The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 690 The greatest hero

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Emperor Jing Ming shook the white cat's hand.

The white cat gave a "meow" in dissatisfaction, broke free from the shackles of the big hand and ran away.

Emperor Jing Ming didn't care about his love for cats, he stared at Pan Hai and asked, "Alive?"

Pan Hai hurriedly nodded: "Yes, Second Young Master Jiang is not dead, he has already returned to Uncle Dongping."

Emperor Jing Ming's expression changed from time to time, and after a while he asked, "Where's King Yan?"

"King Yan went with Second Young Master Jiang."

Emperor Jing Ming snorted immediately: "After returning to Beijing, I didn't enter the palace to inform me of the situation, but went to Dongping Uncle's Mansion—"

Is this son for family support?

It's not easy for Pan Hai to talk about this, he just laughed dryly.

Emperor Jing Ming glanced at him: "It is said that King Yan and his son Dongping Bo entered the palace."

Pan Hai hesitated for a moment.

It is said that there is nothing wrong with King Yan entering the palace, but Prince Dongping... Did the emperor really say something wrong?

You must know that the family of Xungui is not a title when the child is born, but needs to be titled, and the emperor nods it before it counts.

Under normal circumstances, the emperor will not reject such a petition, but there are exceptions.

For example, if you are dissatisfied with a certain courtier, you can press it down to make the other party more interesting. Or if a certain honorable concubine has no children and wants to record the concubine in the name of his wife and ask for a seal, then he must check and then decide to see if there is any favored concubine to destroy his wife.

In general, Emperor Jing Ming is a very caring emperor. Those who comply with the rules are easily not embarrassed, and those who do not comply with the rules are easily refused.

Seeing Pan Hai's hesitation, Emperor Jing Ming lifted his eyelids: "Go."


Seeing that Pan Hai was about to go out, Emperor Jing Ming remembered something and ordered, "Please come over here."

The queen came over not long after, and looked at the emperor who was sitting upright. Out of years of understanding of the people next to him, he somehow felt that the emperor was a little excited today, not as indifferent as he appeared.

"The emperor asked me to come here, what's the matter?"

Emperor Jing Ming opened his eyes: "Lao Qi is back."

The queen was quite surprised: "King Yan is back? Then—"

"Bring Dong Pingbo's son back."

The queen showed a smile: "God opened his eyes, he did not disappoint King Yan's sincerity."

Emperor Jing Ming knew what the Empress had misunderstood, so he didn't explain it, he just smiled meaningfully.

It didn't take long for Pan Hai to return: "Your Majesty, King Yan and Second Young Master Jiang are here."

"Bring it in."

The queen felt wrong.

What is the arrival of King Yan and Second Young Master Jiang?

Just when I was puzzled, I saw two young men walk in side by side and saluted.

Calm like a queen, her face turned pale at this moment, she shook the tea lid with a trembling hand and made a sound.

After this psychological preparation, Emperor Jing Ming's face didn't change much, but his eyes kept staring at Jiang Zhan.

It really came back alive.

"Give a seat."

The waiter brought two little tadpoles.

Yu Jin and Jiang Zhan sat down honestly.

Emperor Jing Ming looked at this, looked at that, with countless questions circling in his heart, but he didn't know where to ask for a while, and finally spit out a sentence: "It's good to come back, your father must be very happy."

Jiang Zhan was quite moved.

Look, the emperor is too kind, he never left his sight when he came in. It's not like his father, after being excited for a while, only a good son-in-law is left in his eyes.

"Tell me how you found it."

Jiang Zhan glanced at Yu Jin.

Yu Jin said, "I found it in Wumiao."

Emperor Jing Ming's eyes darkened: "Wumiao?"

The queen was wiping the tea splashed on the back of her hand with a handkerchief, and she froze when she heard the words.

Under the gaze of the Empress, Yu Jin looked calm: "My son went to the south to inquire about a lot of people, and finally got the news from a woman who was wearing a silk dress. She saw that someone dressed in an alien costume rescued a young master from the river. I asked for some details, and I roughly determined that it was the Wumiao people who saved the people. I went to the Wumiao people with the thought of not giving up any possibility, but I didn’t expect that my uncle was really saved by them…”

Yu Jin is well aware of the truth that lies must be mixed with some truth,

That way it won't be easily dismantled.

He did not hide anything and went to Wumiao, and Jiang Zhan did live in Wumiao for a long time. If the Jinlin Guard who stayed in the south checked carefully, he could find out. Rather than arouse the suspicion of the father at that time, it is better to block this opening first.

"Since he was rescued by Wu Miao at that time, why didn't you send a letter?" Emperor Jing Ming looked at Jiang Zhan, and said with anger, "The news of your death in battle has made your family sad."

Jiang Zhan secretly admired Yu Jin's foresight, and had taught him how to deal with it a long time ago. Hearing this, he said ashamedly, "It's all incompetent, but after waking up, he actually lost his memory!"


Hearing these two words, Emperor Jing Ming's mouth twitched fiercely, and he immediately thought of the dead prince.

Back then, the evil beast had "amnesia"!

Looking back at the handsome and pure young man in front of him, Emperor Jing Ming retracted his thoughts from the unpleasant memories.

This child looked at him honestly, and the amnesia was definitely not fake.

Besides, if you are in a different race, if you don't have amnesia, who doesn't want to contact your own people early? It makes no sense to pretend that you have amnesia.

Emperor Jing Ming believed this statement and said with a smile: "Anyway, it's good to come back safely."

Jiang Zhan hurriedly said: "Thanks to the lord, otherwise I don't know when I will be back."

Emperor Jing Ming looked at Yu Jin and nodded reservedly: "You did a good job this time."

There is no need to praise your son too much, so as not to get carried away.

With a strict father mentality, Emperor Jing Ming's face became more serious: "Speaking of which, it is thanks to your daughter-in-law."

Yu Jin was stunned.

Although he would not be naive enough to take credit for being a father for doing good deeds, and he really loves his daughter-in-law, is it a bit too much for the royal father to say such a thing without knowing that Ah Si secretly went to the south?

Jiang Zhan became nervous and couldn't help asking, "What happened to the fourth sister?"

Could it be that the fourth sister secretly traveled south was known to the emperor?

Looking at Emperor Jing Ming's face, Jiang Zhan silently denied it.

A benevolent elder like the emperor can't possibly scare people with irony, right?

Emperor Jing Ming laughed: "You don't know anything, Princess Yan closed the door to read the scriptures and pray for blessings soon after Lao Qi left Beijing. In order to show her sincerity, she didn't even say a word. I didn't expect it to be really effective..."

Yu Jin and Jiang Zhan were stunned after hearing this, and they both secretly sighed: Asi (the fourth sister) is really capable, and the father and emperor (the emperor) have been fooled into this...

When they understood almost, Emperor Jing Ming waved his hand to send the two away.

The hall was clean, and the emperor and the queen looked at each other.

After a while, Emperor Jing Ming seemed to have no intention of saying, "Go back and ask which Bodhisattva the seventh daughter-in-law worships. It's so effective."

It was too bizarre that people who were believed to be dead had come back alive. If I had known this, I would build a small Buddhist hall for the queen to worship, and maybe it would be transferred in the palace.

The queen had an inexplicable premonition and responded vaguely.

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