The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 658 Someone outside the temple

Looking at the fainted young man, Jiang Shi's eyes flickered.

To kill or not to kill, this is indeed a question of hesitation.

Just because these two people robbed their barbecue, it was too much to kill, but these two people are from Northern Qi, so their words may not be without water.

Killing is the easiest thing to do.

But this is two lives after all.

Jiang Si simply pushed the problem to Long Dan: "Long Dan, you can deal with it."

This time on the southbound trip, there were only the four of them on the bright side, but Long Dan had other preparations and let him handle it more safely.

Long Dan thought for a moment and said, "Then let them sleep in the ruined temple for one night."

As for anything else, he didn't say much.

Jiang Shi didn't ask, Old Qin was not very talkative, and Elder Hua would not talk much.

Long Dan dragged the young man and put them together with another Northern Qi man.

Lao Qin suddenly put his ear to the ground with a solemn expression: "It seems that someone is here again."

"Anyone else?" Long Dan looked helpless, "Today is really evil, it's dark now, and it's snowing heavily, how come people keep coming to such a ruined temple?"

"It's snowing, so many people come to rest." Lao Qin got up and dragged the older Northern Qi man to the corner.

Two people lay motionless in a row, and one of them had half of his left ear missing, so it was not suitable for someone to see.

Fortunately, it was already late at this time, and the light in the temple was dim, so it was not difficult to drag the two people into the corner to cover them up.

Lao Qin and Long Dan joined forces to cover up the unconscious two when there was movement at the gate of the temple.

"Anyone?" Two people appeared at the door, one of them asked.

Jiang Si looked over and, by the light of the fire, saw that the man who spoke was a gray-haired old man, and a teenage boy was standing beside the old man.

Seeing Jiang Si and several people coming over, the old man asked politely, "Ye Han Xue Da, can this old man and grandson stay overnight?"

Elder Hua held the idea that one more thing is worse than one less thing, and said nothing.

Jiang Si pretended to be Elder Hua's granddaughter, and her grandmother didn't speak up, even more so when she was a granddaughter.

Long Dan saw the old man's gray hair, and the thin young man beside him blushing with cold, and nodded: "Come in, two, we are also passersby here to take shelter from the wind and snow."

The old man was obviously relieved and walked in with his grandson.

The warmth in the temple made the grandparents and grandchildren look slightly relaxed, and the aroma that drifted into the nose made them involuntarily glance at the fire.

Long Dan glanced at Jiang Si quietly, and seeing that she had no objection, he said, "If the two of you are hungry, you can eat some barbecued meat."

The handsome boy, whose cheeks were red with cold, swallowed involuntarily.

On a snowy day, the steaming barbecue is undoubtedly an amazing attraction.

The old man hesitated for a while, and showed an embarrassed look: "I'm disturbing."

Long Dan took the initiative to cut off a few pieces of barbecue and handed them to the old man and the young man.

The grandfather and grandson thanked him, but Xu Shi was so hungry that he started eating.

For a while, the only sound in the temple was the chewing sound of the grandparents and the crackling of the flames.

Not long after the grandparents and grandchildren finished eating, the old man rushed to Jiang Si and several others to thank them again.

"You don't need to be polite, old man. It's fate to meet by chance. It's not early, we're going to rest." Long Dan smiled.

The old man was very sensible, took his grandson to the other end, and half lay down against the wall.

The people on both sides stopped talking, and tiredness struck.

Lao Qin suddenly got up and walked towards the gate of the temple.

The old man who had closed his eyes immediately opened his eyes, chasing after Lao Qin.

"It's windy, see if there's anything to block the door." Lao Qin explained, turned around outside the door, and walked back empty-handed.

Long Dan opened his eyes: "Don't worry about it, go to bed early, if the snow stops early tomorrow morning, you have to hurry up, it will take a lot of time today."

Lao Qin came over and sat down next to Long Dan.

The temple gradually returned to quiet.

Although Long Dan closed his eyes, he did not sleep.

It's not that he's not sleepy, but that he can't sleep peacefully in the wilderness.

The safety of the princess will always be the first in his heart.

Suddenly, someone grabbed his hand.

Long Dan's eyelids twitched and he opened his eyes.

The one who grabbed his hand was Lao Qin.

Long Dan blinked to express his doubts.

The fire has been half extinguished, and the light in the temple is getting dim, because the two are so close, they can clearly see each other's expressions.

Old Qin let go and wrote a few words on the ground.

Long Dan looked down and his face changed suddenly, only to see the words on the ground: There is someone under the tree by the roadside.

Long Dan moved his lips and asked silently, "How many?"

Lao Qin wrote the word "two".

Long Dan turned his eyes and looked at the other end.

The old man and the young man were next to each other and seemed to be asleep.

Long Dan's expression became solemn.

It was an uneasy night.

Lao Qin discovered that there were two people under the tree outside the temple. Are those two people with the grandparents who came later, or with the two northern Qi people who came first?

And no matter who he is with, this kind of day does not come in to take shelter from the wind and snow, but quietly stands under the tree outside, there must be a problem.

Do you want to wait for them to fall asleep and enter the temple to kill?

Long Dan thought for a while, then suddenly got up and walked out.

When he moved, several pairs of eyes opened immediately, including the pair of grandparents.

Long Dan sneered secretly.

His movements were light enough, but the grandparents and grandchildren noticed it for the first time, so it was obvious that the two of them didn't fall asleep.

Walking to the entrance of the temple, Long Dan said to himself, "I drank too much, I can't hold it in anymore, I really suffer from being so cold."

As soon as the words fell, his figure had disappeared at the gate of the temple, blending into the night without the stars and moon.

The young man who was sitting next to the old man moved and was about to get up, but was held down by the old man.

"Grandfather—" The boy's expression stiffened, and he called out silently.

The old man shook his head slightly, preventing the young man from continuing to speak, but his eyes never left the temple gate, and he looked nervous.

Long Dan walked out of the temple gate, his tiredness was swept away by the wind and snow, and he quickly looked around.

There is a row of trees not far from the broken temple, and two figures can be vaguely seen standing beside the trees.

If it were a summer day, the lush foliage might be able to cover the two figures, making it difficult to spot them at night, but now they can only cover a small part, which can be seen by a closer look.

Long Dan stepped on the snow and walked there.

It's normal for men to go to a tree for a quick fix.

As they got closer, the two figures remained motionless.

Long Dan slowed down and felt strange.

The snow hasn't stopped yet. I don't know how long the two of them have been standing under the tree. Can they bear it? Why don't they react at all when they see someone coming?

He's calm enough, could it be that he didn't find out, and was ready to give him a knife when he got close?

But until Long Dan came closer, the two figures remained motionless.

what's the situation?

Long Dan was surprised and alert, and when he got closer, he looked carefully, and then he saw two pale and stiff faces.

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