I don't know if I'm used to it or if I'm numb. This time, Ji Momo didn't feel dizzy, but her face changed, and she shouted, "Quick, stop people—"

Aman pouted and said, "Mommy, don't bother, the princess' carriage has already left."

A Qiao was afraid that Sister Ji would be in a hurry, and she followed: "Yes, Sister Ji, even if you send someone to stop it, it's useless. Once our master decides, no one can change it... "

Ji Momo rolled her eyes and said, "Who said to stop the princess, I said to stop the person who reported to Changshi!"

Chang Shi is a stereotype, the kind that would rather die than give in.

She went to Chang Shi just now but couldn't find anyone. It turned out that she was going home, so she sent someone to report to Chang Shi's house, hoping that Chang Shi, who would rather die than give up, could make the princess change her mind.

But I never expected that, after she left for a short while, the princess actually left!

Looking at it this way, the princess is definitely unable to stop it. Once Chang Shi knows that the princess is secretly going out, what if the old guy is killed by the gate of Yan Wang's mansion?

Ji Momo was so anxious that she was dripping with cold sweat: "Hurry up!"

"Oh." Ah Qiao and Ah Man finally came to their senses, and they were in a hurry for a while.

By this time the carriage had left the city.

Jiang Si looked at the big dog crowded in the carriage with a helpless expression: "Er Niu, go back quickly, it's inconvenient to take you out this time."

Er Niu looked at Jiang like a glance, and did not move at all.

Jiang Shi reached out and touched Er Niu's head.

On this trip south, she was happy to have two oxen to accompany her, but she really couldn't take them with her.

She can see no one on the grounds of reading the scriptures behind closed doors and praying for blessings, but what if the emperor wants to see Erniu?

During her absence from the palace, the smaller the changes in the palace, the less likely it would attract attention.

"Er Niu, neither A Jin nor I are at home. If you follow along, who will take care of A Huan?"

The big dog, who put the dog's mouth on the car board and put on a stubborn attitude, raised his head and moved his ears.

"The wet nurses are all new, and there are no two cows watching. What if they are lazy and hungry? What if they don't change Ah Huan's diaper?"

Er Niu's ears moved again.

Elder Hua, who was in the same car, was secretly surprised.

This big dog looks very human, and seems to understand human speech.

She must be thinking too much. It is normal for a dog to be attached to its owner, so she will follow Princess Yan. How could she understand human words?

The carriage was getting farther and farther away from the city gate, Jiang Xian saw Er Niu start to waver, and said cruelly: "Er Niu, I have been out for a long time before I came back. If you go with me, Ah Huan will definitely not know you when you come back. now-"

Er Niu suddenly stood up, reluctantly glanced at the hostess, wagged his tail and jumped out of the carriage.

It's okay, it's okay, it's better to accompany the little master and wait for the hostess to come back.

Jiang Si lifted the curtain of the car and looked around, and saw the big dog sitting alone in the middle of the road, looking at the direction the carriage was leaving.

She ruthlessly lowered the curtains of the carriage, and after walking for a while with the carriage creaking, she quietly lifted a corner of the curtains and looked back again.

Er Niu was chasing after the carriage, and when he noticed the hostess was peeking at it, he screamed immediately.

At this moment, Jiang Si almost shouted to stop, but Er Niu turned around and ran away.

After an unknown amount of time, Elder Hua coughed, and Jiang Si put down the corner of the curtain and came back to his senses.

"The dog raised by the princess is very human." Elder Hua said sincerely.

Jiang Xi nodded slightly, and had no desire to talk to Elder Hua.

She has a lot of things to ask, but it's not now that she has just left her daughter and Erniu.

Elder Hua spoke again: "I want to dress up the princess again."

Jiang Shi looked at her.

Elder Hua explained: "Although the princess pretends to be a maid, although she behaves naturally, it looks experienced at first glance, but once you enter our clan, you will still attract attention."

"What does Elder Hua plan to dress me up as?"

"Princess might as well wait and see."

"Okay, then I'll bother Elder Hua." Jiang Si agreed very happily.

She never does pointless things,

Now that you have agreed to Elder Hua's request, it is serious to get things done early, and the rest are just trivial matters.

Jiang Si closed her eyes and allowed Elder Hua to smear her face. After some time, Elder Hua's voice sounded in her ears: "Princess can open her eyes now."

Jiang Si slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was a mirror, but the person in the mirror was not her.

She looked at Elder Hua in surprise.

Elder Hua smiled and said, "The princess suffers a bit of a loss for the time being. Call me Hua Lao in the future."

It turned out that Elder Hua turned Jiang Siyi into the appearance of his little granddaughter.

Elder Hua's granddaughter is two years younger than Jiang Si, and the two are about the same size. Now, with the face of Elder Hua's little granddaughter, in Jiang Xi's opinion, it can almost be faked.

Jiang Si stared at the face in the mirror and was silent for a moment, and had to marvel at Elder Hua's high level of disguise.

The disguising technique of the Wumiao people is somewhat special. Through some pinching techniques and medicines, it can really change a person's face and facial features.

This kind of disguise, Jiang seems to have dabbled in Wumiao in her previous life, but she is not proficient. In the words of the first elder, she lacks the talent in this area.

Elder Hua is a master of disguise.

Jiang Si stared at the old woman who was close at hand, and suddenly a thought flashed: Since the person in front of him is proficient in disguise, how can he know that she is Elder Hua?

This thought flashed by, causing Jiang Si to break out in a cold sweat, and then the corners of his lips curved.

She just frightened herself.

She had contact with Elder Hua in the small shop on Xishi Street, and the smell of the person in front of her was the same as that of the old woman that day, so it was definitely Elder Hua.

Seeing that Jiang Si was silent, Elder Hua said, "Don't worry, Princess, it's very easy for Yi Rong to get rid of it, but it's just a matter of time. Only by pretending to be my granddaughter can you return to the clan without knowing it."

Wumiao people are very wary of raw faces, Jiang seems to know this.

"I will take care of Hua Lao in the future." Jiang Si smiled at Elder Hua.

For some reason, she felt a little uneasy when she saw Elder Hua's superb disguise technique.

The reason for this unease cannot be explained. If it must be said, perhaps it can only be attributed to intuition.

This kind of intuition made Jiang Xi feel a little heavier.

Elder Hua looked at Jiang Si's eyes and became loving: "Hua, you will soon be a sixteen-year-old girl. When you return to the clan, you must be quiet and well-behaved, and don't jump off like you used to."

Having said this, Elder Hua smiled: "Fortunately, Ah Hua's time in Da Zhou is not short, and there is a distance from her old friends. When the princess arrives in Wumiao, as long as she speaks less, she will not be noticed."

"I'll remember Hua Lao's words." Jiang Shi didn't seem to be at all uncomfortable pretending to be Ah Hua, and begging Hua Lao was very smooth.

Elder Hua breathed a sigh of relief and showed a relaxed smile.

Princess Yan is very talented in disguise, and it seems that she doesn't have to worry about her disguising herself as a saint.

At this time, Jiang Xi seemed to be casually asking, "Where is the real Ah Hua?"

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