The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 739: The Queen Mother's Birthday Banquet

When you have something to ask for, you will work hard, and do everything possible to please the superior.

From the point of view of King Xiang, he had no fate with that position at all, and he would only be the follower of King Qi in the future. Whether he will be able to live a dashing life in the future depends on whether King Qi will become the final winner. It is of little significance to please the Queen Mother now.

Hearing what King Xiang said, King Qi secretly rejoiced.

Old Eight was calculated by Old Seven, which was a good thing for him.

If he used to be wary of the old man, for fear that the old man had extravagant hopes and someday saw the opportunity to bite him back, now he is completely relieved.

The eighth was obviously completely discouraged by missing the identity of the queen's son.

In this way, the old eighth will be his most trusted helper.

King Qi lightly clasped the white porcelain teacup with his fingertips, and advised: "The eighth brother for the birthday gift to the emperor's grandmother should be more careful. Don't ask for the best, at least don't make the emperor's grandmother unhappy by being at the bottom."

King Xiang nodded disapprovingly: "I know this. But the fourth brother should prepare well, don't let the bastard compare to the seventh."

When Yu Jin was mentioned, King Xiang's teeth itch with hatred.

These days, he has lost sleep every night, and it hurts when he thinks of being fooled by Lao Qi into the palace to talk nonsense to his father.

He thought countless times that if he honestly returned to the mansion at that time, it might not be sure whether the queen's son was him or the seventh.

No, the royal father is clearly more inclined towards him.

It's a pity that he didn't know anything, and the next day he got the bad news that Lao Qi was recorded in the queen's name.

What's even more sad is that other brothers can still go to the palace to find out their mothers and concubines, but he can't do anything except drink wine in the mansion to drown his sorrows.

His mother-in-law was no more than a dancer, and because he gave birth to him, he had the status of a concubine.

King Xiang couldn't remember the last time he saw Li Concubine.

For him, such a biological mother can be seen without seeing, and seeing him is just a reminder of his humble mother's bloodline.

King Qi put the tea gu on the table, and said lightly: "Lao Qi is indeed beyond my expectations. He returned from the southern border, but in just three or two years, he became the son of the queen from a poor prince whom the father and the emperor did not know. I can't even imagine where he's going to go—"

"Fourth brother, what do you mean?"

King Qi picked up the tea Gu again, took a sip of tea and laughed at himself: "Don't you think that the eighth brother is the one who combines great luck?"

King Xiang's eyes narrowed, and he said, "Fourth brother, do you think it is possible for Lao Qi to become the prince?"

King Qi's eyes flickered: "Eighth brother thinks it's impossible?"

King Xiang was a little excited: "But why does he—"

"Because he is now the son of the queen." King Qi put the tea gu heavily on the table, his eyes like ice, "Yu Lang is the son of the Empress Yuan, the only direct son of the father, but he ended up being abolished to death. Since anything can happen, why can't Lao Qi become the prince?"

The King of Xiang was silent.

King Qi was also silent, waiting for the tea in the tea to cool down completely, and sighed: "If the old seventh becomes the heir, or even goes a step further, will the eighth brother be reconciled?"

King Xiang slammed the table heavily and hissed, "He can't even think about it!"

The road that ruined his Long Xiang nine days is still going straight up, and he will vomit to death just thinking about it.

This is also the reason why he is determined to help the fourth.

Staring at the tea that shook out and spread on the table, King Qi's voice softened and he murmured, "Yeah, how can I be reconciled."

"Fourth brother, what are your countermeasures?" King Xiang regained his composure a little, but his face was very ugly.

King Qi was satisfied when he saw it.

The more Lao Qi hates Lao Qi, the easier his plan will be.

King Qi reached into his arms and took out a small porcelain bottle and pushed it over.

"This is--"

King Qi raised his eyes and looked at King Xiang, and the words were clear: "Blindly medicine."

King Xiang didn't touch the small white porcelain bottle, and he hesitated in his tone: "What medicine?"

The corners of King Qi's mouth curled up, and he smiled: "This medicine is colorless and tasteless, and can be dissolved in wine, and people who drink this wine will lose their tempers after at most a quarter of an hour, and do incredible things..."

King Xiang stared at the white porcelain vase and was silent for a long time.

King Qi simply pointed out the words: "Eighth brother, Lao Qi is a big problem for you and me. Naturally, it is better to knock him out before his wings are full, and I will ask you for this."


"Yeah. This medicine can make people lose their temper. What better occasion than the birthday of the emperor's grandmother?"

King Xiang's sword brows tightened: "Of course it's good to let the old seven lose his temper on such an occasion, but how can there be a chance to poison the old seven?"

King Qi smiled when he heard the words: "The reason why I looked for the eighth brother instead of doing it myself is not because I wanted to stay out of the way, but because the eighth brother had a better chance than me."

King Xiang pursed his thin lips slightly, waiting for King Qi to give an explanation.

King Qi played with the small white porcelain bottle, and said in a hurry: "The eighth brother also saw it, and Lao Qi didn't pay much attention to me on weekdays. If I toasted him, he would have pushed him away. As long as you mention the matter of entering the palace with him that day, I think that Lao Qi is willing to drink this cup of comfort wine with you, after all, Lao Qi is the kind of person who will show off with a knife after stepping on someone..."

King Xiang's eyes flickered, a little moved.

If he can get out of his body after poisoning Lao Qi, he doesn't mind giving it a try.

After all, everything has risks, and what the fourth child needs is not a helper who just wants to sit back and enjoy the success.

But if you miss-

King Qi was aware of King Xiang's concerns, and smiled: "This medicine can be dissolved in wine instantly, the eighth brother just needs to quietly dispense the medicine while toasting. After that, I will also toast Lao Qi, and if others follow, Lao Qi If you are crazy, you won't find it on this glass of wine, eighth brother, don't worry."

Seeing that King Xiang remained silent, King Qi sighed: "If the eighth brother feels embarrassed, forget it, let's come to Japan and look for a chance. I'm afraid that the father emperor can suddenly record Lao Qi in the queen's name today, and tomorrow he can suddenly take the crown prince. The position was given to the seventh, and it will not be easy to shake the seventh at that time..."

King Qi's words finally prompted King Xiang to make up his mind, gritted his teeth, and said, "Dang Duan is constantly rebuked by it, so let's do it like this."

When he helps the fourth child, he is also helping himself. As long as he succeeds, he will be able to sit back and relax in the future.

On occasions like the Queen Mother's birthday, everyone came and went, who could find out what was on his glass of wine.

Besides, if Lao Qi loses his temper when he arrives, I am afraid that the father and the emperor care about the emperor's grandmother. I am afraid that Lao Qi will be thrown out directly, and there will not even be a chance to explain. What can we check?

King Qi smiled and patted King Xiang on the shoulder: "Then I'll ask the eighth brother. When the matter is completed, my brother will definitely thank you."

The King of Xiang grinned: "Fourth brother said this, it's out of the question, we need to talk about this between brothers."

The two shook hands and smiled at each other.

In the blink of an eye, on the day of the Queen Mother's birthday, Yu Jin and Jiang Si got into the carriage and rushed to the palace together.

In the car, Yu Jin lazily leaned against the wall of the car and asked with a smile, "Asi, do you think there won't be anything wrong with today's birthday banquet?"

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