"Little Ji."

Seeing that Qin Di, who had only left yesterday, came back today, Queen Wei hurriedly waved her over and asked her with concern, "What's the matter, but the Qin family bullied you?"

A strange gleam flashed in Queen Wei's eyes.

Qin Di was blessed, walked to Queen Wei, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, aunt, I have not been bullied, if you say bullying, it is Qin Xin who was 'bullied' by me.

I came here to avoid the limelight. "

She is the only one who can say "to avoid the limelight" so confidently.

Empress Wei was aroused by Qin Di's curiosity and raised her eyebrows, "What's going on?"

Qin Di didn't hide it from her, and told the cause and effect again, focusing on how she scolded Qin Xin. Sure enough, Queen Wei was so overjoyed that she burst into tears.

Empress Wei stretched out her white jade hand and tapped Qin Di's forehead, then said with a smile, "You."

Empress Wei has a smile on her face and is proud: Xiaoji is worthy of being the daughter of her sister, she has the same temperament as her sister, and she will not admit defeat!

In retrospect, Qin Xin's girl was always aggrieved, she didn't want to cry, she was really petty, and she was so different from her sister, and she was too, she hadn't seen it for so many years!

Empress Wei took Qin Di's hand and said, "Xiao Di, next time something like this happens, go ahead! If something happens, this palace will make the decision for you."

What she said was exactly the same as Qin Zening just now. Qin Di was delighted to hear it, and responded generously, with a bright smile, without any twist.

Empress Wei said again: "Xiaoji, you just said that cloud light..."

During the conversation, a small figure ran over, and the person advanced before he arrived.

"Queen Mother, Cousin Ji."

The person who came was the sixth prince, Gu Zhen, who had just returned from the imperial study.

"Cousin Ji, you're back."

Gu Zhen happily held Qin Di, her pale pink face was filled with joy.

"Xiao Ji, I was always upset when I saw that you weren't here after school yesterday," Empress Wei's smile was extraordinarily gentle, "and she talked for a while, asking when you'd come back."

Empress Wei, like Gu Zhen, said "come back".

"Xiaoji, you can live in the palace with peace of mind."

"Wait until your grandmother knows what she's doing wrong, and then you go back."

Empress Wei smiled lightly, with a graceful and loving smile.

Qin Di said with a smile: "Okay."

Living in the palace is so comfortable, and she doesn't need to fight wits with the heroine, she doesn't mind staying longer.

"Cousin Ji, come and play Jiu Lianhuan with me."

Gu Zhen hurriedly instructed the little inner servant to fetch Jiu Lianhuan, Wu Liuliu's eyes were sparkling.

The nine-chain ring consists of nine iron wire rings connected in a string, which are set on the frame. Gu Zhen has a complete set of nine-chain rings. The frame handle has a basic sword shape, as well as plum blossom, palace lantern, butterfly, goldfish and so on.

Although Gu Zhen was young, he was very intelligent. These nine chains came into his hands. The cute steamed buns were extremely dexterous, dancing quickly, and untied one ring in three or two strokes.


Qin Di happily played with a nine-chain ring, wondering if he should make a Rubik's cube for Gu Zhen.

Empress Wei watched the cousin and brother play with a gentle expression, and asked, "Xiaoji, you just said that Yunguang was sent to Jingzhao Mansion?"

Qin Di nodded, "Does my aunt also know Daoist Master Yunguang?"

"of course I know."

The queen sneered and said slowly, "Yunguang has become famous in Beijing over the years, and the queen mother always believed in it. Once she went back to Xuanqing Temple to worship incense, she suddenly had a headache. Yunguang painted a talisman paper, and after burning it, it melted into the water and gave it to the queen mother. After taking it, the empress dowager's headache will be cured immediately.

Since then, the Empress Dowager has been convinced of her and often recruits her into the palace. "

At this time, Gu Zhen removed another ring and looked at Qin Di with a hopeful expression, seeing that Qin Di's heart was about to melt.

"Zhen'er is amazing!"

Qin Di quickly applauded him and touched his soft top of hair.

Gu Zhen smiled shyly, pursed her lips, the four-year-old boy Sven was well-behaved and cute.

Queen Wei smiled softer.

Gu Zhen happily played Jiu Lianhuan again, Qin Di looked at the queen and continued the previous topic: "Aunt, Daoist Master Yunguang really has such ability?"

Why did she feel that Yun Guang was not so reliable?

With the incredible experience of "passing through books", Qin Di could not justify his belief in science.

It's just that she believes that a truly capable person from outside the world will not be easily swayed by Qin Xin.

"It's just a demon."

Empress Wei frowned slightly and said disdainfully.

When it comes to Daoist Master Yunguang, the queen's heart is not very comfortable. She had some words hidden in her heart that no one could say, but now Qin Di is here, she can't help but spit it out: "The queen mother herself trusts Yunguang only That's all, this palace is not seen to be pure.

But this Yunguang always gave the empress dowager some medicinal pills from time to time, and the empress dowager had to let the emperor eat it! "

"The emperor has a good temper, but he can't beat the queen mother, so he can only accept it."

The more Empress Wei said, the more annoyed she became, and her well-maintained hands clenched a handkerchief tightly, "Since I started taking these pills a year ago, the emperor's dragon body has become worse and worse, but the empress dowager still turned a blind eye, insisted Said that these medicinal herbs can prolong life!"

"A few days ago, Yunguang entered the palace again, and this time he gave the queen mother a pill recipe, which is mysterious, what can cure the emperor's stubborn illness, the queen mother is like a treasure, let someone refine the pill and give it to the emperor."

Qin Di's eyes opened slightly when he heard the words, and he was stunned.

It turns out that the emperor has been taking medicine pills?


Qin Di blinked, and suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a mention in the novel, that the emperor was obsessed with immortal magic pills and took pills every day, and later he didn't care about the government, thanks to the help of the second prince, Gu Jing. handle affairs...

However, listening to the meaning of Queen Wei's words, the emperor did not seem to be "obsessed" with the medicinal pill to the point of being unable to extricate himself.

Qin Di knew that most of the ancient elixir was made of cinnabar, which is poisonous. There are many emperors in history who took elixir in pursuit of immortality, but those emperors did not live long.

"Auntie," Qin Di frowned slightly and asked, "Have you let the imperial physician see those medicinal pills?"

"The imperial physicians have all tried poison beforehand."

Queen Wei sighed.

Everything the emperor imports must be inspected and tested by special personnel, and the same is true for medicinal pills. If it is not certain that those medicinal pills are non-toxic, Queen Wei will not compromise.

Empress Wei frowned worriedly.

Fourteen years ago, when the emperor was still a prince, he was almost deposed by the previous emperor.

Later, under the repeated requests of civil and military officials, the late emperor barely issued the edict to abolish the prince. However, the emperor was imprisoned for three years because of this, and even one of them was locked in a stable by the late emperor. half a year.

In those three years, their life was very difficult. Her eldest son died, and the emperor was also hurt by all kinds of struggles. The dragon body was much weaker than ordinary people.

However, the Imperial Physician also said that as long as he was well cared for, the emperor would live longer than ordinary people.

However, since he started taking medicinal pills a year ago, the emperor's dragon body has not only not improved, but has gotten worse and worse.

The more Queen Wei thought about it, the more worried she became, her heart clenched tightly together.

Qin Di considered his words and said, "Auntie, could this medicinal pill contain mild poison?

It's okay to eat it once, it's okay to eat it twice, if you eat it for a long time, the toxin will accumulate in the body little by little.

Therefore, when the imperial doctor tested the poison, it was not a problem, but the emperor took it for a long time, and the drawbacks became apparent. "

What Qin Di said, how could Empress Wei not think of it, her expression was slightly condensed.

She also guessed so, and told the Queen Mother, but the Queen Mother did not believe it, she insisted that the emperor took less medicine pills, so Shen Ke did not disappear.

The emperor was filial and didn't want the empress dowager to worry, so he could only continue to eat the medicine pill.

Empress Wei sighed softly and said, "Bengong has already had someone take a few pills and quietly go to let the folk doctors take a look."

Qin Di pondered for a moment, raised the corners of his lips thoughtfully, and was just about to speak, when Gu Zhen, who was burying his head and untying the nine-stringed chain, let out a cheerful cheer: "Cousin Di, look, look, I It's all unlocked!"

Gu Zhen's eyes were dark and bright, and that bright smile seemed to be the sunshine that pierced through the dark clouds, and could blow away all the haze.

"Zhen'er is amazing!"

Qin Di applauded Gu Zhen again, and then shook the nine-chain ring in his hand and said, "Zhen'er, I only solved one ring, can you teach me?"


Gu Zhen stiffened her small chest and pointed at Qin Di's nine-ring with chubby fingers, "Cousin, you want this..."

He explained to Qin Di seriously, looking like a little gentleman, the corners of his lips raised high and the cheeks dyed red, showing the excitement in his heart.

Empress Wei smiled and looked at the pair of cousins ​​who were getting along well, the depression in her heart dissipated a little, and her eyes became softer.

The autumn wind was blowing outside the window, and the branches and leaves made rustling sounds, and the atmosphere of Fengluan Palace was relaxed and warm.

Qin Di stayed in the palace again that day, still in the side hall of Fengluan Palace.

For the next few days, Qin Di lived contentedly in the palace, talking with Empress Wei every day, or playing with Gu Zhen, or reading books by himself.

Queen Wei specially instructed the imperial doctor to make her a plaster for external application. She applied it every day, and some old scars on her body gradually faded a lot. delicate.

She also took the time to draw the drawings of the Rubik's Cube, and asked Queen Wei to ask the craftsmen of the Ministry of Engineering to make them.

Qin Di only gave a simple drawing, which showed the appearance of the Rubik's Cube, and marked the dimensions of each part and the general gameplay. In just three days, the craftsman had already made the Rubik's Cube.

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