Two people walked in from the door.

Both were men, one looked in his early twenties, and the other was slightly older, about thirty years old.

The two of them swept Jiang Si several people.

An old woman, a girl, a sloppy man, and a little white face.

The two of them relaxed instantly, shook the snow at the door, and strode in.

Long Dan and Lao Qin exchanged glances secretly, without saying a word, they just moved to block most of Jiang Si and Elder Hua.

Jiang Xizhe sniffed lightly after the two walked in.

The sweet porridge and the fragrant grilled meat were supposed to make her feel comfortable, but it was not so wonderful when mixed with the faint smell of blood.

These two people seem to be bloody common, but I don't know if they are hunters or murderers?

Jiang Si looked down at the jumping firelight, leaning more towards the latter.

But she's not going to meddle in her own business. She pays attention to the fact that people don't offend me and I don't offend others when she goes out, so there's no need to make trouble.

But sometimes trouble comes to you.

The two who came in gathered around the fire unceremoniously. The slightly older man said to Long Dan, "Little brother, borrow a fire."

Out of the corner of Jiang Si's eyes, he glanced at the man who opened his mouth.

Xu is a foreigner, she often pays attention to subtleties, and this accent sounds a bit strange.

Of course, this kind of strangeness is not obvious, and it is difficult for Jiang Si to say where the strangeness is.

Almost subconsciously, Jiang Si looked at Elder Hua.

Elder Hua's expression did not change in the slightest, and it seemed that he was not bothered by later generations.

Jiang seemed to be unable to see the clue, and lowered his eyes again.

Long Dan didn't hear anything unusual, even though the unceremonious behavior of the two people who came in made him a little uncomfortable. In exchange for kicking the red-hot firewood on the two of them earlier, Jiang seemed to be there, and he wasn't going to cause trouble.

Endure the calm for a while, for the princess, endure it!

Cough cough, I hope the master will take credit for his sending the princess to his side, and when he gets married, he will reward him with more money, so that his current patience will not be in vain.

Seeing that Long Dan honestly gave way to the side, and Lao Qin didn't respond, the two couldn't help but look at each other, and they all stared at the roasted rabbit meat in Lao Qin's hands.

The roasted rabbit has been roasted just right, just when the aroma is at its most intense.

"Plate." Lao Qin shouted.

Long Dan took out a plate out of nowhere and handed it to Lao Qin.

Lao Qin cut off a rabbit leg with a dagger, and the roasted rabbit leg fell onto the plate.

Long Dan brought it in front of Jiang Si, turned his direction reluctantly, and handed the rabbit meat to Elder Hua.

Elder Hua didn't say a word, stretched out his hand to take it and handed it to Jiang Si, and said in a loving tone, "Eat it."

She looks like a grandmother who loves her granddaughter so much.

Jiang didn't answer, and said softly, "You eat."

The two people's rebuke made the young man can't bear it any longer. He opened his mouth and said to Lao Qin: "Brother, it's fate to meet each other. How about this rabbit meat is divided into half of us?"

Lao Qin said again, "Plate."

A roasted golden rabbit leg fell into a new plate again, and Long Dan brought this plate of rabbit legs over again.

This time, Jiang Si and Elder Hua no longer gave in, and each of them ate a plate of rabbit meat.

The dagger in Lao Qin's hand began to cut the third rabbit's leg, and he never looked at the young man who spoke.

The young man was angry: "Are you deaf?"

"I'm not deaf." Old Qin Yan replied concisely and took a bite directly from the third rabbit leg that was cut off.

The roasted rabbit meat is very tender and tender, and the whole person is instantly satisfied.

He handed the dagger dripping with grease to Long Dan.

The last rabbit leg is reserved for Long Dan.

The young man looked anxious and started to grab it.

Long Dan saw that the food was robbed, and the conditioned reflex was to pull the knife, but thinking of those scruples, he forcibly endured it.

The rabbit leg was caught in the hands of the young man.

"Put it down." The cold and clear words sounded.

The young man who had brought the rabbit meat to his mouth was stunned for a while, and looked at the sound in doubt.

Jiang Si was sitting next to Elder Hua,

She looks like a beautiful and ordinary girl, very inconspicuous.

The young man didn't realize who said those words for a while.

But Long Dan responded.

The princess has spoken, which is to allow him to let go of his hands and feet.

Grandma's, it's like pushing his nose on his face, the tiger doesn't show his power and treats him as a sick cat!

Long Dan's action was faster than he thought, and he grabbed the rabbit meat with his hands, followed by punching the young man in the face.

The young man obviously did not expect that the man with the same face as the little white face would turn his face when he said that he would turn his face.

The older man reacted much faster, and immediately slashed at Long Dan—Jiang Si beside him.

If he slashed at Long Dan with this knife, Lao Qin would still not move, and was ready to observe the strength of the two with a cold eye, but this knife was aimed at Jiang Si, so he couldn't bear it.

The angry Lao Qin threw the hot porridge directly at the older man.

The man hurriedly avoided, although he avoided most of them, some still fell on him.

The scalding hot porridge, even in cotton-padded clothes, the man still felt a burning pain, and his exposed skin immediately blistered.

"Kill them!" A voice full of anger shouted from the man's mouth.

Jiang Si, who was watching from the wall, suddenly shrank his eyes and clenched his fingers.

It was an exotic language, and although the man shouted quickly and vaguely, and accompanied by the sound of fighting between the two sides, she could still hear it.

Not Uhmiao.

Jiang Si ruled this out for the first time, and couldn't help but feel up and down.

As early as when the older man said the first sentence, she felt that the accent was a bit strange, but now it seems that she is not thinking too much.

These two men are not from Da Zhou!

The heavy snow that closed the road, the ruined temple on the side of the road, and when I was about to have dinner with the elder Hua of the Wumiao people, I met two foreigners. What kind of luck is this?

Jiang Shi suppressed these thoughts and watched the battle seriously.

Both Long Dan and Lao Qin are rare masters, and they are the ones who have seen blood, but they did not expect that the two men were able to support them even after losing the first opportunity, which shows that their skills are extraordinary.

Seeing that the fight would take a while, Jiang Shi took off the rabbit meat that was about to be scorched on the fire and put it on the plate behind him.

The roast rabbit with only the head and body of the rabbit looked a bit funny.

Elder Hua gave Jiang Si a complicated look.

Jiang Xi was baffled by this glance, and after thinking about it, he explained, "The porridge is spilled."

Elder Hua twitched the corners of his mouth.

Princess Yan felt distressed about the hot porridge for a long time. Seeing that the porridge was spilled, she quickly rescued the remaining roasted rabbits.

Looking at Jiang Si, who was transformed into a granddaughter, Elder Hua fell into deep suspicion: this woman could pretend to be a saint when she first saw her, and she didn't feel nervous. Maybe Princess Yan was also fake...

It was not until the two men were taken down by Long Dan and Lao Qin that the delicate atmosphere of embarrassment was broken.

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