The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter seven hundred and twentieth hesitation

? Emperor Jing Ming wanted to think about it again, but the queen didn't say anything about her interest.

Too much.

Although her words are euphemistic, they can be considered to show her attitude, and the emperor will not fail to understand.

If we go on, we will make it clear. It is not a smart way to make clear when the emperor has not made up his mind.

The queen decided to wait and see.

With such a big thing as a child, the emperor would always mention it to her when he made a decision. If the emperor decides that King Yan is of course everyone is happy, if it is King Xiang... By then she will have to fight against it.

This time, the Empress changed and left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, in an unspeakable mood.

Emperor Jing Ming got up and walked around the hall for two laps.

Pan Hai stood in the corner, very low-key.

After an unknown amount of time, Emperor Jing Ming said, "Pan Hai, accompany me out for a walk."

Pan Hai responded and hurriedly followed.

The sunshine outside the hall was very good, but it did not make the old emperor feel any more relaxed.

Emperor Jing Ming unknowingly walked into the depths of the harem and met Fuqing and the fourteen princesses who came out of the Cining Palace.

"I have seen the father." The two princesses greeted Emperor Jing Ming together.

Emperor Jing Ming said warmly, "Get up."

He looked at his two daughters with gentle eyes.

In just a few days from the Shangyuan Festival, both Princess Fuqing and Princess Fourteen have lost weight.

Different from the beloved daughter who was facing the sky in the past, with the pitiful experience accumulated by Emperor Jing Ming for decades, he could barely see that Princess Fuqing was smeared with powder today.

Applying fat powder is obviously to cover up the haggard complexion.

Emperor Jing Ming couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

This daughter of his is really in a lot of trouble. The pearl that is clearly held in the palm of his hand has been plotted again and again.

This is his dereliction of duty,

Either as a king or as a father.

The silence of Emperor Jing Ming made Princess Fourteen a little uneasy, but she was used to being cautious and didn't dare to say anything more.

But Princess Fuqing cheered up and showed a brisk smile: "Is the royal father taking a walk? Do you want your daughter to accompany you?"

Emperor Jing Ming felt a little more guilt.

The child of Fuqing was obviously frightened, but he didn't show it at all to make the elders worry.

If there is no one to protect such a temperament - Emperor Jing Ming couldn't help but think of the Queen's words.

Shaking his head subconsciously, Emperor Jing Ming smiled and said, "No need, you should go back and rest."

Princess Fuqing and Princess Fourteen looked at each other and bowed their knees slightly: "Daughter retire."

Looking at the backs of the two daughters leaving, Emperor Jing Ming retracted his gaze with a low sigh, no longer in the mood to wander around.

Returning to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the warm air in the hall made Emperor Jing Ming feel uncomfortable.

The ground dragon and brazier should have been removed, it was so hot that people were irritable.

Sitting down and drinking a cup of hot tea served by Pan Hai, Emperor Jing Ming suddenly said, "Pan Hai—"

"The servant is here."

Emperor Jing Ming looked at him casually: "What do you think is the best between mother and child?"

"Ah?" Pan Hai looked dull.

In the past two days, the emperor's abnormality was seen by Pan Hai, which made him just want to be a man with his tail tucked.

Emperor Jing Ming's face was straight: "Just say what you think."

For such a big matter, could he make a decision just because of a few words from a servant? Obviously impossible, but it doesn't prevent him from listening.

Pan Hai complained in his heart, but the emperor did not dare not answer the question, so he thoughtfully said, "This servant has not read many books, and does not understand too much truth, so I can only talk nonsense—"

Emperor Jing Ming lifted his eyelids and glanced at him, thinking that there was a lot of nonsense in his heart, so he said angrily, "Speak."

"The slaves only think about the mother's kindness and filial piety."

Emperor Jing Ming waited and waited, but when he didn't see Pan Hai, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Is it gone?"

Pan Hai smiled honestly: "No more."

Emperor Jing Ming's gaze moved down, passing over a sad part of the old eunuch's body.

Pan Hai suddenly felt the deep malice from the emperor.

Didn't he just say it briefly, the emperor is like this...

The dignified emperor mocked him as an old eunuch in such a silent way, how could he bear it!

At this moment, Eunuch Pan, the director of the East Factory, had the urge to lift his sleeves and wipe his tears.

Emperor Jing Ming silently attacked the old confidant, waved his hand and said, "Go back, I want to be quiet."

Soon, only Emperor Jing Ming was left in the hall.

He stared at the rippling tea in front of him in a trance.

The mother is kind and the son is filial, a very simple idea.

The queen is fond of Lao Qi. If Lao Qi is recorded in her name, she must be able to do this.

There is not much difference between the seventh and the eighth, which one is recorded under the queen's name. If everyone can be happy, why not do it.

The main reason Emperor Jing Ming hesitated was that once a certain prince was recorded in his name, that prince would have the qualifications to be the heir, and the seventh prince and the eighth prince were never considered.

For Emperor Jing Ming, it doesn't matter what the empress likes, what other people think, or even his own preference is not important, what matters is the qualification of the prince.

Thinking about this, Emperor Jing Ming didn't consider King Qi and others more and more.

Even though the ministers hadn't started to call yet, he knew in his heart that the four sons of Qi King were the most vocal, followed by the sixth son of the King of Shu. If one of them is recorded under the queen's name, it can be said that the crown prince is a certainty.

But Emperor Jing Ming didn't want to settle the prince so early.

Having experienced the lesson of re-establishing the prince, hasty decision is the worst, and he will never be led by the nose again. In this way, picking a prince who has no foundation and recording it in the name of the queen will actually make the ministers who are anxious to stand in line slow down.

This is also the most important reason why Emperor Jing Ming nodded without hesitation after listening to the queen's request for an eldest son.

Seventh or eighth?

Emperor Jing Ming took a sip from the teacup. The Queen, Princess Fuqing, Concubine Xian, many people, and even Pan Hai flashed in his mind, and the balance quietly tilted towards Yu Jin. Still can't make up my mind.

The old emperor, who had been in a trance for too long, opened his mouth and spit out the chewed tea leaves.

How bitter!

Yu Jin and King Xiang left the palace together.

King Xiang left with full of doubts. He glanced at Yu Jin, and seeing the calmness of the people, he couldn't help but ask, "Seventh brother, what do you mean when you say that the royal father has passed us into the palace?"

Yu Jin replied succinctly: "I don't know."

King Xiang froze for a moment, glanced left and right at no one, and said in a low voice, "Aren't you curious?"

"I'm not curious." Yu Jin said with a smile.

He knew it, and was curious about it.

There was no way to chat. King Xiang pursed the corners of his lips and clasped his fists: "Seventh brother, brother, take a step first."

The corners of Yu Jin's lips twitched slightly: "Spring is here, maybe the royal father wants to choose a concubine for the eighth brother."

Xiang Wang was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help panicking.

Concubine? The shadow of his marriage to Cui Mingyue hasn't gone away, he doesn't want to choose a concubine!

After the panic, King Xiang found a loophole: "That's not right, if it's to choose a concubine, why are you still called Seventh Brother?"

Yu Jin smiled slightly: "Among the brothers, you and I are of the same age, and I am in harmony with your seventh sister-in-law, and we are very affectionate. The royal father probably wants me to be a good example for the eighth brother."

King Xiang: "..." Really?

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