The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Six hundred and sixtieth chapters see brother

It seems to be especially true for a village like Wumiao.

At present, there are few people walking around in the stockade, and the smoke from every household is rising, and it is time for dinner. When I meet people by chance, they are hurriedly perfunctory by Elder Hua.

Jiang Si followed Elder Hua without saying a word, surveying the surroundings from the corner of his eyes.

Some are familiar, some are unfamiliar.

She gradually saw where Elder Hua was taking her.

If expected, Elder Hua should lead her directly to see the Great Elder.

Jiang seems to slow down.

Elder Hua noticed it immediately and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Si met Elder Hua's eyes: "I want to see my brother first."

Elder Hua frowned, his face hard to look at.

However, Jiang Xi simply stopped, with a firm tone: "See my brother first, and then talk about other things."

If you don't see the second brother, you want her to contribute. Could it be that the other party wants to be a white wolf with empty gloves?

"A Hua—" Elder Hua seemed to be reluctant to have more twists and turns, with a reluctant expression on his face.

Jiang Si's expression became more and more determined.

She had been skeptical about whether the second brother was really still alive and whether he was in Wumiao. It's just that the second brother is one of her most important people. Even if there is a slight possibility, she is willing to go.

Now that she is here, the forbearance she has been holding all the way can no longer be maintained. She must determine the life and death of her second brother.

Jiang seemed to be ready to win, but Elder Hua wanted to persuade him again, when he heard a voice: "Hua, are you back?"

A young girl who was about the same age as Ah Hua came over with a voice like a yellow warbler out of the valley: "I went to find you, but I heard that you came back from Hua Lao and took you out to play..."

The girl approached and bowed to Elder Hua, saying "Elder Hua", but her eyes curiously aimed at the object in Elder Hua's hand, and winked at Jiang Si.

The girl and Ah Hua were obviously very familiar with each other.

Jiang Si heard Elder Hua talk about a lot of things about Ah Hua on the way. He knew that there were three or two of Ah Hua who played well in the clan, and he also remembered the names. He could probably guess which girl in front of him was, but he did not dare to speak casually.

Although Yi Rong became Ah Hua's appearance, under the shade of the sky, even people who were very familiar would find it difficult to find something wrong, but the voices of the two were different.

Disguise, after all, can only be changed from the appearance, but the voice can not deceive people.

This is also what Jiang Si finds strange. In her previous life, she came to Wumiao and pretended to be the holy girl Asang. Although she rarely interacted with the clan in the name of Qingxiu, she could not completely avoid it.

But none of the elders of the first and second generation who watched Ah Sang grow up noticed anything unusual.

She lives as A-Sang and is always worried that she will have nowhere to stay after exposure, so she would rather talk less and ask less.

Doubts weighed in her heart, and eventually became a mystery that could not be solved.

At this moment, Jiang seemed to regret his cowardice at that time.

"Hua, why don't you speak?" The girl wondered.

Jiang Shi pointed to his throat, making his voice sound hoarse: "It's a little uncomfortable..."

Elder Hua took over the words: "I took Ah Hua to eat a bowl of noodles, but I didn't expect that there were some seasonings in it, which made her throat swollen. Ah Hong, go back to dinner, and come to you to play when Ah Hua is well. Son."

The girl covered her mouth and laughed, and the strings of silver bracelets on her wrists collided gently, making a pleasant sound.

"Hua, it turns out that you are gluttonous again. Have you eaten too much delicious food in the Great Zhou capital and don't like our food here?"

Jiang Si was thinking about it and was about to say a few words, the girl waved her hand and said: "Okay, I know your throat is uncomfortable, I will go to you when you are healed."

Seeing the girl walking away, Elder Hua breathed a sigh of relief and urged Jiang Si in a low voice: "Let's go, if you delay, you will meet more people.

Jiang Si raised her eyebrows and smiled, and her voice returned to normal: "This should be something Hua Lao should be worried about."

Elder Hua was startled, looking at the face that was at least nine points similar to his granddaughter but had a very different temperament, so he had to choose a compromise.

Princess Yan is indeed a difficult and intelligent woman.

When I came to a completely unfamiliar place like Wumiao, not only did I not follow her footsteps because of anxiety,

and threatened her in return.

Is there any reason?

Elder Hua looked at the sky silently, sighed in his heart, and his voice showed exhaustion: "Okay, you come with me."

It seems that it is impossible to prevent Princess Yan from seeing her brother.

Seeing that Elder Hua turned his direction, Jiang Si's lips were slightly raised.

Some things can be compromised, and some things must be insisted on, even at great risk.

The two passed through a path and came to a house.

Elder Hua stopped and whispered: "You can see your brother if you want, but you can't let him know your identity until the things you promised us are completed. If you agree, I will lead you in to see him."

Jiang seemed to naturally nodded.

I just said that you should compromise on the things that should be compromised, and there is no need to care too much.

Seeing Jiang Si agreed, Elder Hua took her to knock on the courtyard door.

The door opened, and inside the door stood a pretty girl in a blue dress.

Seeing that it was Elder Hua, the girl bowed.

"Are people awake?" Elder Hua asked.

The girl walked in with Elder Hua and replied, "I'm asleep."

Jiang Si stared at the back of the girl in the blue dress, her eyes darkened.

If it was said that the people she knew best in Wumiao in her previous life were the Great Elder and the girl in front of her.

The girl's name was Alan, and she was the maidservant of Saint A-Sang.

Jiang seems not to like Alan.

The two who knew her identity at that time were the elder and Alan, and because of this, Alan disdained her a lot.

I am afraid that in Alan's heart, she is a shameless person who occupies a magpie's nest, occupying the status of a saint.

If the second brother really recuperates here, why is Alan taking care of the second brother?

Jiang Si suppressed the doubts in his heart and quickened his pace.

When he came to the door of the house, Elder Hua stopped and said to Alan, "Stay outside, let's go in first."

Alan glanced at Jiang Si inexplicably, nodded and stepped aside.

Jiang seemed to be indistinctly frowning.

From Alan's attitude towards her right now, the other party probably knows that she is not A Hua.

Entering the room, Elder Hua seemed to be aware of Jiang's doubts, and whispered: "She is Alan, and she knows you are not Ahua. When you show up as a saint, you still need her cooperation..."

If they could, they wouldn't want to let Alan, a little girl, know too much, but Alan was the maidservant of the saint, and one of the very few people who knew that the saint was not alive.

The death of the saint can be concealed from the vast majority of clansmen, but how can it be concealed from the maid?

Jiang Si followed Elder Hua through the main room and stopped in front of a door with a multicolored cotton curtain.

"Go in, people are in there."

Jiang Si secretly took a breath, raised his feet and walked in.

In the house against the wall is a bamboo bed, on which the quilt is spread and covers one person.

The man was lying on the opposite side, under an oil lamp, his face could be clearly seen.

It was Jiang Zhan.

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