The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 101: As a female partner, choose to farm (50)

  Chapter 101 Being a fine female matchmaker chooses to farm (50)

  In this case, he called Hu Qing and asked him how many fruits his plum tree had produced, and he wanted it all! After speaking, he was given a silver ticket.

  Hu Qing twitched the corners of his mouth: Buy the plums from the two trees in the front and back yards of his house, not so many!

"The general likes to eat it, and I will send you another basket tomorrow. Only my daughter-in-law finds it delicious with such a sour fruit. But the doctor said that because she is pregnant, the taste is different from ordinary people. As the old saying goes,' Sour man and hot woman'ah! Haha!"

  Something flashed in Yan Kejin's mind, and then he was ecstatic, patted Hu Qing and said, "Thank you so much! Remember to pick the ripe ones!"

   After speaking, he stuffed the bank note into his hand, hurried back to the mansion, and urged Nanny Feng to call for the manor doctor as soon as he arrived.

   "What's the matter?" Seeing him in a hurry, Xu Yin came out from the back room, "Why are you calling the government doctor? Are you sick? Or is it injured somewhere?""

   "My king is fine."

   "Why call the government doctor for nothing?"

   "We'll find out soon."

  Actually, Yan Kejin didn't know what to do.

  He has never been a father, so he doesn't know what symptoms a woman should experience when she is pregnant.

  It was only after hearing what Hu Qing said, that he suddenly thought: The princess likes to eat plums so much, maybe she has them?

   Waiting for the government doctor to check the pulse, he smiled and cupped his hands to say congratulations: "Congratulations to the lord! The princess is happy! Judging from the pulse, it has been more than three months."

  Yan Kejin felt relieved, and laughed happily: "Reward! In addition, the monthly money in this Yuefu is double, no! Triple!"

  Xu Yin finally realized that the drowsiness, acidophilia, and loss of appetite during this period were not caused by the heat, but because of the baby in her stomach.

  Nurse Feng was both happy and blamed herself, she slapped herself a few times: "I blame this old slave for not being careful! I didn't even realize that the princess's little life was overtime!"

   "It's none of Mammy's business." Xu Yin shook her head.

  Since coming to Yanguan, I don’t know whether it’s the acclimatization or some other reason, her menstruation is not on time, even she can’t remember it.

   "Where is the prince?"

   "My lord went to the study, and said he wanted to announce the good news to the Holy One."

   It's more than just good news! He also returned the five beauties who had not been out of Beijing for a long time back to Beijing.

  The report said that the princess was pregnant, and the ministers came to share the joy with the father. However, the conditions in Yanguan are not as good as those in Beijing. In order to help the concubine give birth to her first son safely, the emperor's kindness was accepted by the emperor, and the beauties were not accepted. Besides, there are not so many places in the mansion. Besides, Erchen is about to become a father, so it is important to save money to support his son, but he cannot afford to support unimportant people.

  The emperor read this letter that was not like a memorial, and the letter from home was not like a letter from home, and then heard from the guards that the five beauties were returned by King Jinnan the same way, he was very angry and funny.

   "Okay, okay! Since Mrs. Xu is pregnant with Jin'er's son, let's do this first!"

   When the Crown Princess heard the news, the teacup in her hand shattered to pieces: "How could it be such a coincidence? King Jinnan must be deceiving the Holy Majesty, right?"

  The nanny who served her said, "Maybe I'm really pregnant. After all, it's been three years."

   "Oh! Her luck is good!"

   "Princess! The princess is not good!" A little maid hurried in.

   "What's the point of yelling!" The nurse next to the princess scolded.

  The little servant girl knelt down and said: "The prince brought back five beauties."

  The five beauties who had just returned to Beijing were brought back to the palace by the prince.

   "Kang Lang..."

  That night, in the room of the princess, there were broken porcelain all over the floor.


  After Xu Yin became pregnant, Yan Kejin stopped letting her run outside.

   He asked someone to handle the matter of the underground river, and he must try to dig a way out and divert it into the customs before the plowing this spring.

  Xu Yin was able to settle down at home with peace of mind.

  But doing nothing would be boring, so she was responsible for drawing up the plan and asked Yan Kejin to find someone to implement it.

  Schools, workshops, shops...every family opened up.

   Recently, I have also started to tinker with movable type printing.

  Yanguan faction is thriving.

  The prince is acting like a moth again.

  He heard that his father rewarded his second child with five beauties that day, and he was very worried about why the second child had him. Looking at these five beauties again, each one was more beautiful and charming than the other, and he brought them all back to the palace with an itch.

   This made the princess so angry that she ran back to her mother's house.

  The grand master entered the palace to meet the emperor, and told the princess about the difficulty with his nose and tears.

  The emperor was also very angry when he heard the words. I rewarded the second child with beauties, but his backyard was empty and he had no children. Do you think there are not enough women in the palace? Being obsessed with women is not a good thing!

   Immediately called the prince and scolded him.

  At the end, the emperor sighed a long time: "Heng'er, you have to live up to it! I abolished Jin'er and appointed you as the crown prince. Don't let me down, let all civil and military officials be discouraged!"

  The prince came up with a plan on the way: "Father, it's not that I'm not up to date, it's that I'm depressed!"

   "Why are you depressed?"

"Dongyi is becoming more and more restless, making small moves at every turn. The people in several counties along the coast are often harassed by them, and life is hot. Every time I think of the torment of the people in Li, I toss and turn and can't sleep at night. The princess doesn't understand. He was always fighting with Erchen, and in a fit of anger, Erchen took those five beauties back, but my son didn't touch them, he was purely angry with the Crown Princess."

  The emperor heard that this was the case, and stopped talking about the beauties, and said about Dongyi worriedly: "These barbarians are invincible! Just like the previous Tartars, they are like cockroaches that cannot be killed!"

"Father, why don't you let the second brother try? He can subdue the Tatars and several foreigners without spending a single soldier. I think Dongyi is no problem. If the name of the Great General Megatron is released, maybe the Yi gang People ran away."

   This is the true purpose of the prince.

  Although others have been in Ruanxiang these days, they don't really care about everything.

  He knew in his heart that if he didn't get the second child down, the top spot under his father's **** might not be passed on to him steadily.

   No, a little beauty who slept last night was very angry when she mentioned Dongyi, saying that her parents died at the hands of Dongyi people.

   This gave the prince an inspiration.

  The sea is full of wind and waves, no matter how good the second child is in tactics, he can't compete with the Dongyi people who live by the sea.

  So, he urged the emperor to issue a Taoist edict to Yan Kejin.


  Xu Yin laughed angrily after hearing the imperial decree.

   This is seeing Yanguan being managed, and the harvest is coming?

   Pick it up, pick it up, at worst, go back to Nanman, after being out for so long, I still miss it.

  In Xu Yin's view, Yanguan is the place of work, and it should come to the border to work with the army.

  The real home is still in Nanman, which is the Jinnan Palace in the prefecture city of Baigui County.

  But there are those shameless people who didn't pick the fruits enough, and even kicked Yan Kejin to Donghai County, where war might happen at any time.

   Hey wait... Dongyi? Isn't that Japanese pirates?

   Fighting Japanese pirates is everyone's responsibility!

   Then you don’t need to burn your brain, just one word—“beat” and you’re done.

Xu Yin sneered: "I guess, the Dongyi people probably knew the reason why the Tatars, Ronghu, and Northern Qiang have good relations with us, and they might have sent spies to find out the news. The past two years have been making small moves, nothing more than If you want to get our attention, it is best to take the initiative to negotiate with them, so that they can take the opportunity to make demands. We are not as good as they want!"

  (end of this chapter)

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