The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1018: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a lucky girl from the farm (13)

  Chapter 1018 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (13)

  Early the next morning, Xu Yin just opened the door, stretched in the cool morning breeze, and looked down to see a pile of fresh pigweed lying at the gate of the courtyard.

  Was wondering, the trio of Goudan, Tiewa, and Huzi came with their baskets on their backs, and poured out the pigweed from their respective baskets as soon as they arrived.

  What else does Xu Yin not understand?

   Beckoned the three of them into the house: "Haven't you had breakfast yet? Eat at my place before going home."

   "No, auntie in the hall." Goudan scratched his head and said, "My mother is afraid that auntie in the hall will leave us for dinner, and let us go back after delivering the pig grass."

   "That won't work! After helping me, how can I go back hungry? Then I won't dare to ask you for help again."

  The three children looked at each other, their little expressions were indescribably entangled, to eat or not to eat, that was the question.

  Xu Yin didn't give them time to tangle, and urged them to wash their hands. After washing their hands, each of them stuffed a bowl of delicious mushroom and lean meat porridge, and a piece of multigrain cake.

   "In the future, if you help me weed pigweed, I'll eat breakfast here. Don't come here on rainy days. The road is muddy, and getting your shoes dirty is a small matter, and it's too dangerous to get stuck in the mud."

  Xu Yin told them.

  The three children happily agreed, and went back to tell their families that they were happier than them. This is equivalent to two baskets of pigweed for one breakfast!

  Even if it’s the wild vegetable steamed corn bread that cuts the throat and is bitter, it still saves the family a meal.

   Besides, after dealing with Meng Jin's daughter-in-law for the past few days, they understood it—she was definitely not a stingy person.

In the past, I always heard Cui shi wiping her tears and complaining that her daughter-in-law was lazy and greedy, and she could only get in and out. She thought Meng Jin’s daughter-in-law was so bad. Are you deliberately tarnishing Meng Jin's wife's reputation?

   Tut! Since ancient times, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and aunt-in-law have been at odds with each other. This is indeed true. I have never seen a sister-in-law, Cui Qiaoqiao, who deliberately discredited Meng Jin's daughter-in-law after the family split, saying that she was abducting and selling children in the village.

  Not only these three, but also the family who bought pork from Xu Yin yesterday, all of them unconsciously tilted their scales toward Xu Yin.

  Cui Qiaoqiao overheard such gossip, and was so angry that his liver would explode.

  How could her mother deliberately tarnish that woman's reputation? After she married into Cui's family, she was really lazy and greedy, and she was really bad! Who wronged her?

   Didn't work hard until the family was separated.

   Isn't it because the eldest brother didn't come back, she was the only one in the eldest room, who would do the work if she didn't work?

  As for being generous, it is also because of laziness.

  She didn't want to do the work, she threw it to Goudan and a few children, promising them a breakfast, anyway, no one saw what they ate, maybe half a wild vegetable bran.

  Cui Qiaoqiao angrily returned home with a basket of wild vegetables on her back.

  Cui Shi was collecting shoe soles under the eaves. Seeing her daughter's displeasure, she asked, "Who made you displeased?"

   "Who else!"

  Cui Qiaoqiao felt that she was right, and her mother was right, but outsiders didn't know the inside story, and instead blamed their mothers, the more she thought about it, the more wronged she became, and she complained with red eyes:

"Mr. Xu doesn't know which tendon is wrong. She acts generously and benevolently outside. Just for two baskets of pigweed, she treats the kids to breakfast. What about me and my little brother? I used to help her with laundry, cooking and cleaning the house." Let alone a bite of her food, she can't even say a good word. Yesterday she killed eight wild boars, and she would rather sell them in two places than send some home. You are her mother-in-law, and you are also a mother-in-law after the separation. With this character, outsiders still think she is good!"

   "Hey, let's just blame me!"

  Xu Yin held a piece of wild boar leg strung on a straw rope, and leaned against the courtyard gate of Lao Cui's house with a half-smile.

   "It seems that I came here by accident!"

  Cui's mother and daughter instantly felt embarrassed about being arrested for speaking ill of others behind their backs.

  Especially Cui, the girl hasn't talked about marriage yet, what if the hob meat daughter-in-law turns around and goes outside to say that her sister-in-law criticizes her behind her back?

  She stood up anxiously: "Boss daughter-in-law, what's the matter with coming here so early?"

   This is a little bit of nonsense, Xu Yin is holding a bright knife in her hand, didn't she see it?

Xu Yin didn't want to waste time talking nonsense with them, so she handed the meat to Cui Shi: "I went to town yesterday, but I didn't come when I came back late. Mom, I send you all the good things, as filial as I am Daughter-in-law, go out and inquire, how many can you find in the whole village?"

   Speaking of this, she glanced at Cui Qiaoqiao meaningfully: "Don't eat mine, and tell me behind my back that this is not good, that is not good, it is meaningless!"

  Cui Shi: "..."

  Cui Qiaoqiao stomped her feet in embarrassment and hid in the house.

   After delivering the meat, Xu Yin went home briskly.

  She is busy filling sausages, bacon, and sauce today.

  If I hadn’t stopped by and wanted to ask Huzi’s to order a plate of tofu, and then eat fried tofu soaked in stewed pork belly. I originally wanted Goudan to bring this piece of meat.

   But luckily she delivered it herself, otherwise I wouldn't have heard my sister-in-law complaining.

  After that, her bad reputation of being lazy, being unfilial to her mother-in-law, and treating her brother-in-law and sister-in-law badly was washed away.

   Whenever people in the village mention her, the first thing that comes to mind in the village is her great strength—kicking a big wild boar to death with one kick, what a mighty power it is!

  Secondly, I think she is filial. Whether she catches fish or game, she will send a copy to Lao Cui's house.

   How does Cui explain again: "The eldest daughter-in-law was really not like this before, it's only like this after the family is separated."

  People in the village are no longer biased.

"Qiuhua, even if Meng Jin's daughters-in-law became diligent and filial after they separated, that would be great! If those troublesome daughters-in-laws of my family become so filial after separating, I will find Li Zheng to preside over the separation when I go back. Home."

  "Sister-in-law Qiuhua, Er Ya is really good to you, and she will give you meaty food every now and then. If my daughter-in-law is so capable, I can make her my ancestor."

   "That's right! If Meng Jin's daughter-in-law is not called filial, I don't think we can find a filial daughter-in-law in Dawa Village."


  Cui's mouth is hard to argue.

  Cui Qiaoqiao was also aggrieved.

  Since Mrs. Xu killed eight wild boars, the women in the village looked at her in an indescribably strange way, and more than once they heard them say behind her back that she disrespected her elder sister-in-law and deliberately slandered her elder sister-in-law's reputation.

   But she was so angry, she was really wronged and couldn't complain.

  At that time, she was really worried that Goudan would be sold by the Xu family, because the woman had never done such a thing in her previous life, and she would rather delay her own business out of good intentions and run back to tell the three families.

  Who knew that woman really just brought the three of them up the mountain to collect firewood and wild vegetables.

   It's hard to tell!

Now when the elder brother comes back, the woman will definitely make a fuss when she sees her elder brother has a broken leg and is paralyzed on the bed. To find her own way.

   She waits! Waiting for the villagers to see her true colors!

  (end of this chapter)

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