The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1007: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a lucky girl from the farm (2)

  Chapter 1007 Nongmen lucky girl's lazy and bad sister-in-law (2)

  Xu Yin was also desperate.

  How did you become such a character this time?

  Height less than 1.6 meters, weight probably 160 jins, face as big as a disk, trembling when walking, body fat trembling, being secretly scolded by her mother-in-law as "hob meat" is not wronged at all.

  How did she grow up to be so fat and strong in a farm where every family was too poor to eat enough? We have to start with Yuanzheng's grandfather.

  Old man Xu went to the mountains to collect firewood in his early years, and dug up a ginseng plant.

  Old man Xu was worried that outsiders would find out that it was stolen at home, so he didn't say anything to anyone, and quietly hid the ginseng in a broken jar in the warehouse, hoping to take it to the county town to sell for money when it was time to go to the market.

   Unexpectedly, Yuan Bo, who was hiding in the shadow of the barn at that time, was looking straight at him.

  The six-year-old girl has never seen the world, so how could she know that it is a precious medicinal material. After the old man Xu left, she turned out ginseng and gnawed it as a radish.

  While eating, I wonder if the radish has changed its taste? Why is it so hard? Would Grandpa hide such a nasty carrot?

   I hate it, but I still hold ginseng and eat it.

  No way, the feeling of being hungry is not good.

  She is also a girl, her grandparents are patriarchal, and she will give her grandson what she stutters. If she didn't steal food by herself, she would have starved to death.

  When the old man Xu found out, there was no sign of ginseng, and there was not a strand of root hair left.

  But he didn't tell anyone about the ginseng. No one knew that he hid a ginseng in the broken jar in the warehouse. Who would steal it? Could it be that the mouse dragged it away?

  Old man Xu was so upset that he suffered from insomnia for several nights.

   It was the original body. After eating a piece of ginseng, the body was over-nourished, not to mention a nosebleed, and developed ahead of schedule. During the development period, the appetite was wide open. The more he ate, the stronger he became, and the stronger he wanted to eat.

  There was nothing to eat at home, so she went to the mountains to look for it.

  Digging kudzu root, poria cocos, yam eggs, climbing trees to find bird eggs, digging bushes to find wild eggs, diving into rivers to catch fish and shrimp...everything that can be eaten has been planed by her.

  The children in the village saw her find food and wanted to grab it, but she was beaten back by the food protector.

   Since then, Polar has become her label, but not the only label.

  She is still lazy at home, so if you ask her to do some work, you have to get food in exchange for food, and don’t do it if you don’t give food.

  The family members got angry when they saw her.

The good things she found in the mountains are not for the family, and there are conditions for helping with some work, scolding is useless, beat her up, she is worse than a kid, if the head of the family beats her up, she can kill all the other children in the family in a blink of an eye Give me a beating.

  What can I do?

  I can only watch her grow more and more crooked, eat more and more fat, and hope that she will marry when she is old.

  In order not to affect her marriage, the whole family kept silent about how lazy she was at home, and no matter who asked about it, they kept the same caliber——she was very capable.

  Temperature is indeed a bit aggressive - there is no way to hide this, she has fought for food and food outside quite a lot, and with her tonnage, sitting on her buttocks can break the waist of half a child.

  The reputation of being hot and spicy has long been spread, so I can only try my best to pick good things to say.

  Last year, I finally hoped that someone would come to visit me. It was the family of Widow Cui from Dawa Village.

  The Xu family agreed without any demur, they didn't even ask for a bride price, they could do as much as the other party gave, they just begged her to get married as soon as possible, let's go to Huohuofu's house!

   Unexpectedly, there was a conflict between the wedding date and the time of the court’s corvee service. The Cui family originally wanted to wait until the eldest son came back from serving.

  The Xu family couldn't wait, so to speak, the wedding date was brought forward, and the marriage was done before Cui Da served corvee.

  The entire Xu family sent her out like a plague god.

  If it weren't for being so poor that you can't even eat enough, you really want to buy two sets of firecrackers and set them off.

  Yuanchen received a letter from the moon on the day of his wedding, and he couldn't enter the bridal chamber. The next day, before dawn, Cui Da went to serve in corvee.

   This marriage ended in loneliness.

  Originally I was angry, but of course I let it go.

  Ms. Cui took care of Zhongfu not to let her eat more, and complained all day long that she only ate and didn't work, so she simply snatched the key, made what she wanted to eat, and ate as much as she wanted.

  Anyway, the Cui family only has a weak mother-in-law and a pair of uncles and sister-in-laws who are not yet ten years old. Three-on-one is not her opponent.

  It feels so good to be the master of the house. You can eat all you can eat flour and rice. After eating the bowls and chopsticks, you go back to your room to sleep, clean up the dining table, pots and stoves.

   This is much more comfortable than before getting married.

   At her mother’s house, if she wanted to eat enough, she had to go to the mountains to find food by herself, but at her husband’s house, she didn’t have these troubles. Whether she went to the mountains to find food was up to her.

  Lying on the bed if she didn’t want to move, anyway, the surplus food at home is still enough for her to eat for a while, let’s talk about it after eating.

  The boat will go straight when it arrives at the bridgehead.

   As for whether the rest of the Cui family are hungry or full, what are they doing to her?

  Xu Yin came to the kitchen after going to the toilet, leaned down and took a look in the water tank as a mirror, raised her head after a while, her face turned green.

  Why... so fat? The face is so big that it can compete with some of the millstones.

   Can't help but pinch this big face, the flesh on the face is thick. When he ate ginseng, he was only six years old, and now he is sixteen. How much has this body eaten in the past ten years?

Looking at the surplus grain in the cupboards and warehouses, the fine grains are almost at the bottom of the tank, and the coarse grains are not much left. It was enough for the whole family to last until the summer harvest, but the original body feels that the coarse grains are choking on the throat, so it is rare to be able to manage by yourself Make the decision, carry a bag of coarse grains to the town every once in a while to exchange for fine grains.

   In this way, how much surplus food can be left.

  It is only March in Yangchun, the spring plowing has just passed, and the harvest is early. No wonder Mrs. Cui wants to drive this daughter-in-law out, it is too expensive.

  Xu Yin stared at the rice vat and couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth.

have to! Let's make lunch first. This body is a big eater. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. Now you are already hungry.

  Just now I only had time to receive half of the plot in the room, so "people have three urgencies" had to come out first.

   Otherwise, it would be better for her to get some food from the system warehouse to fill her stomach first.

   Scoop a spoonful of rice, mix it with a handful of millet, and plan to cook a pot of multigrain porridge.

  Forget about cooking, there is only this little food left, if you can’t find good things on the mountain for a while, where can you find an excuse to get food?

   While sitting at the mouth of the stove adding firewood to make porridge, I also accepted the remaining half of the plot.

  The novel she wore this time was titled "The Nongmen Lucky Girl: The Koi Princess".

The hostess is Cui Qiaoqiao, a farm girl. In her previous life, she was sold to the king's stupid son as a child bride by a lazy and lazy sister-in-law. Xiang, whether it is extremely peaceful.

  She fights the best, abuses the scum, and loves her enemies;

  She avoided the tragedy of being sold in her previous life, and brought her relatives to make a fortune;

  She casually rescued a young lady, who turned out to be the sixth prince born out of the emperor's favorite concubine;

  From then on, the Nongmen koi leaped over the Dragon Gate, and she and the sixth prince joined hands to grow old and love each other for a lifetime...

  Xu Yin received the entire plot, her eyes straightened.

   What a coincidence!

  I am one of the targets of wits and revenge after the heroine Cui Qiaoqiao was reborn in the book—the lazy and bad sister-in-law who sold the heroine.

   Calculating the time, it seems that in the near future—my sister-in-law will be reborn!

   After rebirth, the first target of revenge is her!


  (end of this chapter)

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