The Broken Wooden Boat At The Beginning, The School Girl Begged To Get On The Boat For An Internship

740 Masters The Power Of Space And Can Jump Into Restricted Areas [Please Subscribe, Please Subscrib

One day, the residents of the restricted area decided to hold an event to celebrate the harvest of sweetgrass. Everyone prepared rich food and exquisite decorations for this event, and laughter filled the entire restricted area.

At the event, Su Lan ran Internal Energy and delivered a passionate speech to everyone: "Dear friends, today we are gathered together to celebrate the harvest of vanilla in our restricted area. This is a magical plant. , it brings happiness and beauty to our life. Let us cheer for the harvest of heart vanilla and cheer for our unity

People present applauded and cheered endlessly. At this time, Yingman and Bai Lanxue walked to Su Lan and shared the joy together.

Yingman smiled and said: "Su Lan, your speech was really great! I think this event will definitely be a success."

Bai Lanxue also echoed: "Yes, Su Lan, you said it very well. This event will definitely make everyone feel happier."

Su Lan smiled and said with emotion: "This is all thanks to your efforts. Without your efforts, the residents of our restricted area would not have the happy life today."

The event officially started, everyone sang and danced around the bonfire, and laughter and laughter erupted one after another. Children in the restricted area were chasing and playing on the grass, while adults were tasting delicious food and chatting. It was a night full of joy, as if the whole world was bathed in a warm atmosphere.

In the joyful atmosphere, Su Lan and his friends also relaxed and enjoyed this rare time together. Yun Xi smiled and said to Su Lan: "This event is really great. Thank you for planning such a grand celebration for us."

Su Lan replied with a smile: "This is the joint efforts of everyone in the penalty area. I just played a guiding role. We should all be proud of this."

As the night gets darker, the bonfire burns brighter and hotter in the night sky. Su Lan looked at the cheerful crowd and was filled with emotion. These people who have experienced countless hardships can now live a happy life in this restricted area. All this is due to their joint efforts and firm belief.

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from a distance. This sound seemed to come from the depths of the sea, making people feel a little uneasy. Su Lan and his friends immediately became alert and looked nervously towards the direction of the sound.

Yingman frowned and said, "What is that sound? Did something happen?"

Bai Lanxue also looked worried: "I don't know, but we'd better go take a look."

Su Lan nodded and decided to lead his friends to investigate. Before leaving, he reassured the others and told them not to worry too much.

After a while, Su Lan and the others came to the place where the sound came from. They discovered that the sound was coming from a huge ship. People on the boat were shouting anxiously for help.

Su Lan quickly shouted: "Don't worry, everyone, we are here to help you!"

He quickly led his companions to jump onto the boat and began to rescue the trapped people. During the rescue process, Su Lan discovered that these people were adventurers from the outside world. They entered this restricted area by mistake, and the ship was seriously damaged.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the adventurers were finally rescued. They were full of gratitude to Su Lan and the others.

One of the adventurers said excitedly: "Thank you, you saved our lives. We all thought we were dead."

Su Lan waved her hand: "You're welcome, this is what we should do."

After the rescue operation, Su Lan decided to lead these adventurers back to the restricted area to let them rest first. Although they are outsiders, Su Lan believes that their arrival may bring some new changes to the penalty area.

The adventurers were surprised by the life in the restricted area. They had never seen such a beautiful place. They are full of curiosity about heartgrass and Spiritual herbs, hoping to learn more about these magical plants.

Su Lan introduced them to the characteristics and efficacy of these plants, which greatly amazed them. One of the adventurers said excitedly: "It turns out there are so many magical plants here that we didn't know before.

Bai Lanxue said with a smile: "Yes, everything here is a gift from nature. We are also constantly learning and understanding the mysteries of these plants."

The adventurers asked Su Lan for advice on how to grow and care for Spiritual herbs. They hope to bring this knowledge back to the own world so that more people can benefit.

At the same time, Su Lan also learned some things about the outside world from adventurers. They told Su Lan that in the outside world, there were many powerful forces "who are all competing for various resources and territory. This made Su Lan worried about the future of the restricted area.

In a casual conversation, an adventurer mentioned a mysterious power that allows people to master the power of space. This made Su Lan's eyes light up, and he thought this might be the key to protecting the penalty area.

In order to master this power, Su Lan decided to leave the restricted area and go to the outside world. He told his friends about his plan and hoped that they would support him.

Yingman said firmly: "Su Lan, we will support you. You are our leader and we trust your judgment.

Bai Lanxue also expressed her own support: "Su Lan, you have sacrificed so much for the restricted area, and we will accompany you to find that mysterious power."

A trace of determination flashed in Yun Xi's eyes: "Brother, I want to go with you. I want to become stronger and contribute to the restricted area."

Su Lan looked at his partners with emotion: "Thank you, with you by my side, I feel I can do anything."

With the help of the adventurers, Su Lan and the others prepared a ship that could sail to the outside world. Before setting off, they bid farewell to the residents and friends of the restricted area and promised to bring back the power to protect the restricted area.

During the long voyage, Su Lan and the others encountered various difficulties and challenges. But they always firmly believe that they will find that mysterious power.

In a battle with pirates, Su Lan demonstrated her bravery and wisdom. He deftly eliminated the pirates. .

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