Gu Zezhi raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and asked Qin Zeyu, "How does the second lady Qin know?"

Qin Zeyu shook his head.

At that time, when he asked his grandmother to come out, he saw Qin Xin in the small garden. He originally planned to say goodbye to Qin Xin, and then asked her if she regarded him as a younger brother.

But in the end, he still didn't go to talk to Qin Xin, but when he was hesitating and wandering, he heard such an ear.

Qin Zeyu said, "I always thought the second sister was amazing... Zhiwei saw it."

That's what the idiom is supposed to say, right?

"How to say?"

Gu Zezhi asked.

He had a smile on his lips, his expression was gentle, and the way he faced Qin Zeyu did not make Qin Zeyu feel how naive what he said.

Qin Zeyu's interest came, and he said endlessly: "The year before last, the second sister helped the second aunt's housekeeper and persuaded the second aunt to buy more rice grains, but the second aunt didn't listen.

Later, due to the flood in Huaizhou, the price of rice and grain more than tripled that year, and it was still priceless in the market. Second Aunt regretted it to death. "

"And the year before last, the second sister said that Li Renyu, the right servant of the Ministry of Officials, was about to collapse. As a result, Li Renyu's family was sentenced to exile in Lingnan!"

"And there's..."

Qin Ji: "..."

This reborn girl really hasn't wasted her rebirth advantage!

They walked back all the way, Qin Zeyu said all the way, just chatting with the good person in his mind like gossip, Gu Zezhi smiled, but the narrow eyes became more and more solemn.

Qin Zeyu is only a half-year-old child, but what he said doesn't sound like a joke.

This second girl from the Qin family is indeed a bit weird.

If she is really "predictable" in everything, then, in a few days, will there really be a Blizzard?

This is kind of interesting.

Qin Zeyu kept chatting like a little sparrow along the way. The more he talked, the more he felt that the future brother-in-law was really good-natured, but unfortunately, his eyes were not very good.

However, he soon stopped laughing, and halfway through, they met Qin Zening.

After Qin Zening got the news, he went into the hunting ground to find someone. When he saw that his younger brother was safe and sound, he first breathed a sigh of relief, followed by anger, and gave Qin Zeyu a good training.

Qin Zeyu could only be disciplined obediently. When they walked out of the hunting ground, Qin Zening finally stopped. He didn't know if he was too much scolding, or he wanted to save him some face in front of his friends.

The bear children who were still waiting near the hunting platform immediately swarmed over.

"Qin Zeyu, are you okay?

! "

"You haven't been bitten by a big bug, have you?"

"I don't see any wounds on his body, so he shouldn't have been bitten by a tiger... Qin Wu, did your sister beat you?"


These bear children were unscrupulous, and they asked directly regardless of Qin Di's presence.

Qin Di: "..." Her younger brother really needs to be beaten!

Gu Zezhi put his right fist on his lips, he obviously did not laugh, but for some reason, Qin Di felt as though he heard a light laugh.

"You guys are all here, and none of you are allowed to go back."

Gu Zezhi said lightly.

Several bear children, including Qin Zeyu, were all gone, and quickly stood up straight, and then they all squatted down obediently and stomped.

Qin Zening also had some understanding of these bear children who were friends with Qin Zeyu. Seeing that they were all obedient to Gu Zezhi, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Qin Di raised his head and looked at the sky, it was almost the time of the day, and it was already this hour, so he couldn't go to Linpu Town to watch hundreds of dramas.

Her disappointment was naturally revealed between her eyebrows, Gu Zezhi saw it, and said warmly, "Let's go to Baixi tomorrow."

Qin Di hurriedly nodded, pursed his lips and smiled.

Gu Zezhi smiled at her again, and with this smile, his handsome face became softer, gentle and like a spring breeze, especially good-looking, even Qin Di felt that he was accidentally dazzled.

Qin Zening squinted and looked at the two people back and forth, with a complicated expression.

He thinks that Gu Zezhi's arrow is very beautiful, but that doesn't mean that Gu Zezhi is qualified to marry his sister! No, my sister just recognized it, two years... no, I won't marry within five years!

Gu Zezhi straightened Qin Di's cloak and said with a smile, "I'll go first."

Qin Zeyu and a few friends who were stomping in the back heard it, and their eyes lit up.

These teenagers are not very old, and they are not the eldest son at home. They are mostly spoiled and grown up. How can they suffer this hardship on weekdays? sweat beads.

Qin Di said with a smile, "I'll help you watch them!"

Saying that, she happily took out her whip again, and swung it on purpose.

Qin Zeyu's face almost didn't fall down, he felt that his sister was really his nemesis!

The other teenagers hurriedly gave Qin Zeyu a look, meaning, let him quickly talk to his sister.

The corners of Qin Zeyu's eyes twitched, and it had to be useful.

He silently adjusted his squatting posture, feeling that the butt that his sister had just pumped was still aching.

He silently looked at the back of Gu Zezhi's departure, hoping that Gu Zezhi would turn around and talk to him.

Unfortunately, until Gu Zezhi's back disappeared at the entrance of the hunting palace, he did not look back.

Gu Zezhi led the white horse to the stable and made a gesture, so an ordinary-looking man in blue clothes walked out from behind the stable.

Gu Zezhi: "Go and stare at Gu Jing."

If Gu Jing really believed that there would be a blizzard, it would be time to start moving these two days.

The man in Tsing Yi followed the order and retreated.

The next day, Gu Zezhi took Qin Di to Lin Pu Town and returned after watching a hundred dramas, and he got a report.

So, he leisurely went to Yong'an Palace, begging to see the emperor.

Zhou Xin, the eunuch, greeted him in person and said with a smile: "Gu San Gongzi, His Royal Highness the second prince is facing the Holy Spirit."

Gu Zezhi just laughed and didn't make a decision. When he walked outside the curtain, he heard Gu Jing's voice from inside: "Father, the weather is getting colder and colder recently. My son thought it would be better to drive back to Beijing as soon as possible..."

A little maid held the curtain for Gu Zezhi, and Gu Zezhi walked in.

Gu Jing also saw Gu Zezhi, pursed his lips slightly, and hesitated, not knowing whether to continue talking or wait until Gu Zezhi left.

But the emperor motioned him to continue with his eyes.

Gu Jing could only continue to say: "Father, my son sees that the weather is not right recently, the temperature has changed drastically, and there is a strong wind raging at night, so I went to the people in the nearby Linpu Town to ask about it, and I read the county annals, which reads In addition, there will be blizzards almost every ten years in this area. Before the blizzard, the weather is often cold, cloudy days, strong winds, and ants and insects relocate.

The weather changes in the past few days just happened to verify Erchen's concerns. "

"My son also asked Qin Tianjian to watch the sky at night. Fang Caiqin Tianjian also said that there may be heavy snow in the next few days, but the date is uncertain."

Gu Jing said, carefully observing the emperor's expression.

He also knew that his relationship with Yelu Luan would make his father unhappy. This incident was the key to turning his image in front of his father. He had to make his father feel that he was doing things right and wrong. Yelu Luan is not stupid, nor is it for personal selfishness, but for the overall situation of Daqi.

The emperor slowly turned the white jade carving auspicious dragon jade wrench in his hand, with a cautious look on his face.

Before a cup of tea, Gu Jing came to see him. The first sentence was that there might be a blizzard in this area, and the emperor's first reaction was not to believe it.

However, Gu Jing's words are well-founded, and, obviously, not on impulse, he asked Qin Tianjian, the local people, and the county annals, which is quite deliberate.

The emperor still has some understanding of this son and has ambitions, but he is still patient and clever.

One year, Li Renyu, the right servant of the Ministry of Officials, moved to a new house in Beijing, and many officials gave him a housewarming gift. Gu Jing could see from this that the right servant of the Ministry of Officials was accepting bribes. At that time, the emperor asked Gu Jing how he saw it, and Gu Jing replied fluently. He talked about the prices of houses in various parts of central Beijing, and also talked about Li Renyu's salary and Mrs. Li's dowry. With the wealth of the Li family, if they didn't go the wrong way, they might not be able to buy that new home in Beijing for a few lifetimes. .

Later, after a thorough investigation by Dali Temple, Li Renyu was indeed corrupt and bribery.

Gu Jing could see that the emperor's intentions were moved, and his heart was overjoyed, and he continued: "Father, my son, I think you and your mother should return to Beijing as soon as possible, so as not to encounter a blizzard and hinder the holy drive."

The emperor still did not speak, as if thinking about it.

Gu Jing was even more happy, he could still see that his father was still satisfied with him.

Perhaps the father may not completely believe that there will be a Blizzard these days, but at least knowing that he is doing real things will change him somewhat.

It doesn't really matter whether the holy chariot leaves or not. After a few days, Blizzard will come as Qin Xin said, and then the emperor will recognize him more and more, think he is cautious, and think he is thoughtful.

Gu Jing believed Qin Xin's words. Qin Xin's precognitive dream had never gone wrong. It had been the case before, and this time was no exception.

With Qin Xin's help, he will definitely be even more powerful, make the emperor's view of himself completely changed, and make the emperor understand his abilities.

Compared with the younger brother of the sixth emperor who is still breastfeeding, he is more suitable to be the king!

The emperor suddenly looked at Gu Zezhi and asked, "Zezhi, what do you think?"

Gu Jing's eyes flashed, and he hooked his lips mockingly, and pressed it down calmly.

Gu Zezhi is narrow-minded and will definitely refute his proposal, but unfortunately, this time Gu Zezhi is afraid of self-defeating.

Gu Jing suddenly felt a little bit looking forward to it, maybe because of this incident, the royal father was displeased with Gu Zezhi...

As he was thinking about it, he heard Gu Zezhi's gentle voice in his ears: "Your Majesty, since the second prince has already checked so much, it must be possible for Blizzard.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, to be cautious, it is better to set off back to Beijing as soon as possible. "

Gu Jing: "?"

Gu Jing couldn't help but look at Gu Zezhi, his expression could not hide his surprise.

Gu Zezhi didn't look at Gu Jing at all, and suggested to the emperor, "Your Majesty, why don't you call Xiao Zhen here."

The emperor raised his eyebrows in surprise, thought for a while and agreed, and asked the servant to announce Gu Zhen.

Gu Jing was even more surprised, and looked at Gu Zezhi for unknown reasons. He didn't understand what medicine the other party was selling in the gourd. What could Gu Zhen, a five-year-old child, do here.

Gu Jing felt that Gu Zezhi was really difficult to deal with, his eyes were dark, and he planned to wait and see what happened.

The emperor gave the two of them seats, and then there was a servant serving tea to Gu Zezhi and Gu Jing.

The emperor chatted with Gu Zezhi with a smile, and asked him what he had gained in the past few days. Gu Zezhi briefly explained the matter of sneaking those bear children into the hunting ground in a few words.

Hearing that several bear children were punished for squatting on horses, the emperor laughed, and Long Yan was delighted, "These children should be punished!"

While speaking, a small servant led the sixth prince, Gu Zhen.

Gu Zhen was young and afraid of the cold. He was wearing a thick jacket. The white sable fur trimmed his neckline made his small face round and very cute.

He solemnly greeted the emperor, Gu Zezhi and Gu Jing.

After Gu Zhen also sat down, Gu Zezhi asked with a smile: "Xiao Zhen, there will be a blizzard within a dozen miles of this hunting palace, what do you think?"

Gu Jing opened his eyes slightly in surprise, guessing something, his eyes suddenly turned gloomy.

The emperor was also a little surprised, but did not interrupt.

Gu Jing glanced at the emperor quickly, his face was as steady as a mountain, and he was silent.

Gu Zhen was young and his voice was milky, and asked, "Uncle Ze Huang, is there a village or town nearby?"

He went to watch Cousin Di this morning. Du Ruo said that Cousin Di went to a nearby town to watch a hundred operas.

"If there is a blizzard, will the people nearby freeze?"

He frowned deeply, with a worried look on his face.

The emperor was stunned again, and looked back and forth at Gu Zhen and Gu Jing thoughtfully.

He originally thought that Gu Jing's actions were serious and rigorous, but now he has a strong opinion when compared with Gu Zhen.

His Zhener has a pure heart!

The emperor's eyes flickered slightly, seeing that Gu Zhen's expression became softer, he nodded and said, "Yes.

Even the blizzard destroys the house is not rare anymore, Zhen'er, what do you think should be done? "

"Crush the house?"

Gu Zhen tilted his head and thought again, "Father, the people nearby should be dismissed as soon as possible and moved to a warmer place."

"Father, people are afraid of the cold, and so are the crops, cattle and sheep. Shouldn't the imperial court also help arrange those crops, cattle and sheep?"

Although Gu Zhen's words were somewhat whimsical, but he could hear that he had thought it over carefully, and he was personally thinking of the people.

The smile on the emperor's face deepened, and he didn't point out where Gu Zhen was wrong. He nodded again and again with a smile, with a bit of relief.

The queen taught their Zhen'er very well, and she had Limin in her heart. In this way, Fang was Mingjun.

Gu Jing couldn't hold back any longer, his face changed, and his fists couldn't help clenching together.

This should be his own credit, but Gu Zezhi helped Gu Zhen to grab the credit in front of his own face!

Gu Jing couldn't help but think of Qin Di again. Gu Zezhi obviously fell in love with Qin Di, and Qin Di is the queen's niece. So, is Gu Zezhi planning to help Gu Zhen now?


Gu Jing took a few deep breaths, and quickly calmed down, looking as if nothing had happened.

At this time, Gu Zhen also finished speaking.

The emperor smiled happily and praised: "Zhen'er has grown up and can share the worries for the father and emperor!"

Gu Zhen smiled more innocently, took the warm flower tea handed over by the maid, and took two sips with satisfaction.

Gu Jing followed the end of the emperor's words and couldn't wait to say: "Father, the disaster relief can be handled by the local officials. It's freezing cold, you better hurry back to Beijing, so as not to be trapped in the Hunting Palace or by the blizzard. on the way."

"Second Emperor, the hunting palace is so big, even if we are trapped for a while, it will be fine.

But the people are different. The emperor often said that the people depend on the sky for food. "

Gu Zhen retorted very seriously, "If there is a snow disaster, they may not survive."

His words were a little childish, but they came from the heart, simple and sincere.

The emperor looked at Gu Zhen with a smile, the smile on his face was even stronger, and he praised: "It's still Zhen'er who is thoughtful."

For this winter hunting trip, I have prepared carefully. In this hunting palace, there is food and use. There is no shortage of anything. Even if you are trapped here for a month or two, there will be no problem. But the people are different.

If there is a blizzard, this blizzard may crush houses and freeze crops, cattle, sheep and poultry. Since ancient times, there are not a few poor people who cannot survive the cold winter.

Gu Jing naturally saw the emperor's preference, and his heart was even more anxious, and he hurriedly said: "Father, if the holy car is trapped here, what will we do about the important affairs of the court?"

"Father, you are the backbone of the world, please think twice!"

Gu Jing hated Gu Zezhi even more in his heart. He could have used this to please his father, but now he was disturbed by Gu Zezhi.

"Your Majesty," Gu Zezhi said calmly, "the holy car will go back to Beijing first, and leave someone here to deal with the snow disaster."

When the emperor heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

Also, he was distracted by the words of the brothers Gu Jing and Gu Zhen, and he almost thought about it.

Gu Jing's eyes lit up, who had been somewhat furious at first, and immediately saw the opportunity from Gu Zezhi's words.

He hurriedly asked for the decree: "I also ask the father and emperor to let the son and minister stay and take charge of the overall situation!"

This is something he can do, but five-year-old Gu Zhen can't do it!

Moreover, if he can do this well, he will have great prestige both in the court and among the people, especially in the court, those courtiers will know that he can already participate in the affairs of the government.

Not only that, the Blizzard incident was a clue he saw in advance, and the emperor would also see his ability from this.

This is a great opportunity that cannot be missed.

In order to convince the emperor, Gu Jing continued to add chips to himself: "Father, my son, I went to Linpu town a few days ago to check the county annals for nearly 30 years, and also visited the town with the county magistrate. The people’s sentiments and so on can be considered quite a bit understandable, and they will be able to handle this matter.”

The emperor didn't speak for a while, then turned the jade wrench on his thumb again.

After Gu Jing finished speaking, the emperor looked at Gu Zezhi again, with a smile on his face, and asked, "Zezhi, what do you think?"

The emperor became more and more satisfied with Gu Zezhi, especially compared to his elder brother Gu Chenzhi...

Gu Zezhi thought for a while, and suggested, "I remember Liu Shijing, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, who is good at practical work, and has gone to the south of the Yangtze River twice to deal with flood disasters, which is quite effective.

He is from Liaozhou, and it snows heavily in Liaozhou. He wants to have some experience in dealing with blizzards and snow disasters. "

"Okay, it's Liu Shijing!"

The emperor also felt that what Gu Zezhi said was reasonable, and said with a smile, "Zezhi, you should stay too."

Gu Zezhi stood up, took orders with a bow, and then suggested, "Your Majesty, why don't you let Xiao Zhen stay as well?"

"..." Gu Jing couldn't speak at all, he didn't expect things to develop in an unexpected direction.

The emperor was once again startled by Gu Zezhi's proposal, and subconsciously walked over to Gu Zhen who was eating snacks. He couldn't help but wonder if Gu Zezhi had forgotten that Gu Zhen was only five years old.


Gu Zezhi could naturally see what the emperor was thinking, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, let him take a look."

Gu Zhen looked at the emperor expectantly, her black and white eyes were bright and full of desire, she just wanted to let him stay.

The emperor just looked at Gu Zhen like this, and his heart softened for a while, and he thought about it again: Yes, it is better to read more than to let Gu Zhen read all the time.

Although he is young, he still remembers to some extent what he has seen with his own eyes and heard with his own ears.

"Zezhi, you have to look at Zhen'er more."

The implication of the emperor's words is to answer.

Gu Zhen blinked and couldn't help but ask for proof: "Father, can this son stay?"

The emperor was amused by his surprised look, and nodded, "Do you want to stay?"


Gu Zhen nodded hurriedly.

Seeing the emperor and Gu Zhen's filial piety, Gu Jing's heart sank little by little, feeling a little chill in his heart.

Gu Ze's affairs are right with him. If this really makes him the crown prince of Duan, doesn't it mean that Gu Zhen has another powerful help?


Gu Jing calmed down and recommended himself again: "Imperial father, the sons and ministers can also stay and help take care of the younger brother of the sixth emperor."

As long as he can stay, there is still a chance to make merit.

As long as the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty saw his achievements, even the father and emperor could not deny his achievements.


"No need."

The emperor rejected it without hesitation, and said in an unquestionable tone, "Come back to Beijing with me."


Gu Jing's face paled, as if he had been slapped on the spot.

He was completely abandoned outside of this matter, so he spent so much thought, doesn't it mean that he is making wedding clothes for others?


The emperor raised his hand and made a gesture, indicating that he did not need to say any more.

Gu Jing could only close his mouth, his thin lips pursed into a straight line.

The emperor no longer looked at him, and directly ordered: "Zhou Xin, pass my oral order, and drive back to Beijing in three days."

So, on the same day, everyone in the hunting palace knew the news.

According to the practice of previous years, the holy car should stay in the hunting palace at least until the 21st of this month, but now it has been so many days earlier, and everyone will inevitably have some private discussions in private, but no one dares to ask the emperor, and they are all over the place. Start packing your bags.

Blizzard was not mentioned in the emperor's oral decree, but in just a few hours, everyone in the hunting palace knew that it was the second prince who checked the county annals. It was speculated that there would be a blizzard in the near future, so the emperor decided to drive back to the palace, and ordered Liu Shijing and Gu. Zezhi and the sixth prince stayed to preside over the overall situation.

As a result, someone immediately suggested that the sixth prince was young, but in his prime, it was not appropriate to stay in the hunting palace to preside over the overall situation. It was more appropriate to keep the second prince.

But then, many more clans, nobles, etc. also raised their inappropriateness.

For a time, the original calm in the Hunting Palace no longer existed, and all of a sudden it broke out.

Several royal concubines came to look for Empress Wei, and wanted Empress Wei to persuade the emperor as well. As a result, Empress Wei listened to it gently and gently, but she didn't say a word, just pretended she didn't hear it.

Queen Wei's heart was not as calm as she had shown. Gu Zhen was only five years old, and this was the first time he had left her side.

In contrast, Gu Zhen was not worried at all and was eager to try.

Empress Wei was not someone who didn't know what to do, she knew that Gu Zezhi's proposal to keep Gu Zhen in the hunting palace was for Gu Zhen's good.

Gu Jing is the prince who has almost grown up and opened the mansion, while Gu Jin is only a child. Although he is a direct son, this dynasty pays more attention to the ability to come first, and the country does not establish young masters. It is not easy for Gu Jin to succeed in the future.

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