xi had calmed down at this time, and his eyes turned slightly.

Mrs. Feng woke up and said, "Go into the room and talk about it."

In the blink of an eye, a few people entered the Cixin Hall. Madam Feng sent all the servants out, and asked Jiang Si earnestly, "Si'er, what the hell is going on?"

Jiang Si smiled: "Grandma shouldn't ask me this. Didn't it say everything in the imperial decree, my father is both civil and military, and he is the mainstay of the court—"

"Xian'er, don't joke around at this time." Madam Feng said helplessly.

Jiang Si raised her eyebrows: "Grandmother, do you think your father can't afford these praises?"

Madam Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and she glanced at Jiang Ancheng, who was still confused.

Just like the boss, who would believe that he deserves such praise.

Jiang Ancheng was awakened by Mrs. Feng's sight, and frowned, "Xian'er, is there any problem?"

His only son is gone, and he doesn't care whether it can be hereditary for three generations. He is even more afraid that his youngest daughter will be wronged in the royal family and will compensate him.

He is not uncommon to have three generations of hereditary origins in this way.

"Father, don't think too much. As I said earlier, the emperor is a magnanimous emperor, and he treats his daughter very well." Seeing that Jiang Ancheng was uneasy, Jiang Xi comforted his father in a warm voice.

Madam Feng was taken aback and looked at Jiang Si with a somewhat incredulous look: "Si'er, does the emperor really treat you well?"

Jiang Si pulled the corner of his lips: "Did Grandma think I was talking nonsense before?"

Old Madam Feng smiled embarrassingly, looking at Jiang Si with a bit more eagerness: "Grandma really didn't expect—"

Unexpectedly, this thorn-headed granddaughter really got the emperor's blue eyes!

Is the emperor blind?

Madam Feng suddenly had this thought and hurriedly suppressed it, the rest was all joy.

The title of Earl's Mansion was passed on to the eldest. It was her heart disease all the time. In her dreams, she thought about how to inherit the title of Earl's Mansion. Therefore, after seeing the mediocre qualifications of the eldest son, she pinned all her hopes on the second son, secretly looking forward to it. As the second son has great prospects, he has earned this honor for the family.

Unexpectedly, what she was thinking about and dreaming of would come true so suddenly, so fast that she was caught off guard.

Old Madam Feng looked at Jiang Si with more loving eyes.

Fourth girl is right, thinking too much about the future is useless, and the immediate benefits are real.

It was not long before the fourth girl married into the royal family, and she earned a hereditary three generations for the uncle. Wouldn't the uncle rely on her to go further in the future?

Old Madam Feng couldn't help but feel surging.

"Grandmother, father, I'll go back to the palace first."

Mrs. Feng hurriedly kept her back: "Princess Concubine stays and eats before leaving."

"No, Ah Huan will make trouble after leaving me for a long time."

Mrs. Feng smiled with a good temper: "Then go back quickly. Yier, send your sister to you."

"Well." Jiang Yirou complied,

Sending Jiang seems to go out.

Seeing the two granddaughters leave together, Mrs. Feng felt for the first time that it was not a bad thing for her eldest granddaughter to live in her parents' home.

She used to feel ashamed to have such a granddaughter, but now she sees that Jiang Xi and Jiang Yi sisters are deeply in love. As long as Jiang Yi is in the mansion for one day, Jiang Xi will not be able to treat the uncle.

"Mother Feng, go and talk to the kitchen, clean up a table and come out." Mrs. Feng explained in a relaxed mood.

"No need."

Madam Feng was taken aback and looked at Jiang Ancheng.

Jiang Ancheng wiped his face and said lightly, "There is nothing to celebrate."

Madam Feng's face sank: "Boss, this is a great thing, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Ancheng's tone became colder: "What about the three generations of hereditary? Zhan'er is gone..."

Speaking of which, this man with a golden sword looked lonely.

"Confused!" Madam Feng reprimanded, suddenly thinking that these people in the big room can't be treated with the previous attitude, and her tone softened, "It is a good thing that the title of the Earl's House can be passed on to three generations, how can you be so short-sighted? "

What if Zhan'er is gone, the eldest is still young, so long as he is willing to marry, he is worried that he will not be able to have a son?

Taking a step back, even if the boss is stubborn and unwilling to marry another wife and take a concubine, it would be good to adopt one of the second son's two sons to the boss to inherit the title in the future.

There is no need to mention these words more, lest the boss get angry.

Jiang Ancheng didn't refute Mrs. Feng's words, and said calmly, "If my son has something to do, I won't eat the meal. Mother can celebrate if she wants to."

Seeing Jiang Ancheng leave, Mrs. Feng warned Jiang Er: "Your eldest brother is sad. In the future, let Cang'er and the others go to greet him often."

Master Jiang Er understood and said hurriedly, "Don't worry, mother, son knows."

Over there, Jiang Yi sent Jiang Si out, looked at her sister's delicate and flawless face, and couldn't help but whispered: "Fourth sister, Princess Qi, she—"

Jiang Xi looked over and said in a low voice, "She wants to hurt me."

Jiang Yi trembled all over, and immediately stretched his brows.

She admired the courage of the fourth sister, Princess Qi really is not a good person!

Jiang Si said goodbye to Jiang Yi and returned to the palace, and then hugged Ah Huan and coaxed her. Ah Qiao hurried in and reported with a pale face, "Master, something happened to Lu Shengxiang."

Before Jiang Xi could speak, Ah Man rubbed his palms and asked murderously, "What happened? How dare you go to Lu Shengxiang to make trouble?"

It shouldn't be, now Xi Shi Street knows that the owner behind Lu Shengxiang is the princess, how can anyone dare to make trouble?

"What happened to Lu Shengxiang?" Jiang Sishang asked calmly.

Ah Qiao whispered, "Miss Xiu is missing."

Xiu Niangzi is the tofu Xi Shi who lost his daughter in the case of the Changxing Hou Shizi's torture and murder of ten daughters. It can be said that Jiang Xikailu gave birth to fragrance in order to accommodate this poor mother.

When Jiang Xi heard that Lady Xiu was missing, she immediately frowned.

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