The Call of Sports Arena

Chapter 104: The beast that got rid of the shackles

   Jin Dongjun's fist was fierce, and slowly pushed Tang Hao to the corner.

His eyes were a little impatient, and playing with this low-weight boxer often turned into a cat-and-mouse situation in front of him, but fortunately Tang Hao was forced to the corner and there was no room to move. Next It's just one punch KO.

  He suddenly felt a little bored with such a game, but he thought it would be worthwhile to reduce the trouble for his teammates.

  Thinking about this, he slammed a punch into Tang Hao's side, ready to end this boring game.

   It was at this time that Tang Hao had a basic understanding of Jin Dongjun’s boxing strength. Although there was no direct resistance, he felt from the boxing style that it was between 400 and 500 pounds, which was similar to him.

   And this punching power should be within the range he bears.

  With this consciousness, his hands were in a frame.

   Seeing Tang Hao's movements, Jin Dongjun felt pleased. Sure enough, there was no room for movement, and Tang Hao could only choose to resist.

   "Be careful!" Xionghaojie couldn't help but shouted, if Jin Dongjun was wearing gloves, Tang Hao might still be able to carry it down, but now there are no gloves!

  The other boxers also turned around unbearably. Tang Hao's best treatment at this time was to run away from the waist of the cat. This frame is basically looking for death.


  Jin Dongjun's swinging punch directly hit Tang Hao's elbow.

  He was ready to get Tang Hao knocked down.

   help others to get ahead? That requires capital! When Tang Hao is so strong, he has to pay for his actions!

   But the next second, he felt wrong. Tang Hao, who was hit by him, showed no signs of being knocked down. Even if he punched it up, he felt like he was not completely hit.

   His eyes flashed with a shock.

   was also surprised by the boxers on the sidelines. They only saw Tang Hao moved slightly backwards, and then stiffly carried the punch.

how did you do that?

  Know that Jin Dongjun is a 58-kilogram boxer. For that punch, there are four or five hundred pounds in less power!

   But Tang Hao was unscathed after taking a punch?


   While they were still in shock, Tang Hao followed with a punch.

   Fast speed!

   is much faster than his dodge speed!

  Jin Dongjun was caught off guard, his hands turned back in a panic, his head back instinctively.


   With a muffled noise, Tang Hao's jab directly hit Jin Dongjun's face.

  Jin Dongjun walked back a few steps and then bleeds directly from his nose.

   Although leaning back counteracted the strength of this punch, but the front was firm and firm.

  The boxer on the side of the court was amazed again, this Tang Hao, the boxing speed is so fast!

  Jin Dongjun felt that his nose was warm, reached out and wiped it to see it was blood, and the whole person suddenly ran away!

   "Ah! You are dead!"

   He roared and rushed over like crazy even though his nose was still bleeding.

   Tang Hao couldn't help but feel disappointed. The boxer lost his senses, which is not much different from ordinary people.

   After Jin Dongjun was angry, the offensive was much more fierce than before, but in Tang Hao's eyes, the flaws also appeared much more.

   He dodged most of Jin Dongjun's offensive, and when a flaw was revealed, he used the unloading force to resist the next punch, followed by a punch.

   Jin Dongjun started blocking with his hands constantly, but soon he discovered that Tang Hao's fist was even heavier than his, without the weakening of the glove, the punching power was inch to flesh.

   Slowly, Jin Dongjun's offensive weakened. On the contrary, Tang Hao, who had been suppressed, started to fight back.

   Straight, swing, uppercut, jab.

   Without gloves, Tang Hao is like a beast that has got rid of the shackles, and Jin Dongjun can only hold his head to defend.

   This scene made people on the sidelines stunned.

   Tang Hao, a 49-kilogram boxer, pressed Jin Dongjun, a 58-kilogram boxer, to fight!

  Speak it out, who dares to believe it!

   But this happened right in front of me.

   "Dongjun! Come on!"

  The Korean boxer under the stage saw the momentum was wrong and shouted for Dongjun Jin to cheer loudly.

   But now, it is obviously too late.

   Tang Hao resisted Jin Dongjun's counterattack with a swing, followed his right foot to pull the posture, and an unwelcome right uppercut directly smashed past.

  Jin Dongjun was too late to dodge and was hit directly on the right cheek.


   His whole body was crooked, and he flew directly out of his mouth with a tooth.

   Next second, Tang Hao didn't wait for Jin Dongjun to relax, followed by another straight punch on Ji Dongjun's head.

  Jin Dongjun shook the whole person for a while, and could not stand anymore.

   Tang Hao hasn't stopped yet. He is determined today to teach this group of arrogant Koreans.

   He followed a sudden advance, his arms burst into blue, and Cun Jin was mixed in his right hand. He punched a heavy punch directly at the position of Jin Dongjun's shoulder blade.


  Jin Dongjun, if he was hit hard, flew straight out and slammed into the boxing ring.

   And the next second, his right hand was covering his left arm, and a scream like a pig was coming out of his mouth.

  Compared with the pain of flying teeth, this one is the most deadly.

   The boxers on the sidelines couldn't help but take a breath.

   Very ruthless.

   This time, it is tantamount to directly abandoning Jin Dongjun's Now, you should know that the set of your Koreans does not work in China. Tang Hao looked at the screaming Jin Dongjun without a trace of pity, and said coldly.

The Koreans under the stage were Jin Dongjun who took the lead. Now that they see Jin Dongjun being scrapped, they dare to answer the call and rushed to the stage to pick up Jin Dongjun and ran out of the boxing hall, afraid that Jin Dongjun would be a second late. It’s really useless.

   "It's so cool! It's so special! This group of Koreans is really beating!" When Tang Hao stepped down, Xionghaojie couldn't help but say excitedly, he found for the first time that the original boxing can still be so cool.

   The hero is cool, the others are chilling at this time, looking at Tang Hao, the title of the boxer killer, with fear in his face, describing him as really inappropriate.

  The two Pakistani players came over with gratitude at this time and thanked them constantly.

   Tang Hao's early appearance contributed a lot to the China-Pakistan friendship.

  The people of the organizing committee didn't come over at last. When they saw the Koreans running away, they chose to ignore.

   This is a private fight caused by the Koreans, but after the Koreans went back, they bite back, directly saying that Tang Hao deliberately hurt their boxers, so that Jin Dongjun could not participate in the 58 kg class quarter-finals tomorrow.

   Koreans tried to reverse the black and white, but the fighters of other countries in the beginning and the end of the day were all in their eyes, and all took the initiative to stand up and defend Tang Hao.

  The final result, the organizing committee rejected the South Korean team's protest and warned them of their deliberate provocation before the game.

   This time, it made Koreans feel more and more dissatisfied, and the posture was almost abandoned.

   Against this background, Tang Hao welcomed his opponent in the quarterfinals, Shen Zhongxun.

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