The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter seven hundred and sixth vinegar

Ah Jin is here?

Jiang Si was a little surprised to hear the maid's words.

Didn't Ajin go to the palace in the morning? No, he went to the palace to do some errands. Why did he come to Bofu so soon?

When Jiang Si hesitated for a while, there were compliments around him.

"The princess and the prince are really in love, they envy us."

"Yes, the lord came to pick him up specially. If a woman is like the princess, what's not to like..."


Jiang Si didn't put these words into his ears at all, and smiled and nodded at everyone: "Everyone, please wait, I'm sorry."

Until Jiang Si left, the chatter surrounding King Yan and his wife in the hall did not stop.

The table in the corner was Jiang Yi, Jiang Qiao, Jiang Li, and Jiang Pei sisters.

Among them, Jiang Li had already left the cabinet last year, and Jiang Qiao and Jiang Pei are still waiting to be married.

Jiang Pei couldn't hide her envy in her tone, and bit her ear with Jiang Li in a low voice: "Fifth sister, you see that the fourth sister has become more and more beautiful. Those ladies are right. If a woman can be like the fourth sister, what regrets in life..."

Jiang Li smiled and listened without refuting, but thinking of the radiant Jiang Si, her heart was calm.

In her opinion, trying to live a good life is the best, and there is no need to envy anyone.

She is a concubine who seeks a living under her powerful mother. Compared with Liumei's situation, she had a particularly difficult time as a girl in those years.

Later, the fourth sister went straight to the sky, and the mother, who was disliked by the fourth sister, "rehabilitated" for a long time. Such a change can be said to be the care of her destiny.

The mother-in-law didn't care, and the grandmother didn't care about her granddaughter. Her marriage was arranged by the third aunt.

The third aunt is a kind person, and there is no need to treat her niece harshly. She is the youngest son of Jin Ningbo.

The title of Earl Jining is hereditary, slightly higher than that of Earl Dongping.

But she also has confidence: the fourth sister is the princess, which no family will ignore. The second brother entered the emperor's eyes and returned safely, and the future will not be bad.

So the marriage that the third aunt chose was just right. She married a little higher, but she would not bow her head in front of the other party.

Perhaps this is the case, she is more gentle and humble, and then she has the harmony between her and her husband.

Jiang Li thought like this, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more gentle.

"Fifth sister, don't you think so?" Jiang Pei was a little unhappy when she saw Jiang Li only smiling and not saying a word.

Jiang Li nodded slightly: "Fourth sister is really good."

"I'm not saying she's okay, I mean—" Jiang Pei pouted, "Forget it, let's not talk about fourth sister. Fifth sister, how are you?"

After this year, Jiang Pei is also sixteen years old, but the marriage has not been decided yet.

Seeing that the fifth sister, who is also a concubine and has a dull temperament, is married to the youngest son of Jining, Jiang Pei's eyes are getting higher and higher.

Over time, Guo became less active.

Without him, the niece might complain before she gets married. Guo's family is not a fool, so why should she be thankful.

Jiang Pei became anxious in her heart, but as a girl, she couldn't open her mouth about this kind of thing, she could only keep it in her heart, so she was inexplicably curious about Jiang Li's life after marriage.

Among the sisters, the eldest sister, Yijue, returned to her parents' house, the second sister was sent to Zhuangzi, the third sister had not left the cabinet, and the fourth sister was a princess. It was hard to ask questions, and only the fifth sister could satisfy her curiosity.

Jiang Pei was not so much curious about Jiang Li's marriage, but rather curious about her future married life.

Mentioning herself, Jiang Li pursed her lips and smiled, with a bit of shyness that she couldn't hide: "I'm fine."

To Jiang Li, Jiang Pei was rude, rolled his eyes and said, "I mean how does the fifth brother-in-law treat you?"

"He's also nice to me..." Jiang Li is a restrained person, and her face flushed under Jiang Pei's questioning.

For some reason, Jiang Pei looked a little dazzling, and asked with curved lips, "Will the fifth brother-in-law wait for you to return to the mansion after the banquet is over?"

The couple went to the banquet together, and the banquets on both sides tended to end at different times. Generally, when they returned to the residence, they went their separate ways without affecting each other.

Jiang Li is not someone who likes to show off. When asked, she didn't have to hide it. She blushed and said, "I've agreed with your brother-in-law to go to the Treasure Pavilion together when we go back."

Jiang Pei pursed her lips and remained silent. The handkerchief in her hand was almost rubbed. She thought that she was just a young son of the uncle's house. .

The battle of words between the women in the hall was left far behind by Jiang Si.

Passing through the courtyard where the plum blossoms were in full bloom, Yu Jin was already waiting there.

"Have you eaten wine?" Jiang Si greeted her with a smile.

Yu Jin smiled and said, "After a few random bites, I still want to eat the rock candy elbow stewed at home. Let's go home and eat together."

On such a cold day, eating softly stewed elbows around a small stove, plus a portion of white meat sauerkraut and warm wine, is far better than eating those foods that are served cold at a banquet.

As long as Yu Jin thought about it, his heart flew back home.

"Well, then go back." Jiang Xi nodded slightly.

I've already asked everything I can, and I can discuss with A Jin when I go back to the house, so there's no need to waste time here.

In the capacity of Jiang Shi and his wife, there is no need for such a banquet to sit to the end, even if it is enough face for her parents to show her face, not to mention Jiang Shi knows that his father and brother don't care about these people. As for other people's thoughts, they are anyway. not give a damn about.

The two walked out side by side, and a young man approached them.

The man is slightly shorter than Yu Jin, and his stature is thinner. He wears a blue shirt, which makes his eyes black and white, as warm as beautiful jade.

Yu Jin was slightly startled, then quickly took Jiang Si's hand and took the initiative to say hello to the man: "Isn't this Brother Xiangrui Zhen, so you're here for a drink too."

The person who came was Zhen Heng, who was known as Da Zhou Xiangrui in Lianzhong Sanyuan.

Zhen Heng saw Jiang Si unexpectedly, and his mind was in a trance for a moment, and then he received this very unfriendly greeting, which made him regain his senses instantly, and the appearance of a modest gentleman was almost broken.

It's okay to pull Jiang girl's hand on purpose, and call him auspicious!

Anyway, auspicious is auspicious. Anyway, in the past two years, many people called him auspicious, and he got used to it over time, but what does the "true murderer" mean?

His surname is Zhen, and his father is Zhen Qingtian who specializes in solving cases. Is it appropriate to call him "the real murderer"?

He didn't believe it at all when he said that King Yan didn't do it on purpose.

Zhen Heng looked at the stern man with bright eyes on the opposite side, feeling a little tired.

It has been two years since he married the woman he liked, and he still came to provoke him. Is this because he is looking at "Xiang Rui" and won't fight? Don't bully honest people like that!

Zhen Heng quietly clenched his fists, feeling the urge to rush up and hit someone.

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