"Xiao Ji, did you already know?"

When Empress Wei asked this, Qin Di nodded.

She half-drooped her eyes and murmured, "Since I was a child, they always beat me and scolded me whenever they wanted. I did all the work at home, but they never gave me a good look. "

"In order to give Li Jiabao a place to go to the county school, they sold me to the fool of the Xu family. If I didn't want to, she beat me up, and said that I deserved it even if I was beaten to death. Just throw it away."

"That day, Zhao Aman beat me up and went out. I overheard Li Jinzhu persuading me a few words, saying that I was also a Miss Qin family. Sorry."

"I just realized that I'm not their biological son. My surname is Qin."

"Qin Di is the name I gave myself."

Qin Di said half-truths. At that time, when she was doing the road guide, she never thought of going back to the mansion, so she simply used her real name "Qin Di", which could not be hidden from anyone.

So, under the guise of "hearing", she exposed the loophole in her name.

The more Queen Wei listened, the more annoyed she became, and she couldn't help but slapped the case heavily.


Her heart felt as if it was being tugged fiercely by an invisible big palm.

How can there be such hateful people in this world, their daughters grew up in the Hou Mansion, but they don't treat other people's daughters well.

If this little girl hadn't run away cleverly and was married to a fool, wouldn't even her marriage and the rest of her life have been ruined by them!

Thinking of this, Queen Wei couldn't help but want to smash the Li family to pieces!

It's a pity that the couple committed murder and left their hometown and escaped.

Empress Wei forcibly endured the pain in her heart, barely maintaining the smile on her face, she gently touched the top of Qin Di's hair.

A little girl of this age should have black and shiny hair, but the touch of her palm is frizzy and dry.

This girl is so hard!

"Mrs. Gu."

The little girl's delicate voice interrupted Empress Wei's thoughts, and she saw her holding a small face the size of a palm and her black and pure almond eyes without blinking, and asked with difficulty: "You said, you are my aunt.

Who are my parents?

Why...why did my parents not want me? "

Empress Wei sighed and said, "You are the direct daughter of the Qin family in Zhongyi Hou's mansion, and the second daughter of the Qin family."

She took Qin Di's icy little hand and told the story of the year one by one, just to cover up all kinds of things that were almost abolished when the emperor was still a prince, and simply summed it up as the Qin family was exiled because of being framed by others. , which entrusted the newborn child.

"...After the Qin family was rehabilitated, they sent someone to pick you up, but I didn't expect them to replace you with their own daughter."

"So that's how it is..." Qin Di suddenly realized.

After a while, she asked, "Mrs. Gu, who else is in my family?

Parents, will they not like me? "

Qin Di's expression was a little uneasy, Empress Wei clapped her hand, smiled and reassured, and said, "Your parents are gone, you still have a brother and a younger brother, your eldest brother's name is Qin Ze Ning, your younger brother is Qin Zeyu.

As for the rest of the Qin family..."

Empress Wei's face was cold for a moment, then she smiled again and said, "It's just the uncle in the next room, you don't need to care about their likes and dislikes.

Your grandfather also passed away, but your grandmother is still alive. You just need to do more face-to-face work on weekdays.

It's the same sentence, you don't need to care about the likes and dislikes of the rest of the Qin family, everything has its own origin... Your own aunt decides for you. "

Qin Di nodded, thinking: Come to think of it, Queen Wei knows the Qin family's determination to rely on the second prince.


Empress Wei's brows and eyes were gentle, and she continued, "Your grandfather's family name is Wei, and it is a family of hairpins. Your ancestors had two chief assistants, four senior officials of the frontier, eleven people who were ranked in the top three, and even Jinshi and invincible people. Enumeration is by no means a small family."

Speaking of the Wei family, Queen Wei's eyebrows were full of pride.

"Your grandfather is currently the governor of Jiangnan and is in office.

You look exactly like your mother, if your grandfather and grandmother saw you, they would definitely recognize you, I recognized it at a glance, but you are much thinner than your mother when she was a child..."

Looking at the thin and small girl in front of her, thinking of the scars all over her body, Queen Wei's nose was sour, and the tears she had been restraining poured out from the corners of her eyes.

Her younger sister, who suffered from exile at the age of a flower, was this daughter who was on her mind before her death.

And she! All these years, I have held that fake in my hand and doted on it!

Self-blame and annoyance were entangled in Queen Wei's heart like vines.

Qin Di took out a handkerchief, gently wiped the tears from Queen Wei's cheeks, and comforted: "...Auntie don't cry."

Her cry of "auntie" was jerky and difficult, but it made Queen Wei's tears flow even more uncontrollably.

She hugged Qin Di again, like a treasure that was lost and found, and said more: "Good child... Good child, aunt will not let you suffer again in the future."

Empress Wei's health has always been bad, so she should not be overjoyed and be sad. Madam Xu, who was beside her, quickly persuaded her, "Madam, it's a great thing for you to meet Young Lady Biao. How can you cry? You should be happy!"

"Madam, you can see that the young lady is frightened by you."

Empress Wei watched the little girl staring at her intently, a pair of apricot eyes that were very similar to her were bright and a little overwhelmed.

Empress Wei smiled, took the little girl's rough hand, and said, "Xiao Ji, come back to Beijing with me."

"But..." Qin Di showed hesitation and looked around, "Auntie, I just rented this shop."

She was a little reluctant, although it was "acting", but at any rate, this place was arranged by herself a little bit, and it took some effort.


Empress Wei said with a smile, "Leave this shop first, and in the future, you can have a reliable steward come here to take care of it for you."

She thought to herself that she might just buy this shop for the child.

Empress Wei persuaded for a while emotionally, and Qin Di finally agreed.

So, at noon that day, after Qin Di made some preparations, they set off on their way.

This place is thirty miles away from the capital, and Empress Wei shouldn't have come here in person.

But she was anxious, and worried that Qin Di would be thinking wildly and insisted on making such a trip by herself.

The emperor has always loved her dearly, so he did not stop her, and only sent some guards to escort her to let her leave the palace in small clothes.

A group of people chased and rushed all the way, and finally reached the capital before dark, and a group of carriages entered the imperial city directly.

On the way, Empress Wei had already revealed her identity to Qin Di, and she had also let her stay in the palace for a few days.

The carriage stopped in front of the palace gate, and Madam Xu handed over the token to the guard.

Not far away, a figure wearing a sapphire blue woven gold brocade robe was in front of the palace gate. He described him as handsome, tall and straight, staring at the direction of the carriage with a dazed expression. go back.

The carriage entered the palace gate, and Qin Di followed the queen on the sedan chair and arrived at Fengluan Palace all the way.


A small figure ran out of the hall, ran down the stone steps, and happily ran towards Queen Wei.

The boy's fair and handsome face was filled with undisguised joy. It was the sixth prince, Gu Zhen.

"Zhen'er," Empress Wei also smiled, the smile came from her heart, "This is your cousin."


Gu Zhen exclaimed lively, her big eyes flickering and looking at her curiously.

He still remembered that Qin Di rescued him from the lake, and looked at her with close eyes.

Qin Di felt a little itchy, and raised his hand to touch the top of his soft hair.

"Xiao Ji, he has the word 'Zhen' in his single name.

You cousins ​​don't have to be too restrained, you call him Zhen'er. "

Queen Wei looked at the two with a smile, "Let's go first."

Gu Zhen took out a pine nut candy from her purse and handed it to Qin Di, "Cousin, eat it."

The innocent look of the little guy that day made Qin Di's heart soften, and the candy in his mouth seemed to be sweeter.

"Xiao Ji, you should live here for a while in this palace.

When the Qin family is settled, you can go back. "

Empress Wei flashed a gleam in her eyes and said nonchalantly, "This palace will take good care of you for your mother."

Before Empress Wei went out to pick up Qin Di this time, she instructed her servants to prepare a room for her in the side hall, as well as matching clothes and jewelry, hoping that her niece could live comfortably in the palace.

"Okay," Gu Zhen raised her face excitedly, her eyes sparkling, "Cousin, you live with your mother, so you can play with me."

Qin Di replied with a smile. At this time, a court lady in Tsing Yi came to report: "The Queen Mother, the noble concubine is asking to see you."

She had just returned to the palace, and the imperial concubine actually got the news.

The corner of Queen Wei's mouth curled into a sneer, and she quietly refused: "Bengong is busy, see you."

The palace maid in Tsing Yi withdrew.

Qin Di lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes flickering.

In the novel, the empress and empress have deep feelings. The emperor has been on the throne for ten years, and he has only been drafted once. Among the four concubines, there are only noble concubine and concubine Shu. Compared with other emperors of the Daqi Dynasty, the harem can be described as quiet.

If it wasn't for the fact that the sixth prince was young and in poor health, the courtiers would not have been fighting endlessly for the establishment of the chief and the heir.

And the imperial concubine is the biological mother of the second prince, Gu Jing.

Qin Di couldn't help but think of the sixth prince's drowning in Xiaojing Lake. It is conceivable that if Gu Zhen drowned that day, then the biggest beneficiary must be the second prince, Gu Jing.

During these days, in addition to investigating her own background, Empress Wei must have also investigated Gu Zhen's falling into the water. Presumably Empress Wei is already suspicious of the imperial concubine and her son.


Mammy Xu glanced at the sky, took advantage of the gap and said with a smile, "Eldest Young Master Qin is still waiting outside the palace gate, Xu is waiting for the watch girl."

"Zening has a heart."

Empress Wei nodded slightly and instructed the eunuch in charge, "Yu Ping, you go and tell him that Xiao Ji will stay in this palace for a while."

"The slaves obey."

The eunuch Yu Ping, the steward of Fengluan Palace, led the order out.

As soon as he went out, Yu Ping saw a glamorous woman in her early thirties kneeling outside Fengluan Palace in thin clothes, her slender figure shivering in the autumn wind.

Pretend! Yu Ping snorted coldly and walked quickly beside the imperial concubine.

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