The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 685 The princess arrives

With this decision, Emperor Jing Ming felt more and more unable to delay: "Speaking of which, the seventh daughter-in-law didn't even come to the palace for the Chinese New Year, I'm a little worried..."

The queen twitched the corners of her mouth silently.

At the reunion banquet, it was mentioned that Princess Yan did not appear, and the emperor also praised her for her love of friendship, but now I am not at ease... It really is the emperor's heart, the needle at the bottom of the sea.

"Queen, who do you think is appropriate to send over?"

Listening to Emperor Jing Ming's question, the Queen was somewhat mentally prepared.

If nothing happens, the emperor will not come to Kunning Palace. In this case, at least Pan Hai is not a suitable candidate.

It is not surprising after a little pondering that Princess Yan declared that she would recite the scriptures behind closed doors and pray for blessings until King Yan returned safely. Now almost everyone knows that the emperor suddenly sent a confidant eunuch to the palace of Yan Wang, which is easy to cause speculation.

You know, once something is related to the Son of Heaven, it will be different.

The queen pondered for a while and suggested, "Why don't you let Fuqing go."

"Fuqing?" Emperor Jing Ming did not think of his beloved daughter for a while.

The queen smiled: "Yeah, Fuqing and Princess Yan have a good relationship, and they still talk about it when they don't see Princess Yan at the New Year's banquet. The little girl wants to go out of the palace to breathe, and see the sister-in-law who gets along well, no one can say anything. The emperor. ,what do you think?"

Emperor Jing Ming nodded again and again: "The queen is right, then let Fuqing go for a trip, so that we can rest assured."

As for what to rest assured, Emperor Jing Ming didn't point it out, but the Queen knew it well.

Coincidentally, when Princess Yan had not been out for a long time, the Wumiao Saintess, who looked exactly like Princess Yan, showed up. This was really intriguing. The emperor suspected that Princess Yan was related to the Wumiao Saintess.

Although this kind of suspicion is a bit bizarre, I am not afraid of 10,000 just in case.

"Fuqing came back from his mother's place, right?"

"It's back."

Emperor Jing Ming didn't want to appear too impatient, but after thinking about it, the queen even knew that Concubine Yang had given him a cuckold, and there was nothing to avoid, so she simply urged: "Then let Fuqing go."

The queen was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly: "I'll tell Fuqing now."

In the face of the broken emperor, what else can she say?

Princess Fuqing was overjoyed when she heard that she was asked to go to Prince Yan's Mansion: "Can I go out of the palace to find Sister Seven to play?"

The queen smiled softly: "Go, I haven't seen your seventh sister-in-law for a long time, and the queen mother is also thinking about it."

Princess Fuqing's eyes turned slightly, and she begged, "Queen Mother, can I bring Fourteen Sisters with me?"

The two princesses had a light relationship at first, but because they went to the Cining Palace to accompany the Queen Mother these days, they had been together for a long time, and their relationship deepened.

Princess Fuqing is innocent and kind, while Princess Fourteen is cautious and understanding. The two are of average age and get along naturally.

After listening to Princess Fuqing's request, the Queen hesitated.

"Empress mother, you promise. I have fewer chances to go out of the palace, and the fourteenth sister has even fewer chances to go out of the palace... Just be my company."

Seeing her beloved daughter begging softly, the queen nodded and warned: "Then if you go to see your seventh sister-in-law, go back to the palace early, and don't make fun outside."

"Empress mother, I want to go to the street to see——" Princess Fuqing knew that her request was a bit too much, and she said it without any confidence.

Thinking that the royal father only had one chance to let loose once a year, and she went out of the palace more often, so such a request seemed a bit greedy.

When the queen saw her daughter Baba looking at her, she could not laugh or cry.

This child Fuqing was too honest, and she didn't know that she would sneak away after leaving the palace, so she had to ask her.

Thinking this way, the queen felt more pity for her daughter and sighed, "You can go shopping, but it won't take too long—"

Princess Fuqing immediately responded with joy.

Although the two princesses went out of the palace lightly and easily, the guards followed a lot, and the group went straight to the palace of Yan Wang.

When Ji Momo received the news of the princess' visit, she rolled her eyes and nearly fainted.

Can't faint!

She pinched herself hard to wake up, but her heart was beating so fast, she didn't know what to do for a while.

The maid who reported the letter was a little puzzled: "Mother, do you want to tell the princess-"

"It's natural!" Ji Momo said in one sentence,

I became more anxious.

The princess who wants to die, she really killed the huge palace!

The princess is impossible to see, but the princess is not in the mansion, what should I do now?

Ji Momo was so anxious that she saw sweat on her forehead.

At this moment, she deeply hated why she concealed the princess' death, instead of telling Chang Shi right away.

What, telling Chang Shi can solve the current predicament?

This is not the case, at least one more insider, now we can worry about it together.

"Mommy, what's the matter with you, are you not feeling well?"

Ji Momo returned to her senses with a straight face: "First, invite the two princesses to sit in the flower hall, and let the steward Wang greet you carefully, and I'll report to the princess."

Recently, whenever there is something wrong, Ji Momo goes directly to report to the princess. The maid doesn't think much about it, she hurriedly arranges it.

Ji Momo ran to Yuheyuan, running out of breath.

Seeing this, Ah Man covered his mouth with a smile and said, "Mother Ji, why are you in such a hurry—"

"Princess Fuqing and the fourteenth princess are here to visit the princess!" Ji Momo couldn't take her breath away and said anxiously.

Ah Man's light laughter stopped abruptly, and his voice was high-pitched: "Who is here?"

Aunt Ji stomped her feet and said, "Princess Fuqing and Princess Fourteen! Princess Fuqing is a direct princess, and she came to visit the princess on purpose. The princess can't be avoided. What can I do now?"

Seeing A Man and A Qiao's two big maids looking at each other in dismay, Nanny Ji started rolling her eyes again, clutching her heart and saying, "I just said that the princess was messing around, but you are still causing trouble. It's alright now, disaster is coming!"

Ah Man was unhappy, and said with a sigh, "It's a big New Year's Eve, what's wrong with it, will Mammy speak?"

If it wasn't for Ji Momo's relationship with them, she would have kicked the old Momo to tears long ago.

Ah Qiao looked calmer, and said lightly, "Don't panic, Sister Ji, you go and tell the two princesses, our princess is reading the scriptures and praying for the prince in the small Buddha hall, and we have long since vowed that the prince will not leave the little Buddha hall until he comes back. The door. If the two princesses want to see the princess, they should condescend to go to the small Buddhist hall."

Ji Momo couldn't move her feet: "But are the two princesses really going?"

Ah Qiao said indifferently: "Then please take the two princesses over, I will wait there with Ah Man."

Ji Momo opened her mouth, her heart dazed.

After taking it over? What should I say if I can't see the princess?

These two big sisters are fooling around.

"Mama Ji, hurry up, it's not good to keep the two princesses waiting for a long time, I thought our palace was neglecting." Ah Qiao urged.

Ji Momo seemed to be roasting on the fire, but she couldn't climb down, so she had to bite the bullet and go to the flower hall.

When Princess Fuqing heard that Princess Yan was in the small Buddha hall, she politely said, "Sister Qi should not disturb her sincere reading of the scriptures, but she really misses her, so let's go and have a look."

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