The Call of Sports Arena

Chapter 143: Fast & Furious

The expression on Tang Hao's face didn't change, but the things in his mind had already been struck all over again.

It's one thing for Lei Jianyu's sudden cardiac arrest to die, but it's another thing to take stimulants. The latter is obviously more serious than the two.

However, if you think about it, Lei Jianyu's doing this is also a kind of sorrow to a certain extent. It is as strong as the previous two years. The qualification for a small event in the World Championships has not been obtained until this championship, which shows that the survival of the fittest is quite cruel. , Lei Jianyu wanted to fight before the retired, which is also a cause.

But the sad ones must have hateful things. Taking the doping method is not fair to other players.

He thought he couldn't help but turned his head to look at Sun Yang. If the news came out, the one who would benefit the most should be the little white poplar around him. Lei Jianyu's performance on stimulants must be invalidated. Sun Yang's third place will naturally change Become second.

But Sun Yang didn't seem to realize this yet, and he watched Shen Qing talking seriously.

"The organizing committee attaches great importance to this matter. All urine samples reserved by the players will be retested. You should have not eaten any prohibited food recently?"


The three shook their heads in unison.

Shen Qing nodded, and seemed to be in no mood to say anything. After telling them to go back to rest early, he left the locker room.

The event of Lei Jianyu made the game on the fifth day of the championship a dignified atmosphere, but fortunately, no other players had problems during the re-examination, and the organizing committee was also relieved.

This matter is not only afraid of athletes, but the organizing committee is also afraid of it. After all, it is reported that this will greatly damage the image of Chinese swimming.

And until this episode is over, the National Swimming Championships also ushered in the penultimate day of competition, which is also the final day of the official competition.

On this day, in a classic adjective, "speed and passion" is more appropriate.

On this day, the 50-meter butterfly stroke, 50-meter backstroke, 50-meter breaststroke and 50-meter freestyle will all ushered in the pre-final.

As the smallest item with the shortest distance, the visual impact is also the biggest.

During the day, although it was not a weekend, the attendance rate of the swimming pool reached more than 70%. Many people came to the swimming pool to witness this most exciting short distance competition.

The first to start the competition was the 50m butterfly stroke.

The relative speed of butterfly stroke is slower than that of freestyle, but it is the most enjoyable. Like Phelps, who dominates the swimming world, it is the master of butterfly stroke. Butterfly stroke uses the method of butterfly hand and dolphin tail to advance. The swimming style is beautiful. The name of "Flying Fish" The number is also from this.

Of course, that is the world famous swimmer. The domestic butterfly stroke is relatively low. For example, 200 meters, Wu Peng, a famous star in eastern Zhejiang province, has some achievements in the competition, but the short distance of 50 meters is really The world of young people is gone.

Li Zhuhao, a newcomer from the East Zhejiang Province who had the best preliminary results, swam out the best domestic result of this year in 25 seconds 21.

This result made Tang Hao feel itchy. Compared with freestyle, this country has no rivals in the country. Looking at the gold medal that is within reach, he seems to see the passing point of honor, and his heart hurts. Not good.

However, this championship is no way, he is also thinking about finding an opportunity to enter other swimming styles.

Backstroke and breaststroke still have a certain level compared with butterfly stroke in China. Xu Jiayu of Eastern Zhejiang Province in the preliminaries swam out with 25 seconds and 21 seconds, which directly reached the a standard requirement of the World Championships.

When the breaststroke competition also ended, Tang Hao's 50-meter freestyle competition also began.

The situation of freestyle swimming is also half a catty compared to butterfly swimming. In fact, considering that in the previous life, Ning Zetao did not swim out of the famous hall until 2013, you can imagine how low the domestic short distance swimming is.

Rather than saying that his opponent was Ning Zetao or Lu Zhibin, it was not that he was himself.

In fact, what Tang Hao may not know is that Lei Jianyu’s stimulant storm still affected him. After all, he had no achievements in swimming before the championship game, but the results of the urine test made the worried people relieved. Let them look forward to Tang Hao's performance.

Even if this is just a preliminary match.

Tang Hao was on the No. 4 lane of this group. His 22 seconds and 38 points in the test game was enough to make him appear in the best lane.

With a shot from the referee, the players all rushed into the water in the first time.

After the water came out, Tang Hao used the high frequency of water fetching and quickly opened the gap with others, and the gap was widening at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

In the end, he took the lead with a huge advantage over the other players by more than half a position. His score was finally fixed at 22 seconds 41, which is almost the level of his test tour.

Of course, this is also the result of his reservation.

Tang Hao played in this group, and the other groups also played in succession. When the results came out, as expected, Lü Zhibin 22 seconds 96, Ning Zetao 23 seconds 11, is his main opponent in the evening finals.

When the other group's races are over, the final race in the morning will only have the last 4-by-100-meter medley relay.

Tang Hao did not appear in the medley swimming competition. It was not that Shen Qing didn't believe him, but that others also needed opportunities. The medley swimming leveraged freestyle. It was impossible to give Tang Hao all the opportunities.

The performance of East Zhejiang Province was fairly normal. Lü Zhibin, the last freestyle swimmer, played well and won the first place in the group. He successfully advanced to the final in the evening.

However, compared with the result, the process is not so good. Wangshun, who was in charge of breaststroke in the relay of East Zhejiang Province, sprained his thigh and was unable to play in the finals of the night.

Compared to freestyle and backstroke, breaststroke is simply the weakness of eastern Zhejiang province. In fact, even Wang Shun is a medley player who is pushed up to the breaststroke. He can’t compare it. , That grade is not a level at all.

This sudden situation makes Shen Qingji like an ant on a hot Even if his level is high, he can't change a living person into a player.

The medal of the East Zhejiang Provincial Team, which had the strongest comprehensive strength, was determined to win, but now it seems that the cooked duck has to let it fly.

In the afternoon's pre-match training, Tang Hao and his teammates were doing the final training for the finals in the evening. He adapted to the frequency of more than 8 strokes in the pool.

Eight strokes is theoretically the limit of humanity. Although Tang Hao has the power of the white stripe in the waves, he can forcefully break this limit, but it is a huge consumption of physical strength.

After practicing a few rounds, he felt sore with his legs that he couldn't stop. At this time, he was some distance away from the shore. He directly used the breaststroke that was the most labor-saving for him to swim to the shore.

Shen Qing was frowning at this time, his eyes swept dignifiedly in the swimming pool, and at this moment, he saw Tang Hao swimming towards the shore.

His eyes flicked, and he slammed his head like he suddenly remembered something.

(To be continued.)

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