The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1016: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of the lucky girl in the farm (11)

  Chapter 1016 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (11)

  Goudan led Xu Yin to the secret base where he collected firewood: "Look, Auntie in the lobby, the firewood here is dry, and you don't need to dry it when you pick it up, it can be burned directly."

  Xu Yin praised him a few words, but today she mainly came to look for castor beans and hemp seeds, and she was not in a hurry to collect firewood.

   She was going to continue walking in, but the dog egg grabbed her sleeve:

   "Auntie in the lobby, this mountain is not dangerous, but if you go further in, it will be a deep mountain, where there are man-eating tigers and wolves, you can't go there!"

  Xu Yin nodded, even if she wanted to go, she planned to go when she was alone, and would not take the three children to take risks.

   "I'll just search around here instead of going deep into the mountains."

  The three children searched together with her, muttering: "The small cones with thorny shells...where are they?"

  Tie Wa sighed: "It would be nice if it was bigger! I know the big thorn ball. There is a chestnut tree on the outskirts of the deep mountain, and the fallen chestnuts look like this before the thorn shell is knocked off."

  When it comes to chestnuts, the little guy is greedy, and the little mouth talks about the chestnuts that he picked up in the autumn of last year, roasting them by the fire, peeling the shells and eating them after roasting, which is called a fragrant fragrance.

  "Roasted chestnuts are nothing!" Huzi said, "During the Chinese New Year, my mother peeled the chestnuts and stewed them with the meat. That's delicious!"

  Tie Wa and Goudan glanced at the resentment: Wouldn’t it be delicious to stew with meat? you win!

  Xu Yin was delighted to hear that, and suggested: "Then take me to hunt chestnuts this fall, and I'll treat you to stewed chicken with chestnuts."

   Chestnut stewed chicken?

  The three children swallowed their saliva together, it tastes delicious just thinking about it!

  From this day on, they are looking forward to the arrival of autumn every day!

  The first thing I do when I get up early every day is to ask my family:

   "Mom, is autumn here?"

   "Dad, I feel so cold! Is it autumn?"

   "Grandma, it's so cold today, is it autumn?"


  The elders of the three families were speechless: "What autumn? Summer has just arrived, and the crops in the field are still green!"

   But at this moment, they didn't think so far, so they were very happy. It was great to come out to play with Auntie Yinyin! Chestnuts and chicken are eaten in autumn!

   Huh, wait—

   "Auntie in the lobby, I don't remember your family raising chickens!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Well, her chickens are lying in the system warehouse.

   "I plan to go to the town in a few days, catch a few chicks and bring them back to raise them. Will they be able to eat them after the Chinese New Year?"

   "Are there still chicks to catch?"


   If you don't have one, give it a change!

   A group of people chatted and looked for castor beans.

  The three children are responsible for looking for castor beans with obvious characteristics. In addition to castor beans, she is also looking for hemp seeds.

  Compared to the appearance of castor bean thorns, hemp seeds are not so easy to identify, but she remembers that chickens like hemp seeds very much, with a smell of oil, and the pheasants on the mountain should be the same.

  So, she not only looked for plants, but also for traces of pheasants.

   You may find hemp around the pheasant nesting or haunting.

  Look for pheasants, first look at the footprints, and second look at the feces.

   After careful attention, the pheasant nest was not found, but a wild boar nest was found. Eight wild boars, two big and six young, were eating yam eggs by the nest. Seeing humans, the leading boar turned around and attacked them.


  The three children's faces turned pale with fright, and their legs trembled.

   "Aunt Yinyin, let's run! The wild boar's tusks are so sharp that they can push out human intestines!"

   "It's too late!" Xu Yin hugged the three of them up to the tree one by one, "Hide in the tree, and you must hold on to the trunk. I didn't say not to come down the tree."

   "Auntie in the lobby, what about you?"

   "I'll fix them!"

Xu Yin threw away the pannier, stretched her sleeves, moved her wrists and ankles, and when the big wild boar rushed towards her with a stinking snort, she raised her foot and kicked the wild boar into the air. Then with a "bang", it hit their own nest, and four of the six wild boar cubs were smashed to death in an instant...

  The sow wild boar went mad, scratched the ground with her hind paws, and rushed towards Xu Yin ferociously, as if she would not stop until she was killed.

  Xu Yin turned around, went around its back, and kicked its ass.

  The big sow was caught off guard by the kick, staggered a few times, had no time to brake, hit the big tree trunk in front of her, and passed out on the spot.

  Xu Yin found out the hemp rope, **** the two wild boar cubs that were still alive, and then **** the stunned female wild boar.

   Only then did the three children get off the tree.

  The three of Goudan hugged the tree trunk and stared blankly. They didn't come back to their senses until Xu Yin called them.

   Trembling down the tree, they stared at each other, thinking: Uncle Meng Jin's wife is really, really amazing! He kicked the wild boar to death with one kick! It's even more powerful than the legendary **** that killed a wild boar!

   "Meng Jin's daughter-in-law—"

   "Dog egg—"

   "Iron Baby—"


   Entering the mountain pass, the voices of the parents of the three children came.

  The three children excitedly ran over to greet:

"We are here!"

   "Father, mother, why are you all here?"

   "Grandma, why are you here? Do you know that we have hunted wild boars?"

   "What boar?"

  A group of parents who went up the mountain were confused when they heard the words, and then nervously pulled them up and down to check:

   "Have you encountered a wild boar? Didn't you get hurt by a wild boar?"

   "Where is Meng Jin's wife?"

   "Father, we are fine! Aunt Yinyin carried us to a tree and hid us."

   "Auntie in the hall is fine, she is old! She kicked the wild boar to death!"

   "Yes! A big wild boar was killed with one kick! It also killed several small wild boars!"

  Everyone: "???"

   It wasn't until I came to the scene and saw wild boars that were dead, dizzy, or **** and screaming non-stop, that I really believed that Meng Jin's wife killed the whole litter of wild boars by herself.


  Everyone was so shocked that they lost their voices, and it took a while to find their own voices:

   "This, all these wild boars were solved by Meng Jin's daughter-in-law alone?"

   "Daughter-in-law Meng Jin, are you not injured?"

   "Daughter-in-law Meng Jin, you are too strong!"

   All the men in the village took a step back, and a thought flashed in their minds: Don't offend Meng Jin's wife if you offend anyone in the future! Such a big wild boar could be kicked to death by her. If it were a human being, it wouldn't be kicked to death.

Especially the few widowers in the village who have lost their wives and the bums who spend their days fooling around and can't marry a wife. Seeing that Meng Jin's wife was separated to live in an old house at the foot of the mountain, how could they not have thought about it, but After today, when these people see Xu Yin, they will hide as far as they can with their legs between their legs, they are too tough! Worse than a tigress. It's not that there are no widows in the village, so why bother with your own life!

  Xu Yin was surrounded by women, who asked her concerned if she was injured, why she was so strong, etc.;

  After the men were shocked, they made two stretchers out of the branches and rattans at the scene, and helped to carry the two big wild boars down the mountain.

  (end of this chapter)

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