The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 103: The female matchmaker chooses to farm (52)

  Chapter 103 As a fine female matchmaker chooses to farm (52)

  At this moment, Xu Yin was very grateful that the bodyguard agency was opened by the Wangfu, and also fortunate that it opened early, and now it has developed into a criss-cross distribution, and the management is improving year by year. Otherwise, if so many supplies are transported to Donghai County at once, it may alarm the outside world.

  Her worries are really not superfluous, the princess has been sending people to watch her.

  When she was in Yanguan, the Crown Princess wanted to stare like this.

  It's a pity that under Yan Kejin's management, Yanguan is strictly guarded like an iron barrel. No matter how her people disguise themselves, they can only enter the periphery, and the core area of ​​Yanguan cannot get in at all.

  After leaving Yanguan, there was a chance to keep an eye on Yan Kejin and his wife.

  According to the informant, on the way to Donghai County, Princess Jinnan was still in the mood to visit the market, and she would stop when she saw any interesting stall.

The concubine finally felt relieved, and sneered in her heart: "It seems that she has not changed much from her previous life, she is still so brainless. What did she think she was doing when my husband went to the front line to fight against the barbaric Dongyi people? There is still a mood swing Playing with mountains and rivers. I really don't understand why King Jinnan likes her!"

  Thinking of this, she couldn't help but come to persuade the prince again.

  Although she didn’t believe the reason why the prince told the emperor to accept five beauties at once, she couldn’t stand the reason that the prince did what he did this time. It was really smart to lure King Jinnan to Donghai County and let the Dongyi people clean him up.

   Therefore, she selectively forgave the prince and took the initiative to reconcile with him.

   "Master, King Jinnan has led his army to Donghai County. According to reports from the spies, he brought a batch of strange weapons on his trip. It seems that he has no intention of negotiating peace with Dongyi. The battle along the coast of Donghai County may have already started."

  The crown prince smiled triumphantly: "It's good to fight! I hope the Dongyi people are braver and don't be so useless. My good second brother has been going smoothly for many years, and it's time to eat up."

  A few days later in the early court, before the emperor arrived, a group of ministers gathered to discuss the fact that General Megatron led his army to station in Donghai County to start a war with Dongyi, and they were not very optimistic about it.

   "I heard that all Dongyi people can swim and are good at water warfare. King Jinnan has been leading the army at Yanguan these years. I'm afraid it's..."

   "Why panic! King Jinnan is resourceful and resourceful. If you don't know how to fight, it doesn't mean you can't win the battle. You old man, before you start the battle, you will raise others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige."

   "You! What do you know, you civil servant! The old man said that because he has studied the terrain of Donghai County and the habits of Dongyi people, and he is worried about the Yan family army. If you have the ability, you can come up with an idea!"


   "The Holy One has arrived—"

  The emperor flicked Fochen, the **** serving in front of him, and stepped out. Behind him was the holy majesty in the bright yellow dragon robe.

   All the ministers hurriedly knelt down to pay their respects.

  The emperor frowned, looking preoccupied, waved his hands, and sat on the dragon chair.

  "You must have heard that Dongyi has become more and more outrageous over the years, frequently violating our Yanhua Sea Territory and disturbing innocent people in our territory.

According to the memorial submitted by the governor of Donghai County, since this year alone, hundreds of fishing boats have been harassed and plundered by Dongyi people one after another. fell into the sea and drowned.

  Zhen ordered King Jinnan to go to pacify the situation a month ago, and all lovers can express their opinions. Is it better to discuss peace or fight Dongyi? "

  The Ministers of Civil and Military Affairs began to discuss in a hurry, and they stood in two teams following the discussion.

   The first team supports the peace talks, and feels that the war is a waste of money.

   What's more, in the past few years, I have tasted the sweetness of negotiating peace with various ethnic groups outside the customs. I feel that the country and the country have no permanent enemies. As long as both sides benefit, no one wants to go to war.

   There is still a group of people who insist on fighting.

  Dongyi is different from the Tartars. The Tartars invaded Yanguan in the past, mainly to grab food, and they were willing to settle down if they ate them.

  But Dongyi’s movements over the past few years, it’s not just as if they didn’t have enough food to eat, they were obviously robbing for the sake of robbing, clearly bullying me, Yanhua. That being the case, why negotiate a peace? Do you think I, Yanhua, are easy to bully?

  In short, it is reasonable for a mother-in-law to speak to a woman, and it is reasonable for a public to speak to a public.

  The emperor was originally soft-hearted, otherwise a woman who would not be favored would do the same thing as the first queen died less than a year after the wind blows on the pillow. After the crown prince was changed, he drove the son-in-law to the Nanman fiefdom, which was also due to the pillow wind.

  At this moment, after listening to this side, I feel that this side is right. After listening to that side, I think that side makes sense.

   For three consecutive days, no charter was discussed.

  On the fourth day, people from both parties in the court hall were still arguing over the two issues of "negotiating peace" or "going to war".

   "Report—Dongyi once again invaded the waters of Donghai County. Our Yan family army annihilated Dongyi's invading enemy army in one fell swoop, showing our country's prestige and showing our army's face!"

  When everyone present heard this, their jaws dropped in shock.

  Before I saw that the news came in a hurry, and I was worried that the Yan family army had lost the battle, and Donghai County rushed to ask for help. Unexpectedly, they won the battle.

   Huh, wait? Is King Jinnan sure he will start a war instead of discussing peace?

  The emperor was also full of doubts, so he summoned the soldiers to come forward and explain in detail.

  The little soldier was so excited that he didn't know how to place his hands and feet, but when he talked about how the Yan family's army wiped out the enemy, how to pull up the line of defense, and how to gather the defenders to train for sea combat... he was very happy.

"...The warship was bigger and more majestic than the ships of the Dongyi people. It was equipped with cannons. As soon as the Dongyi ship entered the sea area of ​​Yanhua, the general waved his hand and signaled: Fire! An iron ball flew out of the barrel immediately. , landed on the Dongyi people's boat and exploded with a bang, the skin of the Dongyi people was ripped apart... The shells hit the enemy one after another, causing Dongyi to lose six large ships at once, while our side was intact..."

  The emperor and the ministers under him seemed to understand, but they didn't seem to understand.

   "What is artillery? Is it a newly invented weapon by King Jinnan?"

   "It's no wonder King Jinnan started fighting without saying a word. It turns out that there is this **** to help. God bless me, Yanhua!"

   "I heard that King Jinnan invented a lot of weapons in Yanguan these years. They were originally intended to deter foreigners such as Tartars and Ronghu, and they didn't want to use them on Dongyi people."

   "Haha! Now let's see if Dongyi dares!"

  Most of the courtiers showed happy and gratified smiles, except for the group of people standing next to the prince.

  Yan Keheng was also at the top, first he was shocked, did the Yan family army win the battle? How can it be! That's maritime combat, Dongyi's field is good at, how can the second child also be good at it?

   Then his face gradually sank.

  I used to think that as long as his good second brother doesn't get in the way of him in Beijing and stays in the Nanman fiefdom, he can still be a harmonious brother on the surface.

   But now, he can make such a big noise in Yanguan and Donghai County, attracting the attention of the courtiers, what about the future? Are you going to fight back to Beijing to regain his crown prince?

No! Can't keep him anymore!

  Yan Keheng had a fierce look in his eyes, thinking fiercely.

  (end of this chapter)

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