The Bureau Chief Couldn’t Hide The Incident in 1999!

Chapter 147 : As expected of you, Zhang Xiaoge

At this time, after listening to the expressions of several people mentioned by Zhao Yi, they began to become serious. Everyone knew that the most critical moment was now.

All the questions that once plagued everyone are now almost connected in series and answered. Then it is time to verify the accuracy of these guesses.

Zhao Yi looked at several of the present and stood up seriously and said:

"Since this incident has been reported to the war zone and may be reported to the Central Government, we must resolve the matter in the shortest possible time.

Everyone immediately prepared. After 10 minutes, the helicopter would arrive at everyone and head to Hoosanzhuangzi Village.

At the same time, I have also prepared some things for you. Maybe I can help you. Wang Ye will come and get it with me.

Hearing this, everyone stood up and said solemnly:


Ten minutes later, Zhang Qilin quickly boarded the plane with a team of members. The plane also took off in a short time and flew in the direction of Houshanzhuang.

Wang Quangui looked at a black backpack that Wang Ye was holding, and immediately asked curiously:

"Wang Ye, is this what the director has prepared for us?"

Wang Ye nodded and put the backpack next to him.

Seeing this, Wang Er immediately couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and asked:

"What is it, open it to us and see.

However, Wang Ye guarded the backpack, shook his head, looked at several people and said:

"No, the director said, you can only open it when you get to the scene.

I am also curious as to what is in it, but the chief has spoken, who would dare not listen?"

Wang Ye moved Zhao Yi out, which caused several people to swallow back what they wanted to say.

I can only keep my curious eyes on the backpack and discuss in a low voice what may be in the backpack.

With the previous experience, this time the few people are relatively familiar with the road. They still choose to parachute at the same location, and then quickly walk towards the location of Houzanzhuangzi Village.

However, a few people soon discovered that because they brought back the guards of Hoosanzhuangzi Village this time, they could see the location of the village not long after.

At this time, Wang Ye couldn't help but admire:

"These 27 barriers are really special. When you come with the villagers, you can see where the village is.

It seems that this Taoist in Tsing Yi has extraordinary abilities.

Wang Er smiled and looked at the unconscious woman on his shoulders:

"Why don't we change and you carry her? Maybe you can see more things.

However, Wang Ye rolled his eyes and was not deceived at all.

Soon when a few people came to the entrance of the village, they only felt that they had passed through a watery gauze, and in the next second they had already stepped on the village's land.

Wang Er put the unconscious village guard aside and sighed:

"The people in this village are all dead. What can the guardians have to guard when they come back here?

I really don't understand why the Secretary insists on us to bring him back. "

However, Wang Ye shook his head when he heard this:

"The director said that the guardian of the village is a bounden duty, and this is a duty she must perform in this life.

In other words, if the village is there, the guards are there. If the village perishes, the village guards perish.

Hearing this, the king also sighed sincerely:

"It's really sad to say that. I've been so ridiculed and ridiculed in this life, but who can understand such a heavy responsibility?"

Ma Baoer replied as she walked forward:

"Didn't the chief tell me? Most of these people are violent and evil people in the previous life. It is much better to be able to use this method to make up for the mistakes of the previous life, otherwise they can only endure all kinds of torture and pain in hell."

Several people were talking as they walked toward the forest. At this time, because they knew the history of the village, when they looked at it, everyone's heart made a little turmoil.

The historical distance between the Ming and Qing dynasties has now passed for too long. Who would have thought that back then, the group of anti-Qing righteous scholars lived in seclusion here, hiding their sharp edges, but hiding them to the present?

Brick by brick, inch by inch, it seems to reproduce the impassionedness of the day.

Who knows that the Qing Dynasty has gone and the Ming Dynasty is not there, leaving only a piece of history and various legends that cannot be verified.

But in order to counter the obsession of Qingming and Mingming, painting the ground as a prison, trapped generations of people.

Several people walked through the woods along the village road, and finally saw the location of the thatched hut from a distance.

Wang Ye looked at the thatched cottage in the distance and sighed deeply:

"Perhaps the old lady was desperate when she was dying. She wanted to escape but couldn't leave the enchantment, and she was squeezed everywhere in this village.

What kind of resentment is necessary to make her suicide in a thatched hut. Who can tell who is familiar?"

Hearing this, Zhang Qilin patted Wang Ye on the shoulder, did not speak, and strode towards the thatched cottage.

A few people soon came to the door of the thatched house. Because Zhang Qilin and the others were in a hurry at the time, the thatched house door was not closed, but was left wide open.

A few people standing outside can see the coffin placed inside and the portrait.

Several people at this time could see that this portrait was obviously taken temporarily after the old lady died.

No matter how many people stand at any angle, those eyes protruding because of hanging, seem to have been staring at everyone.

"It's time to resolve this matter. The director said that the monster was probably hidden in the coffin. Let's open it."

Zhang Qilin said such a long paragraph in one breath, and several people nodded and walked forward.

However, the moment Wang Yier's hand was about to touch the coffin, he was interrupted by Wang Ye:

"Don't open the coffin so rashly, it may cause problems.

Speaking of Wang Ye, he put his inseparable backpack on the ground, opened it and said:

"The director said, before opening the coffin, put the contents of the backpack in front of the coffin.

After hearing this statement, several people looked at them with doubts, very curious about what exactly Zhao Yi put in this backpack.

But soon, Wang Ye took out a bowl and a black bottle from his backpack.

When they saw these two things, everyone felt very confused, and the king could not help asking:

"Is this something useful?"

Wang Ye shook his head and opened the mouth of the bottle and poured the liquid into the bowl.

As a tomb robber, Zhang Qilin wanders in various ancient tombs all year round. He is naturally clear about the corpses, burials and tombs.

This is his strength.

Therefore, I just took a look and immediately saw the doorway arranged by Zhao Yi:

"This is corpse qi, it should be the corpse qi extracted from the body of the director Shen Sha, which condenses into corpse water. When the coffin is opened, it is placed in front of the coffin."

Wang Er asked suspiciously:

"Then what's the use of this thing?"

Zhang Qilin looked around and said in a deep voice:

"This is generally used to suppress yin qi. When encountering a coffin with extremely yin qi, put a bowl of corpse water and the head of the coffin to suppress yin qi to the greatest extent."

"According to the director, put this wet water right in front of the coffin."

Ma Baoer's firm voice at this time reached several people's ears, and temporarily dispelled their doubts.

At the same time, several people were very surprised.

Wang Ye quickly placed the bowl full of corpse water in front of the coffin, and several people could still vaguely smell a strange smell.

After doing all this, a few people once again surrounded the coffin. Wang Ye looked at the coffin, and his face was puzzled:

"Strange, this coffin was not nailed to death, what is the situation?"

After hearing this, Zhang Qilin reached out and touched the edge of the coffin, and then shook his head:

"The coffin was nailed to death at first, but it was opened later.

Hearing this, several people felt very puzzled, and looked down quickly and carefully. As expected, there were very clear steel nail marks on the edge of the coffin.

This made a few people secretly unsuccessful in their hearts.Could it be that the director's guess has come true, and there is really something hidden in the coffin?

Zhang Qilin circled the coffin, then took out a white candle, and then put the candlelight close to the gap in the coffin.

Several people were suddenly surprised to find that the flames started to flicker and flicker in the other direction, and went out after a few seconds.

"What's going on, there will be air currents in the coffin?"

Zhang Qilin's face is very solemn:

"This is not a flowing air current, but a yin air!"

"Uh, is that so?" Wang Yier scratched his head, "Captain, you know too much, right? It's amazing."

The others also nodded, and Wang Quangui asked curiously: "Captain, what occupation did you do before, how do you think you are so proficient in burial?"

Zhang Qilin gave them a faint look and didn't say much. He just put his hand on the edge of the coffin lid and tried hard.


The lid of the coffin was easily opened, but the moment the gap was exposed, the sky outside suddenly darkened.

The time when the few people came here was in the afternoon, but it was almost dim for an instant, the sun and the moon were dark, and the room was plunged into the darkness of invisible.

"What's the matter? Everyone should be careful."

A gossip plate quickly emerged under Wang Ye's feet, looking like he was facing a major enemy, observing the surroundings.

Zhang Qilin looked back vigilantly, and the sky was covered by dark clouds outside, and then looked down at the coffin lid that had been slightly opened:

"move back!

Following Zhang Qilin's order, although several people felt puzzled, they decided to obey the captain's order and left the surroundings of the coffin one after another, leaving only Zhang Qilin alone.

Zhang Qilin slowly drew out one hand, pulled the ancient black gold knife out of the sheath from behind and held it to his side, while the other hand suddenly exerted force within a short period of time, and violently lifted the lid of the coffin.

At this moment, a thick black smoke rose from the coffin, and it spread everywhere.

"Poisonous, be careful!

Zhang Qilin keenly sensed the danger contained in this thick black smoke, and while reminding him, he covered his mouth and nose.

Wang Ye and the others responded quickly, covering their mouths and noses one after another, wanting to step back. However, at this time, the speed of the thick black smoke was beyond the expectations of several people, and the whole house was wrapped in it in a short time.

"It's Yin Qi!"

Zhang Qilin reminded again, and quickly retreated to the rear.

But everyone knew very well that at the speed of the darkness, a few people soon became irresistible.

However, at this moment, a white smoke burst into the bowl directly in front of the coffin.

The white smoke mixed with the thick black smoke in the air, they even canceled each other out.

Not long after, the thick black smoke was completely offset by the white smoke.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yeqing relaxed his hands covering his mouth and nose, and said in surprise:

"The thick black smoke just now was very poisonous. Once the insidious poison enters my body, I will be in serious trouble.

The Director had expected this a long time ago, and he used the thousand-year corpse poison to attack the poison and offset the deadly poisonous fog!"

When the others heard this, they suddenly realized that, again, they secretly felt that the director was incapable of a strategy.

The thick black smoke came and went quickly, and people slowly approached the coffin again and looked inside.

However, a surprising scene appeared in front of several people, and there was indeed an old lady in the coffin.

This can be distinguished from body shape or hair color.

It is very strange that this old lady turned out to be the crowd lying in the coffin, and she could only see her back and couldn't see her face clearly. "

"What's the matter, bury it on your stomach?"

Wang Ye was very puzzled when he saw this, and couldn't help but speak.

However, Zhang Qilin rarely showed a surprised expression at this time 613:

"This is a burial!"

In the early years, Zhang Qilin traveled through various ancient tombs. He was naturally familiar with this method of tombs, but he knew it was rare.

Yin burial is an extremely vicious method, in order to make the underworld unable to perceive the dead soul, so that the soul cannot leave and reincarnate.

Those who are buried in this way will be trapped in this coffin forever, with no expiration date.

Zhang Qilin quickly explained the matter to the other people. After understanding the reason, the few people met each other, and they all gave Zhang Qilin a thumbs up and said in unison: "Bowen Guangji Zhang Xiaoge!"

Little did they know that Zhang Qilin used to be a professional tomb robber, how can he not understand this kind of thing?

But then Ma Baoer frowned and shook his head:

"No, don't forget. According to the director's guess, now, the old lady's body is not her soul."

Upon hearing this, Wang Ye and the others suddenly became clear:

"That's right, that is to say, the monster possessed by the old lady is indeed a monster that escaped from the underworld.

The reason why I chose to lie in the coffin is to rely on the method of burial, so that the underworld can't sense its existence!"


Wang Quangui looked at the old lady lying in the coffin in confusion and said:

"Why didn't she react at all?"

Regarding this, the other people were also very puzzled, but no one noticed. As the dark clouds outside slowly covered the sun and the moon, the old lady's fingers moved lightly.

Several people gathered around the coffin and launched an investigation. Even the bold Wang Ye wanted to turn the old lady over.

What puzzled a few people was that the old lady was very heavy, and since it took a lot of effort, she couldn't move her at all.

This scene made several people feel very puzzled, and no one had thought that such a situation would happen.

However, at this moment, the dark clouds outside seemed to cover the last ray of light, and the surroundings were plunged into darkness.

This caused several people to subconsciously hold their breath, and at the same time began to retreat tacitly, looking for the candlelight source.

However, at this moment, several people heard a weird sound coming at the same time.

Listening to the sound, it seems that it was the sentence that came from the coffin.

This caused Wang Ye to speed up the search for the candle, but the candle was still placed near the coffin.

After groping and taking out the match, Wang Ye took the lead to light a candle, and at that moment, he picked up the candle and shone it in the direction of the coffin.

However, in the next second, everyone took a step back one after another, and everyone's face appeared very alert.

Zhang Qilin drew out the black gold ancient knife, and the kingly powers held the kingship sword in his hand.

Wang Ye and the others also got up quickly and moved a distance from the coffin.

They saw that the old lady, who had been lying motionless in the coffin before, turned her body up slowly and mechanically at this time.

The creaking sound is exactly the sound made by her every activity

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