The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 713 The Queen's Fear

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Looking around, the fourth, the fifth couple, the sixth, the seventh, and the eighth son were all except King Qin. Emperor Jing Ming snorted coldly, "What are you doing here?"

These bastards can wander around on the New Year's Day, unlike him who can only go upstairs to admire the lights. Now that something happened to Xuande Building, one by one came over to watch the fun.

Emperor Jing Ming was about to drive them all away, when the Empress called softly, "Your Majesty—"

Emperor Jing Ming looked at the queen.

The Empress whispered a few words in Emperor Jing Ming's ear, Emperor Jing Ming nodded slightly, and turned to Yu Jin and Jiang Si and said, "Come back to the palace with me, everyone else is gone."

After finishing speaking, Emperor Jing Ming stretched out his hand to support the Empress Dowager: "Mother, please step carefully."

Soon Emperor Jing Ming and his party left the Xuande Building in a mighty manner, leaving King Qi and others to look at each other in dismay.

The King of Shu was the first to speak: "I didn't expect the fourth brother to come out to admire the lanterns today. The younger brother thought you would accompany the fourth sister-in-law in the palace."

King Qi smiled lightly: "Your fourth sister-in-law is unwell and can't come out. I promise to enjoy the beautiful scenery for her. Why is the sixth brother also alone?"

The King of Shu did not expect that the King of Qi could speak so grandly, and couldn't help but stagnate.

He came out alone tonight, naturally because he was having trouble with Princess Shu.

It is clear that when the Princess of Shu was not out of the cabinet, she was also a top-notch figure with both talent and beauty among the noble girls in the capital. He only briefly mentioned the matter of the heir, and actually gave him a face.

You must know that he is more than a month earlier than the old seventh. Seeing that the youngest daughter of the seventh is about to be called, he has not made any movement here, can you be in a hurry?

Just put it as usual, what time is it now? Having an heir will undoubtedly put more weight in the father's heart, and maybe one more point of advantage will determine who wins or loses between him and the fourth.

The King of Shu suppressed his unhappiness, and said casually: "I don't know what happened. Seeing that we are all here, the father only wants the seventh brother and his wife to enter the palace."

In terms of ranking, there are the fourth and fifth in front of him. It is not ashamed to be ignored by the father and emperor, but the fourth is overtaken by the seventh, and it is embarrassing in face.

King Qi obviously also realized this, and could only be heartbroken.

The emperor's heart is unpredictable, what else can the embarrassment given by the father and emperor be anything but suffering? Unless he waits for him to sit in that position, no one will dare to embarrass him again.

Although he was unhappy about his father's preference for Lao Qi, he felt a lot more at ease.

At a critical time, if the father's palace really cares about Lao Qi, it will not be so obvious. The fact that the father is like this shows that he has never considered Lao Qi in his heart.

King Qi thought about it like this, and he felt better in his heart, and he was still the king of Shu in front of him.

King Lu listened to the two people's non-yin and non-yang dialogue, but felt that there was no meaning at all, and pouted: "Aren't you curious about what just happened?"

What so much nonsense.

The King of Qi and the King of Shu looked at King Lu, and of course they were curious, but it was obvious that the father and the emperor did not intend to let them know.

King Lu twitched the corners of his mouth and suddenly grabbed a guard who was about to leave: "What happened just now?"

The guard did not dare not to answer: "The maid who was serving Princess Fuqing while watching the lantern slipped and fell..."

"To say it means not to say it." King Lu knew that he couldn't find out too much, so he turned his head and asked Princess Lu, "Should you continue to appreciate the lanterns, or go back to the palace?"

When this happened, Princess Lu naturally lost the thought of admiring the lanterns and said, "Go back to the manor."

King Lu was delighted, and hurriedly ordered his maid, the old lady, to send Princess Lu back home.

Princess Lu narrowed her eyes: "Will the lord not come back with me?"

"I'll go shopping again. I haven't finished reading so many fresh lanterns."

Hehe, you can get rid of this yellow-faced woman, there are so many little ladies at the lantern festival, maybe you can meet a beauty.

I was thinking about something beautiful when I suddenly felt a pain in my waist.

"My lord wants to enjoy the lantern alone?" Princess Lu emphasized on the word "alone".

King Lu bared his teeth, screaming in pain in front of King Qi and the others, suppressed his regret and said, "Suddenly it doesn't make any sense, so let's go back to the manor.


What if I don't go and get chased by this tigress at the lantern festival? Then his face was lost in front of the people of the capital.

Seeing King Lu and his wife leaving, the others also dispersed.

Emperor Jing Ming, who returned to the palace, was in such a bad mood that he even angered the queen.

In the past two years, bad things have happened one after another, and it has never stopped. He said that the queen should pay homage to the Bodhisattva, but the woman was not happy.

Well now, something happened again!

Although he was in a bad mood, facing the Empress Dowager Jing Ming, he still forced a smile: "Mother, I will take you back to the Cining Palace first."

"If the emperor has something to do, you don't have to take care of Ai's family. Fuqing she—"

"Fuqing is fine. You can go back and rest first. My son will tell you after he has sorted things out."

"That's good, Ai's family will go back first." The queen mother nodded slightly to the queen, "Queen, take care of the emperor and Fuqing."

The queen bowed her knees slightly: "Don't worry, mother."

After the Queen Mother left, Emperor Jing Ming immediately sank his face.

The queen patted Princess Fuqing's hand: "Fuqing, go back too."

Princess Fuqing shook her head: "Mother, today's affairs are for my daughter. I know what happened at the time. Let me stay."

She is not vulnerable to the point where she can only hide behind Fourteenth Sister in case of trouble.

She is the princess, not the dodder.

Thinking of the moment when the accident happened, Princess Fourteen rushed over to protect her, and Princess Fuqing felt a little ashamed. At this time, she did not want to leave Princess Fourteen alone to be questioned.

The queen hesitated for a while, and she had no choice but to nod when she met her daughter's pleading eyes.

"Okay, you two talk about the situation at the time, don't omit any details." Emperor Jing Ming said.

After the two princesses finished speaking, Emperor Jing Ming looked at Yu Jin.

At that time, the queen said that King Yan and his wife were good at solving cases, so he asked them to enter the palace together.

Yu Jin pondered for a while and asked, "When did Qingdai start serving Thirteen Sisters?"

"Qingdai followed me a few years ago and never made a mistake."

"Then has she been abnormal recently?" Yu Jin asked again.

Princess Fuqing shook her head hesitantly: "I didn't notice anything unusual about her. Hongxiu, you get along with Qingdai the most, what did you find?"

As Princess Fuqing's other maid, and the red sleeves who went upstairs together today were already horrified, she was asked by Princess Fuqing and hurriedly said: "The servant accidentally discovered that Qingdai's eyes were swollen the day before yesterday, as if she was crying, and asked her what was wrong. , She said that she squinted her eyes and rubbed randomly, thinking about it now, Qingdai must have something to do at that time... They were all stupid slaves, I didn't ask clearly..."

Hong Xiu slapped himself hard.

The Queen turned a deaf ear to the crisp slaps, and murmured, "Qingdai was personally chosen by Ben Gong to be with Fuqing, how could there be a problem?"

The people who served Princess Fuqing were all chosen by the queen, but the one who had the problem was Princess Fuqing's personal maid. The huge fear almost overwhelmed the queen, so she grabbed Jiang Si's hand: "Princess Yan, you say Who wants to harm Fuqing?"

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