The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1028: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a lucky girl from the farm (23)

  Chapter 1028 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (23)


  Xu Sanqiu couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

  He looked away in embarrassment, looked up, down, left, and right, but he didn't dare to look at the braised pork on the table.

  Xu Yin greeted the two of them to sit down, and then filled out the remaining rice in the pot.

  She likes to eat crispy rice. She just shoveled a piece of burnt and crispy rice crust for herself. The layer of soft rice on top is still in the pot, and it can barely hold two shallow bowls.

   "Father, Third Brother, I didn't know you were here. The rice is not cooked enough. You should eat it first, and I'll serve you a bowl of bone soup noodles."

  Cui Mengjin also said: "Father, third brother, you have walked all the way, are you thirsty? First drink a bowl of mung bean soup to moisten your throat, and then try Yinyin's stewed braised pork. This meat is best served with rice."

   Xu Mancang and his son: "..."

who are they?

   Where are they?

  What are they doing here?

   But after walking ten miles, the little wild vegetable porridge in my stomach has long been digested. It’s good that I didn’t see the big red meat, and I didn’t smell the meat.

  Xu Yin cooked a bowl of simple buckwheat noodle soup for each of them with broth as a base, blanched a few small green vegetables, sprinkled with a handful of chopped green onions, and it was done in a few minutes.

"Father, third brother, eat! You're welcome! Today I just went to the town and cut some meat. It couldn't last for a day, so I stewed it when I came back, so we started to eat it later than usual for lunch. .”

  Father Xu Mancang and his son no longer refused. They finished a bowl of noodle soup and ate another piece of braised pork. They were so satisfied that the pores on their bodies dilated.

  But they refused to eat the rice served to them.

   "Son-in-law, let's eat! We actually ate before we came."

   Speaking of this, the dark faces of the father and son showed the same blush, embarrassing.

   "By the way, Erya, why are you so thin?" Xu Mancang sized up the second girl and asked with a frown.

   Sanya was right, she was indeed so thin that she was almost out of shape, if she met him on the road, and Erya didn't call him, he really wouldn't be able to recognize him.

  Xu Sanqiu said quickly: "Erya, is it because your mother-in-law tortured you? Otherwise, how could you separate the family in a good way? And put you in this remote corner?"

   "Cough." Xu Mancang desperately winked at his stupid youngest son, who was sitting next to him. Aren't you embarrassing your son-in-law?

  Cui Mengjin smiled: "Father, it's okay. Speaking of this matter, it's true that the old Cui family didn't take it seriously."

"Father, I'm healthy and thin. That's not healthy!" Xu Yin changed the subject, "By the way, Father, we are planning to build a few adobe houses and we are looking for manpower. If you are not busy in the near future, come and help me , how can outsiders rest assured of their mother's family, right?"

   These words coaxed Xu Mancang into a smile, and immediately said that he would call a few more strong laborers when he went back.

   "Your cousins ​​and cousins ​​have nothing to do after the busy farming season. I'll call them here, and within three days I can help you erect your adobe houses."

   After finishing speaking, there is no longer any delay, and I rushed back to the village to call for help.

  Do those cousins ​​of Xu Yin dare not come?

   Thinking about how tough she was in the past, even if she asked them to bring their own rations, she wouldn't dare not help.

   Not only people came, not only brought their own rations, but also used a cart to push a few baskets of adobe bricks that they had dried themselves.

  Xu Yin didn't think of borrowing at first.

   Worried about not enough, these few days, Comrade Xiaojin and Comrade Xiaojin got up early and worked in the dark to build adobe until they saw the adobe bricks sent by their natal family, and their eyes lit up: yes! You can borrow it, or even buy it!

purchase? ? ?

   "No, no, no! This is what we play when we have nothing to do, and it doesn't cost money. You use it! Use it!"

   "Yes, yes, yes! Erya, you can use it! My kid is still getting married!"


  Who dares to take money from the sturdy Erya? Are you tired of living?

  Xu Yin didn't expect her natal relatives to be so sincere and enthusiastic, which was beyond her expectation.

  Based on the brief description in the plot, I thought that the original family would not like to see a married woman because of patriarchy.

   So far, it seems to be okay.

  Since everyone refused to take money, she put some effort into food.

   On the day the house was built, Cui Mengjin's leg injury was completely healed.

  As the male host, of course he has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of building the house, and he will not let the lady interfere at all.

  Before, there was no way to recuperate from his injuries. His wife did all the heavy work at home. Now that his legs are fully recovered, if he lets his wife do heavy work again, he will not be a man!

  Xu Yin couldn't even stop her.

Fortunately, at night when he was sleeping soundly, she quietly took his pulse. His leg injury was healed, and his body functions were almost recuperated through the healing of the injury. In the later stage, he would continue to follow up on the food, and his body would definitely be recuperated inside and out. Strong as a bull.

She had discussed with him in advance how to build the house. For example, the kitchen was built separately and not connected with the main room, so as to avoid the smoke; the main room was in the middle, separating the bedrooms and warehouses; , so the warehouse should be kept larger, and a small skylight for ventilation should be opened in the north and south; there is a bathroom in the back half of the bedroom, the floor is paved with stone slabs, and the drainage ditch is connected to the composting pool...

  In short, the general requirements of the three adobe houses are - open, bright and transparent.

  The bamboo and wood for the rafters have been found since they moved to the old house. They were cut down early and hung horizontally under the eaves. They have been dried to dry.

  Adobe bricks and foundation stones are also fully prepared.

  Cui Mengjin took the villagers and relatives who came to help to build a new house in full swing.

  Xu Yin was not idle either.

  She got up early to go fishing in lakes and ponds, catch shrimps, catch snails and raise them in the water, spit out the sand and make them for eating;

Going up the mountain after breakfast, although the luck is not as good as the koi sister-in-law, but she has a system warehouse, and if she can’t catch pheasants or hares, she just picks a pheasant from Taoyuanxing. The smallest Taoyuanxing pheasant can also catch Top two local pheasants and bring back stewed mushrooms; or directly ask the duck raisers in the village to buy an old duck stewed with dried bamboo shoots;

  Ask Huzi’s family to order a plate of tofu, process half of it into puffed tofu, add a few when stir-frying vegetables, the oily one is very good for rice; half of it is made into tofu mixed with shallots, and fried tofu with shiitake mushrooms.

  The people who came to help saw that there were both fish and meat, and the food was so good! The staple food is still cooked rice!

  Although there is only white rice at noon on the first day, and then two rice, multi-grain rice or coarse-grain steamed bread, but it is dry anyway, much better than thin rice porridge!

Goudan Dad and Tie Wa Dad are okay. I know that Meng Jin’s daughter-in-law often cooks these dishes to eat, but Xu Yin’s natal relatives are worried. Finally, will they be asked to spit out the food they ate?

   But such a good dish, I can't look forward to it during the Chinese New Year, and I will panic if I don't eat it.

   Simply close your eyes—if you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and you will worry about it tomorrow, so let’s talk about it after eating!

  Better be a full dead ghost than a starving soul!

   In this way, with the help of everyone, it really only took three days to erect the three adobe houses.

  (end of this chapter)

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