The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter six hundred and sixty rescue

It was icy and snowy, and there was a thick layer of snow on the road, and the wheels got caught in it, affecting the speed of the forward.

Because of the slow speed, the inside of the car was a little stuffy.

Jiang Shi opened the thick cotton curtains, and the cold wind took the opportunity to get in, sweeping away the stuffy air in the car.

Elder Hua, who was sitting against the wall of the car, opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Si.

Although Yi Rong has become a granddaughter, it is impossible for Yi Rong to be exactly the same. It is very good that people who are familiar can't tell the difference without looking carefully.

Staring at Jiang Si silently, Elder Hua couldn't help but think of what she said coldly when the Northern Qi native in the ruined temple snatched the roasted rabbit legs.

Elder Hua has a clear understanding in his heart: this girl is a temperament that can't be beaten, and it's not easy to mess with.

Jiang Shi noticed Elder Hua's look, and instead of looking back, he looked into the distance.

As far as the eyes can see, there is only one color left in the world.

Except for their carriage, there were no carriages and horses.

Suddenly, Jiang Xi's eyes narrowed and she couldn't help sticking her head out.

After a while, she called out, "Stop."

Old Qin pulled the reins and the carriage stopped immediately.

Long Dan came to the car window: "What is your order?"

Jiang Si stretched out his hand and pointed: "Look there, is there a person lying on his stomach?"

Long Dan looked in the direction of her finger.

There was a blue shadow in the snow far away from the official road, which looked vaguely human.

Long Dan's expression became serious: "Wait a moment, I will go over and take a look."

Jiang Si nodded: "Go."

Long Dan ran over quickly, and when he got close, he saw the blue shadow clearly, and was slightly surprised.

It was a man lying on the edge of the snow pit, wearing a blue jacket, looking at the back, he was still a teenager.

Long Dan hurriedly walked over and turned the person over, revealing the boy's frozen pale face.

At this moment, Long Dan couldn't help widening his eyes.

They had only met this young man. It was the grandson of the pair of grandparents who slept in the ruined temple last night, and he was one of the corpse hunters that Elder Hua spoke of.

Did this boy freeze to death? Where is his grandfather?

With these questions in mind, Long Dan reached out to probe the boy's breath.

No breath.

Long Dan hurriedly took off the padded jacket on the boy's body.

Because the boy was lying on his stomach before, the front of his clothes was frozen, he took a lot of strength to open it, put his ear to the boy's heart and listened, and vaguely heard a faint heartbeat.

Long Dan's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help shouting, "Alive!"

A voice interjected: "Carry him into the carriage first."

Long Dan looked up and saw Jiang Xi appeared at an unknown time, and hesitated for a moment: "Hold it in the carriage?"

The carriage was carried by the princess and the elder Hua, and put this frozen corpse-driving teenager into it—

"Hurry up, if you delay any longer, you might freeze to death." Jiang Shi urged.

Although she was a bit ruthless towards those big and small targets, she never lost her compassion.

As a human being, seeing a dying fellow make a decision to help is a simple matter.

Long Dan no longer hesitated, and immediately picked up the boy and sent him into the carriage.

Elder Hua originally stayed in the car and did not get down, so he had to bend over and walk out of the car.

Jiang Si stood outside the carriage to represent Long Dan: "Take off all his clothes, wrap his body with a quilt, and try to feed him some hot water."

Long Dan replied yes and got busy.

Lao Qin did not go in to help.

A group of four, he and Long Dan's most important task is to ensure the safety of the princess. Now that Long Dan is saving people, all he has to do is to stay with the princess to avoid accidents.

Jiang Si stood by the snow pit and looked at it for a while, and suddenly asked Lao Qin, "Lao Qin, where is the grandfather of that young man?"

It sounds like an ordinary question, but Lao Qin's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Xuekeng.

To say it is a snow pit, it is more appropriate to describe it as an ice hole.

It was covered with snow, and the edges of the broken ice cubes were exposed below, and the marks left by the teenager lying there.

Lao Qin observed for a moment and said, "This should be a puddle, it's hard to say how deep the puddle is.

It was already covered by the heavy snow yesterday. The boy's grandfather...maybe under the ice—"

After a pause, Lao Qin looked at Jiang Si and said his opinion: "I don't think it is necessary to save people."

If the boy's grandfather was really here, he would obviously be dead long ago.

Although Jiang seems to have a heart of compassion, he is not a bad person. Hearing that, he nodded: "Let's see if Long Dan can save the young man."

During this period, Elder Hua kept silent, as if bringing Jiang Si back was the most important thing for her, as for the rest, it was not within her concern.

After a while, Long Dan's slightly surprised shout came: "Wake up!"

Jiang Shi walked over and stood by the car window and looked in.

The boy wrapped in the quilt looked at Long Dan with his eyes open, his eyes blank.

Long Dan was slightly excited, and patted the boy's face: "Boy, you are awake. Fortunately, you met us and saved your life from the gate of hell."

The boy rolled his eyes and suddenly struggled to get up.

Long Dan hurriedly held him down: "What are you doing, your hands and feet are stiff, and you haven't fully recovered yet."

Ignoring Long Dan's warning, the teenager turned his head to look at the window and shouted, "Grandfather—"

With such a shout, he met the eyes of the girl outside the car.

The boy was stunned for a moment, and seemed embarrassed to shout at a young girl, dragging Long Dan and saying, "Please save my grandfather..."

"Where's your grandfather?"

"My grandfather fell into the ice hole—" Having said this, the boy seemed to realize something and lowered his head slumped.

Perhaps it was because of his grandfather's corpse-hunting business. The teenager was far more rational than his peers. After the initial excitement, he regained his composure, looked at Long Dan and pleaded, "Please drop me off the bus."

Long Dan raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing now when you get off the bus?"

The boy's eyes were red, but he didn't cry: "My grandfather is still in the ice hole, I'm going to rescue him."

"People must be long gone—"

"I know." The boy sniffed, his voice choked, "but I can't leave my grandfather here, I want to take him home."

Long Dan couldn't help but glance at Jiang Si. Seeing that she had no objection, he sighed, "Tell me first, how did you fall into the ice hole?"

"I was on the road with my grandfather, my grandfather walked in front, and I followed behind. In the snow, my grandfather took a step and suddenly fell down. I pulled a hand, and as soon as my eyes darkened, I didn't know anything, and then I woke up. Already in the car..."

"Okay, it seems that the ice hole is quite deep. Boy, you stay here and wait, and I'll see if I can catch someone up. Don't hold out too much hope, it's up to luck."

Long Dan got off the carriage and walked towards the snow pit.

The boy struggled to move to the window, and Baba looked out.

Time passed, and when the boy felt that he had regained some strength, he finally waited until Long Dan and Lao Qin worked together to retrieve a frozen body.

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