The Broken Wooden Boat At The Beginning, The School Girl Begged To Get On The Boat For An Internship

738 Can Have Tears Of The Sun, Can Popularize Spiritual Herbs [Please Subscribe, Please Subscribe, P

Deep in the restricted area, they found a mysterious ancient altar. There is a groove in the center of the altar, where the blue crystal is placed. The four people put the crystal in without hesitation, and the altar immediately emitted a strong light, surrounding them.

Suddenly, they felt a powerful force pouring into their bodies, their injuries healed quickly, and their strength increased significantly. The light on the altar gradually disappeared, and the originally dilapidated altar building became brand new before their eyes.

Bai Lanxue asked in surprise: "What's going on? Why has our strength suddenly increased?"

Yingman guessed: "Maybe we passed the trial of the altar, so we received the blessing of the altar.

Su Lan reminded: "Although our current strength has improved, the dangers in the penalty area may also become stronger. We need to be more careful."

Yun Xi looked at everyone with hopeful eyes: "Now that we have stronger strength, we will definitely be able to find the legendary treasure and realize our dreams.

After some arduous exploration, they finally found the location of the treasure in the deepest part of the restricted area. A huge golden treasure chest sits in a gorgeous crystal palace.

They walked carefully into the Crystal Palace and walked to the treasure chest. Yingyu said with great expectation: "Finally found it! We have worked hard for so long and can finally realize our dream!"

Bai Lanxue also said excitedly: "Let's open the treasure box together and see what treasures are inside."

The four of them worked together to open the golden treasure box. There is a huge crystal ball inside the treasure box. The crystal ball emits a dazzling light, as if it has magical power.

Su Lan asked curiously: "What magical power does this crystal ball have?"

Yun Xi's eyes widened and she said in surprise: "This crystal ball is the legendary Tears of the Sun! It can fulfill any wish of the holder!"

Yingman and Bai Lanxue also cheered. Yingman said with emotion: "Now our dream can finally come true."

Bai Lanxue suggested: "We should take this treasure home first and then decide how to use it.

The four of them pocketed the Tears of the Sun and embarked on their return journey. However, leaving the penalty area is not easy. They encountered various dangers in the restricted area, including ferocious sea monsters, strange storms, amazing seafloor fissures, etc.

Once, they encountered a group of cunning pirates who tried to steal their treasure. Facing the threat of pirates, the four people showed amazing bravery and wisdom.

Su Lan said calmly: "We can't let them take away our treasure. We have to find a way to lead them into a trap."

Yingman nodded and suggested: "We can use the high-tech equipment of Qujing No. 1 to create fog and lead them into the dangerous area of ​​​​the restricted area."

Bai Lanxue was responsible for controlling Qujing No. 1, skillfully guiding the pirates into a sea area full of dangerous reefs. In the end, the pirates' ship was damaged in the dangerous reef and they were unable to continue their pursuit, so they had to retreat in despair.

In the battle with the pirates, the four became more united, and their trust and friendship gradually deepened. Although they encountered many difficulties and challenges along the way, they always maintained an optimistic attitude and encouraged each other to move forward.

When they finally walked out of the restricted area and returned to their former hometown, there were countless stories to tell. And the treasure of Tears of the Sun also brought them endless hope.

Su Lan suggested: "We should use this treasure to help more people realize their dreams. Make our hometown better."

Yun Xi said with confidence: "We can use the power of tears of the sun to improve the ecological environment of our hometown and make this land full of life.

Yingman added: "We can also use its power to help people in our hometown and let them live a better life."

Bai Lanxue said: "We must ensure that the power of this treasure is not used by evil forces to cause disaster."

Therefore, the four decided to use the power of Tears of the Sun to change their hometown and bring happiness to people. They infused the power of the Sun's Tears into the soil, water and air of their hometown. Soon after, this land became like the Immortal Realm, with beautiful scenery, abundant products, and people's lives became better.

The power of Tears of the Sun began to work in every corner of their hometown, and the four people began to live a happy daily life.

One day, Su Lan invited Ying Man, Bai Lanxue and Yun Xi to go fishing at the lake. The sun shines on the lake, and the water is sparkling, creating a peaceful and peaceful scene.

Su Lan said with a smile: "Let's enjoy this wonderful time today and see who can catch the biggest fish!"

Yingman is very competitive and accepted the challenge without hesitation: "Okay, it's up to me!"

Yun Xi was afraid of hurting the fish during fishing, so she suggested watching the fish in the lake instead: "We might as well drink tea and watch the fish in the lake, that would be more harmonious.

Bai Lanxue believes that fishing is a good way to cultivate one's mind and character, and encourages everyone to try it.

So, the four people came to the lake with fishing rods, bait and picnic equipment. They teach each other fishing skills and share the fun of fishing together.

In this way, they spent a pleasant afternoon by the lake. In the fishing competition, Yingyu lived up to its reputation as 993 and caught the biggest fish, making everyone envious.

After the fishing, they set up a picnic together by the lake, tasted delicious food, and talked about interesting things about each other's lives.

On a sunny day, Su Lan invited everyone to plant Spiritual herbs together. Spiritual herbs are magical plants with unique medicinal properties. It needs to grow in specific soil and environment, and the power of Tears of the Sun creates the best growing conditions for it.

The four people came to a green valley and started looking for a suitable place to plant Spiritual herbs. They found a place with plenty of sunshine and abundant water, dug neat planting trenches, and began to sow Spiritual herbs seeds.

Yingman said with a smile: “By planting these spiritual herbs, we can not only bring benefits to the people in our hometown, but also make our lives more colorful.”

Bai Lanxue added: "Furthermore, spiritual herbs have very high medicinal value and can be used to cure many difficult and complicated diseases."

Yun Xi asked curiously: "Besides its medicinal value, do spiritual herbs have other uses?"

Su Lan explained: "Of course, the leaves and stems of Spiritual herbs can be used as medicine, the roots can be refined into high-level spiritual charms, and the flowers can be used to refine magical potions. Its fruits can even be refined into precious Spiritual herbs elixirs. It has powerful magical effects."

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