The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1004: The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (end of this ar

  Chapter 1004 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (end of this article) (give a spotless addition~)

  Xu Yin has been a strong trapeze woman all her life in this life.

   In the first few years when the registered permanent residence was moved back to the mainland, I flew back and forth between China and New Zealand; the industries I invested in became bigger and bigger, and there were more and more partners.

  Busy is really busy, but if you really meet Comrade Xiaojin, there is still time for a romantic relationship.

  Unfortunately, this small world seems to have nothing to do with him.

If you talk about her current status, she has come into contact with not many men, from all walks of life, whether they are successful people or those who work hard at the bottom to make a living, but she has never met anyone that she does not reject physically and mentally. .

  Personal matters have been delayed year after year.

  Xu Qishan would urge her a few years ago, not because he thought she wouldn't get married, and he couldn't bear the face of being a father, but because he felt that the girl was still so young, and if she didn't get married, she would live alone all her life, how lonely.

   Unlike him, he still had a young son by his side.

  Of course, I can't accompany you for a few years.

  Since Xu Lin entered junior high school, he seemed to have suddenly opened up the two channels of Ren and Du. He was a scumbag who often failed the exams in elementary school.

  Later, he was admitted early by the University of Auckland. Father Xu didn't have the chance to enjoy the blessing of his old son by his side for a few more years.

  However, he later figured it out: marriage depends on fate.

  Fated people tie each other with a red thread, and they can find each other in the dark, and they will know each other and stay with each other for a lifetime; it is futile for those who are not destined to force it.

  He and his daughter are probably the ones who missed the marriage. The red thread in their hands was either broken, or Yue Lao forgot to tie it at all.

  Without her father urging her to marry, Xu Yin's ears are clean, and her life is more chic.

  She lives in New Zealand for the longest time every year, from spring to harvest. Autumn in New Zealand is equal to spring in China, and it was just in time for the spring seeds to come back with my father to visit relatives. After inspecting the ecological manor in Shuangyang Mountain Village and the factory in Hongmuchang Town, continue to fly south and north.

  She has investments almost all over the country.

Opened an import and export trading company in Haicheng, bringing New Zealand's kiwi fruit, white wine, milk powder, milk flakes, cashmere sheep placenta and other agricultural and animal husbandry products into the country at a suitable price; Agricultural by-products and small commodities are exported to New Zealand, building a bridge of friendly trade between the two countries.

  Investing in grape planting bases in the southern mountains to create her own wine brand.

   Lease pastures in the northern grasslands, introduce Angus beef cattle, and advocate scientific breeding.

   "Old Uncle Fried Chicken" has opened in many cities, and the business is booming year by year, surpassing Grandpa Ken in the limelight. Many colleagues in the catering industry abroad want to cooperate with her, and want to open "Old Uncle Fried Chicken" in their cities.

  Xu Yin was also drunk.

  The fried chicken business was really something she came up with on the spur of the moment. She didn't even have a plan at the beginning. She was purely worried that if the chickens from the chicken farm couldn't be eaten by the canteen in the industrial park, she would open a fried chicken shop in the town to help consume them. He had no intention of competing with Grandpa Ken at all.

  Although the fried chicken recipe cost 500 energy points to buy from the system mall, she tried it out a few times and the taste was really good, but she never expected it to be so good that the business would be so booming that chain stores would become popular and blossom everywhere.

   No, even foreign countries have heard that there is an old uncle's fried chicken restaurant in Huaxia, and the taste is not so good.

  Although they don't understand: why is it called "Old Uncle Fried Chicken"? Instead of "Daddy's Fried Chicken", or "Dude's Fried Chicken"?

  But the name of the store did not affect their curiosity. Waves of international tourists came to Huaguo in groups to eat fried chicken and travel. For a while, domestic tourism ushered in the spring, which stimulated domestic consumption and promoted economic growth.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Why is it called Old Uncle Fried Chicken?

  Because after she tried it out, she gave it to her father and younger brother to taste, and they ate it so well that they praised it as "delicious".

  In the dialect of Pingfu City, "delicious" is said in its entirety, and it sounds like "old uncle". The old uncle's fried chicken is also very easy to pronounce and down-to-earth, so we simply decided on it as the name of the store.

   Now that the fried chicken restaurant is on fire, domestic and foreign reporters came to interview her and asked her about the history of the name of the restaurant. She: …

   Is it possible to make up a story with a long history?

   Forget it, no matter what the name of the store is, as long as the food is delicious.

   In this way, she made a lot of money just by relying on the best-selling old uncle's fried chicken at home and abroad.

  She divides the profits into three shares, one for continued investment, one for her younger brother’s education, one for her father’s retirement, and one for donation.

  In the 1990s, there were still many poverty-stricken areas in China, and many children could not go to school. She asked her assistant to draw a list of poverty-stricken areas. Starting from the poorest mountainous areas, she donated schools, subsidized poor students to study, and donated medical supplies to local hospitals.

  In 1999, a relatively serious earthquake occurred on Taiwan Island, which affected more than 10,000 people.

  After Xu Yin learned about it, she donated a sum of money without saying a word.

   In her opinion, this is like making countless donations of money and goods. If you have spare capacity, you can help, there is no other meaning.

   But at that time, her name had appeared on the wealth news at home and abroad several times. Once she donated, celebrities at home and abroad who received the news also donated.

  The list of donations from enthusiastic people soon appeared in local newspapers in Taiwan.

  When Lu Fengying had breakfast, she had this newspaper by her hand. She glanced at it casually, and happened to see Xu Yin's name.


  Lin Rongluo, who took his wife and children back to the old house on the weekend, raised his head, "The disaster is still getting worse?"

   "That's not true. It's just that I feel a little emotional when I see the list of donations. There are still many kind-hearted people on the other side."

  She pressed her elbow on the newspaper, not intending to let her son read it.

   After breakfast and her son's family went out, she picked up the newspaper and read it carefully.

   Seeing Xu Yin's donation amount, her pupils shrank slightly: so much?

   "I don't know if it's the same name or surname, or is it really her?"

  Lu Fengying couldn't help feeling suspicious, so she called a private detective.

  Three days later, the private investigator delivered the information he had investigated to her.

  After reading the information, I was dumbfounded:

   It turned out to be really her—the first love girlfriend of her son who was forced to go abroad by a check eleven years ago?

   Now he is so rich!

  Not only has he invested and opened several companies in the mainland, he is also the largest farmer and rancher in the South Island of New Zealand. What's more, the "old uncle's fried chicken" that her precious grandson clamors to eat every day is also her property?


  Lu Fengying couldn't tell what was in her heart.

   If you want to say regret, how did she know that woman would have such a great achievement.

   But she has no regrets, thinking of the funds represented by these industries, her heart beats faster. If this is her own daughter-in-law, wouldn't it be easy for her husband to sit at the top of Taiwan Island?

  In this room, the heroine’s mother sighed with emotion at this unrealistic daydream, so why not Zhou Lan in that room?

  She never expected that after Xu Yin moved her household registration back to the mainland, she would develop so well?

  If her husband hadn’t asked a friend to investigate, she would have never connected the enthusiastic compatriot who was ranked first in the donation list in the newspaper with her daughter. At most, she felt that there were so many people with the same name and surname in the world.

   Didn't expect it was really her daughter.

   "So, she has done a lot of business these years?"

  Zhou Lan listened to her husband talk about a few properties that can be found out on the surface, and heard that the chairman of the board is Xu Yin. She was so shocked that she forgot to wash the clothes, and didn't pay attention to the soap bubbles dripping on the clothes.

"Damn girl! I don't know how to promote my own family when I'm rich. I donate so much, it's cheap for outsiders... No! I have to ask her, she is young, don't let others take care of her, I don't know how to donate this time okay?"

  But she, like the eldest and second bedroom of the Xu family, does not have Xu Yin's contact information at all.

   "How about I go back to the mainland to visit relatives?"

  Since she married to Taiwan Island, she hasn't been back yet, and her natal family also regarded her as dead.

  In the past, she didn't care, her mother's family was so poor, and she always came to her house to make friends with her, so it would be better if she never had any contact with her.

  But now, thinking of her daughter becoming a wealthy businessman, she can't sit still.

  Gu Mingguang and her are of the same breed, how can we say that couples who get along well often have the same three views?

   It's just that their calculations are doomed to fail.

  Because Xu Yin comes and goes in a hurry, even when she returns to China, she keeps a low profile. Whether she is in or not, the industrial park is operating normally. Except for a few executives, the employees below do not know whether she is back or not.

  Xu Yin finished her donation and flew to Germany to watch a batch of advanced medical equipment.

  She has helped the country purchase a lot of expensive advanced equipment over the years.

   Some of them were bought with her own money, and some were delivered for the country.

  Her coat of a strong corporate woman is quite effective.

   While going abroad to purchase, by the way, stock up a wave of supplies for your own system warehouse, so that you can balance business and private affairs.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for turning the fate of cannon fodder in this world, the extra task is 100% complete, a random skill has been rewarded, and the random skill has been credited; the small world is rewarded with a vacation, the host can click to go to the small world of vacation...]

   When the millennium bell rang, she was on the flight home.

   During this trip to Northern Europe, we not only successfully purchased a batch of the most advanced electrical equipment in the world, but also met Mrs. Haiqiong.

   Mrs. Haiqiong rented a **** to plant lavender in Provence, France. Xu Yin simply cooperated with her. She developed the technology, and Mrs. Haiqiong was in charge of production. The two opened an essential oil workshop in Provence. When I earn enough money, I will buy the castle on the top of the mountain and use it as a base for cooperation between the two.

   is planning the future cooperation model, when the system's "ding" sound comes from her ears, she feels relieved, she can be regarded as looking forward to the dawn of success, and she has been waiting for this "ding" for too long!

Xu Yin leaned on the back of her chair and closed her eyes to fall asleep. She consciously logged into the system interface, called up the personal center, and looked at the remaining energy points in the account. It was also the fate of being emptied. She entered the system mall and exchanged them for useful supplies. or skill book.

   As for the small world on vacation, let’s go after this wave of work is over and everything is settled. It seems that Comrade Xiaojin will not be able to meet him.

Oh, by the way, she has used up the spiritual mist last time. If I go to the small world for vacation this time, it should be the cultivation world or the mountain surrounded by spiritual mist last time. I have to stock up some jars that are convenient for holding air in advance. .

  Similar to the kind that sells air in grasslands, stock up on big and small cans...

  Thinking about this, Xu Yin opened her eyes, opened her backpack and took out a notepad, and solemnly wrote down the supplies to be bought next. The air storage tank was listed first.


  {End of this article}

   Thank you friends who are still following the article! Thanks(ω)

   I wish everyone a happy Children's Day in advance!

   In this world, who is not a baby! (#^.^#)



  (end of this chapter)

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